However, the expected blood did not appear, Taoshi's face turned ugly, this blow, he was actually empty?!

No! Momoshiki quickly realized that the attack was not empty, but that Uchiha Xiao had just ignored his physical attack!

Momoshiki did not believe in evil and continued to launch physical attacks on Uchiha Xiao. However, without exception, every attack failed to cause an effective attack on Uchiha Xiao!

It was as if the Uchiha Xiao in front of him was just a phantom.

But Momoshiki could clearly sense that the Uchiha Xiao in front of him was a real entity!

"Ah! Uchiha Xiao chuckled:"The clown.""

After saying that, Uchiha Xiao waved his hand, and a Shinra Tensei blasted towards Momoki.

Momoshik reacted very quickly, and also hit back with a Shinra Tensei.

The two forces collided, and the majestic air flow exploded in the middle. Momoshi reacted very quickly and fired back a Shinra Tensei. Shiki looked at Uchiha Xiao, the coldness in his eyes was very obvious:"Earthling, why do you have the power of Ishiki, tell me!"

Perhaps because Uchiha Xiao is stronger, Momoshi no longer calls him an inferior creature, but directly calls him an earthling.

Uchiha Xiao smiled slightly and said:"Oh, that guy, 04 he begged for mercy before he died. Picture, I really hope you can see it too"

"Actually, it was you who killed me!"

You know, they and the top management of Otsutsuki all thought that Isshiki was killed by Kaguya, but the reality was even more difficult for them to accept.

Isshiki was actually killed by a native of the earth! What if? When word reached Otsutsuki's base camp, there was a huge quarrel?!

"How did you get the power of Ishiki?"Momoshi continued to ask.

Uchiha Xiao raised his eyebrows:"Call me father, and I might be able to tell you."

Seeing that Uchiha Xiao didn't answer and humiliated him, Momoshiki became angry instantly:"You guy......"

"call out!"

A black rod penetrated Uchiha Xiao's head and pierced deeply into the ground in the distance.

Uchiha Xiao sneered:"No need to test, I am the power of God."

Momoshi was about to explode with anger. With the power of our Otsutsuki clan, he actually mocked us in turn!

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao cast a look at Madara. Madara was stunned for a moment, and then understood. What happened

? As a playmate since childhood, Madara knew Uchiha Xiao's plan from Uchiha Xiao's look.

Madara shook his legs and walked to the side of Jinshiki.

"What do you want to do?!"Jinshi was alert when he saw Madara coming.

But even though he was alert, he couldn't do anything now. After all, he was just a victim now.

"It's nothing, just taking care of my defeated generals."Madara sneered and touched Jinshi's shoulder with his hand.

Jinshi was very confused. He didn't understand what Madara was doing. Madara neither attacked him nor used chakra. What was the purpose of touching his shoulder?

Uchi Bo Xiao saw Madara approaching Jinshiki, and then showed a conspiratorial smile to Momoshiki. Momoshiki was shocked and felt something bad in his heart, just when he wanted to fly over to rescue Jinshiki.

I saw Uchiha Xiao suddenly took out a smoke bomb and threw it to the ground hard


The smoke bomb exploded instantly, and the thick black smoke seemed to be swallowed up by a giant beast.

"Hey, idiot!"Taoshi was disdainful in her heart, can the mere smoke block the perspective of my white eyes?...It actually works!

This smoke bomb is the smoke bomb developed by the Scientific Research Department of Akenonin Village. It can isolate transparent objects. It is the result of Amado's research!

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

Momoshi quickly launched the Shinra Tensei, directly clearing away all the surrounding black fog.

However, Momoshi's action was still too late.

At this time, there was nothing in front of him. Uchiha Xiao, Uchiha Madara, including Otsutsuki Kinshiki, All three living people disappeared.

On a piece of snow in the Land of Snow, Uchiha Xiao, Madara and Kinshiki suddenly appeared.

"Snow country?......"

Madara couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief:"You are still as spirited as ever, Xiao."

Uchiha Xiao shook his head. He looked at the stone beside him. On the stone was engraved the"Sword of Ninja Love" flying thunder technique.

"Thanks to the art of Flying Thunder God. Uchiha said with a smile.

Madara was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement:"Although I don't like this guy Tobirama, I have to admit that he is indeed a genius."

Uchiha Xiao also agrees with this. This kid Tobirama is indeed a genius. As long as he has enough chakra, with the convenience and powerful expansibility of Flying Thunder God, he has surpassed many Otsutsuki's abilities. Many Otsutsuki's teleportation abilities

, There is an"on" forward swing. Although these teleportation abilities can be connected to any other space, they are not as fast as the Flying Thunder God.

Therefore, the Flying Thunder God's technique can really surpass or even surpass many Otsutsuki's abilities.

"Where have you taken me?"Jin Shi was incompetent and furious. He looked at the surroundings of the ice and snow, and was horrified in his heart.

Almost in an instant, he came from the volcano to the ice and snow. Such a teleportation ability was unheard of!

Uchiha Xiao glanced at him:"This is your burial place"

"Are you going to kill me?! Kill my words! The Otsutsuki clan will not let you go!"Jinshi shouted, with anxiety on his face, but also a trace of disdain.

Uchiha Xiao looked indifferent:"Oh, killing one is killing, killing two is killing. I even dare to kill Otsutsuki Ishiki. , you are a little slave, why should I not dare?"

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Jinshiki fell silent. Uchiha Xiao was right. He dared to kill even the noble Ishiki, and he wouldn't care about killing one more. What

Uchiha Xiao is very curious about now is why Momoshiki He Jinshi found the Earth so quickly. If we go by the plot, it should have been more than 20 years later in 553.

Even if there is the so-called butterfly effect, it shouldn't be that far in advance.

Unless, there is A huge variable.

Uchiha Xiao thought about it, and soon thought that this variable was probably Otsutsuki Ishiki.

Uchiha Xiao rolled his eyes, and then put on a mocking face:"So what if I kill you? The Otsutsuki clan is far away in the sky, the emperor is far away, how can they still know?"

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Jinshi sneered, but didn't say anything. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) What

Jinshi didn't know was that Uchiha Xiao just relied on this voice With a sneer, it was already confirmed.

Uchiha Xiao was sure that there must be a device in Otsutsuki that could know which clan member was dead and which clan member was alive in real time.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Xiao regretted killing Ichiki so quickly.

Killing one move undoubtedly accelerated the contact with the Otsutsuki clan, which was very inconsistent with Uchiha Xiao's plan. Uchiha

Xiao expected that the moment Otsutsuki arrived ten or twenty years later , countless chakra cannons aimed at the sky directly blasted them to pieces.

Uchiha Xiao wanted to use the power of technology to defeat Otsutsuki's attack, but now it seems that this extravagant wish cannot be realized. Since

Otsutsuki cannot be stopped When the wood attacks, speed up and catch them off guard!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Xiao's eyes glowed with a strange red light.

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