His brain was spinning rapidly, and he quickly realized that Uchiha Xiaojiao had learned the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Although Shikaku couldn't believe it, it was the truth.

Uchiha Xiao had just used the ability of the human world to extract information about the Flying Thunder God Technique from Minato's mind, including Minato's insights and improvements.

Uchiha Xiao's talent is just as Senju Hashirama said, so terrifying that it makes people jealous~!

In less than a minute, Uchiha Xiao had already mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique to a great extent.

You know, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu is an S-level difficulty ninjutsu. It took Minato several years to master the Flying Thunder God. You can imagine how incredible Uchiha Xiao's talent is.

Shikaku had no choice but to throw down the Akimichi Dingza in his hand and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Tentacles of Shadow!"

The shadow condensed and launched a torrential attack on Uchiha Xiao.

Uchiha Xiao's arms kept flying in the tentacles, easily and effortlessly, as if it was a dance that had been rehearsed countless times.


At this time, two flying thunder god kunai suddenly flew out and flew to both sides of Shikaku.

Shikaku's face changed suddenly. Between the two flying thunder god kunai, which one was Uchiha Xiao going to teleport to?

Shikaku's face changed suddenly. racking his brains, countless countermeasures and possibilities appeared in his mind, and the shadow tentacles were also probing in the direction of the two kunai....

"Wrong guess~"

A voice suddenly appeared in front of him, Shikaku raised his head suddenly, and Uchiha Xiao's figure appeared in front of him.

Uchiha Xiao did not choose to teleport to two flying thunder god kunai, but directly used powerful With such speed, he instantly appeared in front of Shikaku.


However, Uchiha Xiao did not see the panic look on Shikaku's face. He only saw determination and relief on Shikaku's face.

"Shadow Gathering Technique - Black Web!"

The tentacles of the shadow suddenly stood up high, and then directly enveloped Shikaku and Uchiha Xiao, forming a huge black net.

And inside this black net, there were countless detonating talismans and detonating talismans. It was already burning and was about to explode soon.

Uchiha Xiao looked at the densely packed detonating talismans around him and admired sincerely:

"I admit, you are very smart, you are the smartest ninja I have ever seen."

Shikaku didn't speak. He closed his eyes. Even Uchiha Xiao's evaluation of him didn't make any ripples in his heart.

"It's just a pity that if you have strong power, and this power matches your IQ, maybe even I will shy away, haha......"

Uchiha Xiao was talking to himself, seemingly unaware that the detonating symbols around him were about to explode.

"So, farewell, Nara Shikaku, the wisdom of the ninja world."After saying that, Uchiha Xiao used the Flying Thunder God to escape from the black net.

The next second, a fierce explosion detonated the black net, and the thick black smoke and fire swallowed up the surrounding area.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Looking at this purgatory-like scene, he looked calm and raised his sword finger.


Uchiha Xiao used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to the battlefield.

"Why did it take so long?"A Xiao Uchiha stood bored on the broken ground, turned around and said to the Xiao Uchiha who had just arrived.

And in front of that Xiao Uchiha stood a very embarrassed Obito.

"Say goodbye to them."

After saying that, Uchiha Xiao had a thought in his mind, and the Uchiha Xiao who fought with Obito turned into a piece of wood. Obviously, he was another wooden clone.

Obito's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he could easily crush him. Uchiha Xiao turned out to be just a ridiculous wooden clone.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Obito, to be precise, he looked at Obito’s bright red Mangekyo Sharingan.

Feeling Uchiha Xiao’s aggressive With his eyes, Obito was so cowardly that he disappeared with Kamui.

Uchiha Xiao didn't bother to care about this guy. Although he was a little bit greedy for Kamui's ability, it was just greed. For Uchiha Xiao, Kamui was just a handy tool..

Even if it is gone, it is not such a pity.

He came to the army of dirty soil again. He breathed a sigh of relief. All the troubles were solved, and he could finally seal these damn guys quietly.

"Seal - Heavenly Defying Array!"

"Seal - Heavenly Defying Array!"

Bursts of blue light bloomed on the battlefield, and the dirty soil army was sealed one by one by Uchiha Xiao.

When he walked in front of Itachi, Itachi suddenly raised his head and asked:"Uchiha Xiao, what would you do if it were you? ?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uchiha Xiao knew what Itachi was asking, and his expression was very indifferent:"It's simple, just kill all the senior officials of Konoha."

"So what if you were me, not that strong. Uchiha Xiao stared into Itachi's eyes:"

It's still the same, kill the top leaders of Konoha.""

Itachi raised his head and looked at Uchiha Xiao, who continued:"Do you know what your stupidity is? That is a miscalculation of Konoha's strength."

"At that time, the Uchiha clan had two people with the Mangekyo Sharingan, you and your father. If I were you, such strength was simply not something that Konoha, who was in the dark at the time, could withstand."

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"Not to mention that there are many people in the clan who have the Three Magatama Sharingan. Itachi spoke up:"

I have thought about this too, but even if the coup succeeds, the strength of the Uchiha clan will inevitably be weakened. By then, the Hyuga clan, Ino Shikacho and other aristocratic families will definitely not obey us. The entire Konoha clan will definitely not obey us." , it will become a purgatory!

Uchiha Xiao snorted twice:"This is why I am different from you. Haven't you noticed that your words are all leaning towards Konoha? What happens to Konoha? What does Konoha do?"...However, in my opinion, what if Konoha becomes purgatory?!"

"It would be better for the Uchiha clan to be weakened than to be completely slaughtered! As long as the Uchiha clan is intact, I don't care about the flood in Konoha!"Uchiha Xiao said coldly. He was very unhappy with Itachi.

In his opinion, Itachi was completely brainwashed by the so-called will of fire, otherwise he would not have done such a stupid thing.

Itachi did not finish his words. Let Uchiha Xiao seal him.

Finally, Uchiha Xiao walked in front of the two Senju brothers.

Uchiha Xiao first looked at Tobirama, he took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai, inserted his finger in the ring and placed it on Tobirama. His face wandered:

"Tobirama, your technique is very useful"

"snort!"Tobirama snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Then, Uchiha moved his eyes to Hashirama.

Hashirama's face was very calm:"Is the enemy you mentioned strong?"Hashirama looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki again.

Uchiha Xiao nodded:"Powerful, the kind that can destroy the ninja world with a snap of a finger."

"Is this so?..."Hashirama's head dropped for a while, and then he raised it again:"Then, the ninja world and Xiaozuna will get rid of you."

Uchiha Xiao:"???"Why are you suddenly talking about Tsunade?

However, Uchiha Xiao didn't pay too much attention. He formed a seal with his hands and sealed them on the ground with a heaven-defying magic circle.

Kaguya walked up to Uchiha Xiao and said,"Master Xiao, where should we go now?"

Uchiha Xiao looked at the dirt reincarnation seals all over the place and said,"We still have to find someone to untie the dirt reincarnation seal, otherwise if It would be too troublesome for someone to unlock these seals."

Uchiha Xiao thought, and a weak chakra wave appeared in the distance. Uchiha Xiao quickly captured it, and then ran towards Shi in that direction..

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