The screen slowly zoomed out. On a planet very far away from the earth, a group of people dressed in white gathered together.

"We have something big to tell you today!"A man with a pair of white eyes stood on the rostrum.

This is the high-level meeting of the Otsutsuki clan. The nobles of the Otsutsuki clan are holding regular regular meetings.

Everyone heard that the host said it was an important matter, and their hearts were filled with excitement. I'm a little nervous. After all, the Otsutsuki clan is a carefree existence in the entire universe and rarely hears about important things.

"There's good news and there's bad news."

An old man with a bandage covering his nose said in a low voice:"Oh, you're still pretending, let's hear the good news first."

"The good news is that there is finally information about the Earth where Ōtsutsuki Isshiki and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya live!"The host said loudly

"oh? Any news at last?"

"What are these two people doing after more than two thousand years?......"

"They won't really elope as rumored, right?..."

The nobles of Otsutsuki were already very confused before. There was no news at all for more than two thousand years, and even the fruits and chakra of the sacred tree were not handed over on time. This made the nobles angry and confused.

Some people have even begun to wonder whether Yi Shi Yi Yi Hui 04 Ye eloped to the earth and never came back!

The old man chuckled and said,"When that brat Ishiki comes back, I'm going to ask him if he's really lying in the gentle land of that maid, Kaguya?"

Then the old man turned his attention to the host:

"So, what's the bad news?"

The host said:"The bad news is that Yi Shi is dead."

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent, as if it had fallen into a vacuum.

In the meeting, countless vague eyes glanced at the old man with a bandage covering his nose.

The old man looked at the host, with a pair of bright red reincarnation written on his face. The wheel eye reveals infinite murderous intent:

"New style, you say it again, what’s the bad news?"

Xinshiki swallowed his saliva:"Otsutsuki Ishiki's nameplate was broken."

In the Otsutsuki clan, in order to timely observe the situation of Otsutsuki when he is away from home, each Otsutsuki has his own nameplate on the planet. If the nameplate is still there, it means he is still alive. If the nameplate is broken, he is dead.


The old man burst out with an unparalleled momentum. Some of the people around him were frightened, some were gloating about his misfortune, and some were calm.

"Kaguya, that cheap maid!"The old man's face was ferocious, and his facial features were almost twisted together.

Otsutsuki is dead in one move, and then Otsutsuki Kaguya is not dead. What does this mean?

Everyone present, including the old man, thought that it must be Kaguya who can't bear his own death. , killed Ichiki, cultivated a sacred tree using Ichiki as nourishment, and then swallowed the fruits of the sacred tree.

Such things have happened to Otsutsuki many times over the years.

As for why nothing happened in the intervening two thousand years , and no one knew it.

At this moment, Otsutsuki, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly said:"Wushi, be quiet."

When the old man heard this, his Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times, and finally he said helplessly:"Yes, Master Shenshi. Ōtsutsuki

Kamishiki tapped the table with his finger, and then said to Mu Shiki:"Just send Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, Ōtsutsuki Mokurashiki, and Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki to the earth. Are you satisfied?""

Wushi nodded. The three Otsutsuki were considered to have given him face. Although

Kaguya had eaten a fruit, his realm was there. If the three Otsutsuki took action, Kaguya would definitely be able to catch it..

So Wu Shi had no objection to Shen Shi's arrangement.

Shen Shi looked at the report in his hand, and Yi Shi's death made him feel a little uneasy.

At this time, Shen Shi suddenly said:"Let's add one more, I think something is wrong...Ghost style, you go too."

At this time, a figure appeared in the shadow. He was as thin and slender as a ghost, which matched his name.

The ghost agreed respectfully, and then disappeared into the darkness.

The meeting ended, and on the bleak wilderness , the four of them stood together.

Momoshiki and Urashiki couldn't help but look at Onishi, why did this guy come too?!

You know, Kaguya is just a maid. To capture a maid, as for letting Lord Kamishiki's guards take action ?

"Onishi-sama, what should we do next?"Momo Shiki asked.

Oni Shiki's voice was very gloomy:"Catch Kaguya back, and then replant the sacred tree on the earth!"

The three people heard the words and agreed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the earth, the former Kirigakure Village still continues its name, but now, Kirigakure Village is just a simple city Unit.

The current head of Kirigakure Village is Uchiha Obito.

According to him, he brought the cruel rule of the"blood mist" to Kirigakure, which directly and indirectly led to the death of tens of thousands of people. He is now in charge of Kirigakure Village just because he wants to atone for his sins.

Obito has indeed fulfilled his duties. In more than a year, Kirigakure Village has become a place second only to Akenonin Village in terms of development. Although there are also sea transportation The reason for its development, but the most important thing is that it was led by Obito.

Sitting in the former Mizukage office, Obito glanced at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Now there are many high-rise buildings in Kirigakure Village, and the people are living and working in peace and contentment. Blood Mist It has not been ten years since the war ended, but when the villagers recall that time, they feel as distant as a poem.

"Not bad, done."A voice appeared from behind Obito.

Obito turned his chair and looked over, and saw Uchiha Xiao standing at the door of the office.

"Xiao, why are you here?"Now Obito's tone is much calmer than before, and his whole person has become a bit like Kakashi.

"I've come to see you for something, and I'd like to lend you your eyes."Uchiha Xiaohao stated his purpose without concealing it, and his eyes had changed into the mode of"Uga no Soul Control".

Obito said without hesitation and without hesitation:"Okay"

"Are you so willing to agree?"Uchiha Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Blood-red eyes appeared in Obito's 900 eyes:"These eyes only brought disaster to the ninja world, and their birth was only due to my twisted mind at the time."

As the saying goes, the Sharingan is a reflection of a person's soul, and so is the ability of the kaleidoscope.

Hollowness and divine power, these two, represent Obito's inner escape psychology.

Faced with the kindness of his master and mother, he chose to escape, Facing the clan and village that raised him, he chose to escape. From the day Lin died, escape lasted throughout his entire first half of his life. His first half of life was just like these eyes. Apart from escape, the rest was It brought endless pain to the ninja world.

Obito looked at Xiao:"Is the ninja world going to be in crisis again now? That red light that shot into the sky before was also caused by you, right?....."

Uchiha Xiao nodded.

Obito looked at the documents on the table:"The enemy is so powerful that even you have to improve your strength, so I think this eye is more suitable for you."

"I'm very happy that you think so. You're right, the enemy this time is much stronger than Kaguya Otsutsuki."Uchiha Xiao told the truth, and then walked towards Obito

"I hope you can use my eyes to bring light to the ninja world."After saying that, Obito wanted to reach out and pluck his eyes off.

Uchiha Xiao said:"No need to pluck the eyeballs, it's too bloody."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Obito's hand movements stopped.

He saw Uchiha Xiao walking over directly, and then looked into Obito's eyes.

"The soul of Yujia! seal up!".

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