A few days passed, and Tsunade got used to living in this palace. She felt that she had not been so relaxed in a long time.

The last time she was so relaxed was decades ago. At that time, neither Naoki nor Dan was dead, and Jiraiya and Orochimaru were also her capable partners. Now...

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Xiao who was dealing with government affairs. Uchiha Xiao felt the sight and responded with a teasing look.

"snort!"Tsunade's face turned slightly red. These days, she had felt Uchiha Xiao's fighting power, which made her a little afraid of tonight, but at the same time, she was also looking forward to it.

Tsunade stepped forward and helped like a good housekeeper. Tsunade handles government affairs.

Not to mention, Tsunade became proficient as soon as she got started.

The Third Generation also deliberately trained them in the direction of Hokage, so Tsunade has a certain amount of experience, and she is also talented. Smart."Nine Nine Three" With Tsunade's help, all the heavy government affairs were solved in one morning.

Tsunade stretched out:"Do you have to deal with so much every day?"

Uchiha Xiao replied:"The new country has just been established, so there are naturally many problems. Moreover, there has never been such a regime that unified the ninja world in the world, and everyone is not used to it."

Looking at Uchiha Xiao's face with a glimmer of light, Tsunade couldn't believe it. Was the bloodthirsty and hateful Uchiha Xiao before really Uchiha Xiao?

Uchiha Xiao had a big hand. With a swipe, he threw the pen on the table, and he basically handled all the major government affairs. Uchiha Xiao left the rest of the trivial matters to the chiefs he dispatched to major ninja villages. Uchiha Xiao Xiao is not afraid that they will enrich their own pockets or have selfish motives.

Uchiha Xiao has given them enough rewards and used the Uchiha Forbidden Technique on them. They will not and do not dare to betray Uchiha Xiao.

He walked towards the huge office building The floor-to-ceiling windows are located at the top of the entire village. From here, you can overlook everything in Mingnin Village.

Looking at the prosperous village, Uchiha Xiao murmured in his mouth:"Finally we can start......."

Tsunade heard Uchiha Xiao muttering to himself:"Start? Start with what?"

Uchiha Xiao just said to Tsunade:"Come here first."

Tsunade was a little suspicious, but still walked over obediently.

Uchiha Xiao took Tsunade's hand, then used Flying Thunder God, and the two of them disappeared into the office.

Tsunade opened her eyes and found that she had arrived at a clearing.

Tsunade recognized that this open space was also part of the palace. The open space was very vast, as big as a football field.

Uchiha Xiao shouted into the darkness:"Come out!"

I saw a huge figure slowly walking out, a strong man.

"Who is this?"Tsunade was a little confused, but she still felt a strong aura from this strong man.

Uchiha Xiao said:"This is one of the people in the world who I have collected huge chakra in order to install the Rinnegan."

Tsunade looked at the strong man's stupid eyes and couldn't help but frowned.

Uchiha Xiao knew what Tsunade was thinking and said:"Don't worry, I won't fall to the same level as Orochimaru and Danzo. This guy He's a death row prisoner."

After hearing what Uchiha Xiao said, Tsunade felt a little relieved.

Now Tsunade almost guessed what Uchiha Xiao was going to do. She looked at Uchiha Xiao:"Why did you wait until now to resurrect her?"

If Tsunade has the same obsession as Uchiha Xiao, she will probably go directly to Uchiha Xiao on the day the war ends. So it stands to reason that Uchiha Xiao should have resurrected Rena long ago. That's right.

Uchiha Xiao looked up at the sky:"Because, I don't want Reina to see a broken ninja world. I want her to see that her brother has completed the dream we imagined together when we were children."

"I want Reina to stop running for peace in the ninja world. She just needs to enjoy the peace I bring her."

Uchiha Xiao's tone was unprecedentedly gentle, and Tsunade even wanted to exchange identities with Rena. The strong man opened his empty eyes, and Uchiha Xiao directly stuffed two Rinnegan eyes into the strong man's eyes. In the eye sockets.

In an instant, the evil aura and chakra unique to the Rinnegan emitted.

After confirming that there was no problem, Uchiha Xiao slapped the ground with both hands.

"Psychic art!"

A transparent crystal coffin rose from the ground, and sleeping inside was none other than Uchiha Xiao's sister, Uchiha Reina. It was also the first time for Tsunade to see Reina. The first moment she saw her, she couldn't help but Exclaiming"So cute!"

The skin that can be broken by blows and the thick and raised eyelashes really don't look like a corpse. It's as if this girl was laughing and laughing just now, but now she's just tired and fell asleep.

"of course! She is my sister!"Uchiha Xiao said quite proudly, and then, Uchiha Xiao's eyes showed unprecedented tenderness. 0..

"Reina, I have realized your dream."He stroked the crystal coffin, and even Tsunade trembled when he heard the gentle voice.

As he spoke, Uchiha Xiao unsealed the coffin, and the coffin board was opened.

Looking at Reina who seemed to be sleeping, Uchiha Bo Xiao thought, and then, the strong man behind him began to form seals with his hands. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The art of reincarnation!!"

A Yama with a samsara eye rose up from the ground. He opened his bloody mouth, and strong green light shot out from his mouth, hitting Reina's body.

The green light flourished on Rena's body, and Uchiha Xiao His eyes widened. Although he knew that the result would definitely be gratifying, he still couldn't help but raise his heart.

Tsunade seemed to be infected by Uchiha Xiao's emotions and clenched her hands nervously.


The strong man fell to the ground. Two guards appeared in time, recovered the strong man's Samsara Eye, and carried the strong man's body away.

Soon, the green light on Reina's body disappeared.

Uchiha Xiao did not dare to do anything. He could only stare at her, but at this moment, Tsunade stepped forward and said,"Let me check her pulse."

Uchiha Xiao nodded quickly. Seeing Uchiha Xiao's anxious look, Tsunade couldn't help laughing.

Putting her fingers on Reina's slender wrist, Tsunade felt it. Soon, Reina's pulse point appeared. With a slight beat, Tsunade's pupils opened:

"There's a pulse!"

Uchiha Xiaozai 3.0 couldn't help it. He leaned forward and looked at Reina's little face.

It seemed to be the telepathy between brother and sister. Reina's eyelashes trembled. After a second, Reina slowly opened her eyelids. Open your eyes.

When you open your eyes, you will see two big faces, one is your brother, and the other, who is it?

"elder brother?"Reina called out with some doubts, her voice was soft and a little confused.

Uchiha Xiao's heart melted when he heard Reina speak. How many years has it been since he heard Reina call him?

Uchiha Xiao opened his arms and Rena hugged her into her arms. Although Reina was a little confused, she still patted Uchiha Xiao's back with her small hands:

"Brother, don't cry. If you cry, Reina will be sad too."

With that said, Reina stretched out her little hand to wipe away the tears from Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

Uchiha Xiao took out the hug and stretched out her hand to touch Reina's head:"Reina, welcome home!".

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