Samyi's expression instantly changed to one of shock.

If this has always been the case, does it have to be right? Samyi had never thought about this problem before.

She pondered for a while, seemed to have caught a breakthrough, and immediately shouted:"This mechanism has been experienced by the ninja world for thousands of years. It is the accumulated experience of the ancestors. It can be changed wherever it can be said!"

Uchiha Xiao said disdainfully Said:"The family structure of the Warring States Period has been maintained for thousands of years. According to your understanding, the Warring States Period was better than now?"

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Samyi's expression froze. Samyi himself was a civilian. , if she were allowed to go back to the Warring States Period, she might not even be able to become a ninja.

Uchiha Xiao's words also reminded her that it was never right.

Samyi frowned, knowing that he could not defeat Uchiha Xiao, and then immediately changed the subject:"What does this have to do with you wanting our seal scroll?"

"Of course it does! My goal is to stop this unequal relationship between ninjas and civilians! Uchiha Xiao said loudly.

Samyi frowned:"What are you going to do?""To be honest, Samyi is a little interested in Uchiha Xiao's theory.

"Collect the powerful ninjutsu of all countries and weaken the world's ninjas!"Uchiha Xiao said this.

Samyi said:"However, this approach is very limited. There are still a large number of ninjas who can cause trouble to the hometown just by relying on the three body skills."Sam Yi saw through the essence of this move at once.

Uchiha Xiao replied:"You are right, if you just weaken the ninja, it is meaningless."

"You mean, improving the strength of civilians? How is that possible?"Samyi retorted subconsciously.

In her eyes, people without ninja talent are only as strong as the Iron Country warriors. How could they smile with Uchiha Xiao and stop talking? This is Cha The disadvantages of carat are that it not only brings great power to people, but also limits the development of human beings.

Think about the last life, the earth in the previous life did not have any extraordinary power, but human beings can use their brains to create the strongest Weapons, nuclear bombs.

The power and destruction of nuclear bombs are far superior to all the techniques in the ninja world.

Technology is Uchiha Xiao's vision for the future of the ninja world. Once a nuclear bomb passes, it doesn't matter which Otsutsuki you are, you will not be bombed. Even if you die, you have to be poisoned by nuclear radiation.

This is the reason why Uchiha Xiao did not kill Orochimaru and left a mark on Orochimaru.

But these Uchiha Xiao were too lazy to tell Samyi, Uchiha Bo Xiao said lightly:"You don't need to understand this, I have my own way."

Isn't it funny to talk about technology with these old and rough ninjas?

Sensing Uchiha Xiao's contempt for him, Samui didn't dare to vent his anger.

"Hurry up and take out the seal scroll, my patience is limited."Uchiha Xiao sat on the sofa, his expression already a little impatient.

Seeing this, Sam had to take out the seal scroll in a hurry and handed it into Uchiha Xiao's hands.

From then on, Yunyin Village There is no more inheritance of thunder escape armor and black thunder.

Samyi sighed deeply.

Uchiha Xiao took a rough look at the contents of the seal scroll, and then looked at Samyi:"Believe me, soon , you will be able to see peace in the ninja world, which has been people's long-cherished wish for thousands of years."

After saying that, without waiting for Samui's reaction, Uchiha Xiao used the Flying Thunder God Technique and left.

The same scene happened simultaneously in the five major countries. Except for Konoha, the other three countries were all left by Uchiha Xiao's clones. Execute.

After everything was done, the scrolls of the five great ninja villages were placed in front of Uchiha Xiao and Obito.

As for how to achieve peace in the ninja world, Uchiha Xiao told Obito the plan without concealment.

Obito He was stunned:"Is it so troublesome?"

We have to reduce the strength of ninjas and increase the strength of civilians to achieve some kind of reconciliation, and we also have to develop those obscure technologies.

He didn't expect Uchiha Xiao's plan to be so complicated and meticulous. He felt Obito's irritability In his mind, Uchiha Xiao explained:"Peace can never be achieved once and for all, that's why Infinite Tsukuyomi's lies are so ridiculous."

"Moreover, this action is not difficult. With my strength, the entire ninja world can only obey my words. All the above must be completed very quickly."Uchiha Xiao continued.

The so-called concentration of efforts to do big things, the power of the entire ninja world is gathered together, and the execution will be terrifyingly efficient.

As in the plot, the technology of the five major ninja villages developed independently, until Boruto There were just more places to eat, drink and have fun.

But now that Uchiha Xiao rules the ninja world, he can guarantee that he can reach the level of technology in Boruto's era in one year and the level of the earth in his previous life in three years. We can get there!

Listening to Uchiha Xiao’s decisive words, Obito couldn’t help but become convinced.


A ball of fire fell on the five seal scrolls. Uchiha Xiao had no regrets about this. On the one hand, it had to be done. On the other hand, he also memorized all the techniques in the scrolls.

Soon, a few days later, the news that Uchiha Xiao defeated the ninja coalition and became the master of the ninja world spread throughout the world. The news in the ninja world was not transmitted very quickly, and many people even did not believe it..

But soon, the joint statement of the five major countries came out. The five major ninja villages recognized Uchiha Xiao's takeover of the ninja world, and the territory of the entire ninja world merged to form a new country. The

Kingdom of Ming. (Watch the storm. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Obito asked Uchiha Xiao the meaning of"明", Uchiha Xiao's answer was:

"All the places illuminated by the sun and the moon are my soil!"

The news that Uchiha Xiao ruled the ninja world and established the"Land of Ming" was like a bomb, detonating the entire ninja world.

Some people were happy, some were sad, some were angry, and some (Nuoli Zhao) were crazy!

However, no one Dare to go to Uchiha Xiao. Everyone knows Uchiha Xiao's strength. Even the Five Shadows can't defeat him, and others don't dare to have any ideas.

Therefore, although there are complaints from various places, there is no unrest. , even the bandits and road tyrants did not dare to make mistakes, for fear of upsetting Uchiha Xiao, the god of death.

And Uchiha Xiao also announced in this bleak autumn that he would build the largest building at the former site of the original Konoha Village. The Ninja Village.

All the secret techniques of the Ninja World are stored there, and the world's resources are concentrated there. Even all the rights are firmly in the hands of Uchiha Xiao. In the center of the Ninja Village is a huge The palace is the symbol of the pinnacle of power.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Xiao became the king of the ninja world and the overlord of the planet.

Uchiha Xiao also won the title of"Meiou".

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