"That’s it, I-style maid, I admire your courage."

Hearing Uchiha Xiao call her maid again, Kaguya's brows almost knitted together.

Kaguya squeezed her hand without hesitation, and in an instant, all the Ashes killed Uchiha Xiao together.

Uchiha Xiao Always showing an indifferent expression, he rolled a few times and dodged all Kaguya's attacks.

Uchiha Xiao landed steadily, and then stretched out his fist to aim at Kaguya

"Earth explodes and stars explode!"

Uchiha Xiao did not launch the large-scale Earth Explosion Sky Star because it was too slow.

Soon, as the technique was completed, countless rubbles quickly gathered towards Kaguya, wrapping Kaguya in one second.

But this is naturally of little use to Kaguya. After all, Kaguya was trapped on the moon before. This small stone ball is naturally not a problem for Kaguya.

With the explosion of chakra, Uchiha Xiao's earth explosion The sky star was broken, but Uchiha Xiao didn't care about it. He was just testing it a little bit.

Kaguya's light blue hair spread quickly, and then countless hair strands shot towards Uchiha Xiao like a thousand books.

"Rabbit hair needle!"

Uchiha Xiao shook one hand, and instantly, a red light flashed out, and a"sword" with a red light appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand.


The Jia Sword is one of the 250 Sharingan powers obtained by Uchiha Xiao. The sharpness and hardness of this sword are the best among all the swords that Uchiha Xiao has ever seen. Moreover, it can follow the habits of the caster. , changing its own shape.

Kaguya's pupils shrank, this burst of red light was the same as the technique performed by the Otsutsuki clan! Obviously, Uchiha Xiao's strength can be ranked high even among the Otsutsuki clan. Facing the rain-like attack of rabbit hair needles, Uchiha Xiao faced the difficulty. He waved his arms quickly, and the sword turned into dense red lights, blooming in the air.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

All the rabbit hair needles were cut off, and Uchiha Xiao's figure was extremely fast, almost teleporting in front of Kaguya.

Kaguya opened his eyes, and a powerful Shinra Tensei burst out.

However, Uchiha Xiao It seems that Kaguya's attack has been guessed. The moment Kaguya launched the Shinra Tensei, Uchiha Xiao also launched the Shinra Tensei at the same time.


Two powerful airflows collided together, and finally, the airflow quickly exploded in all directions. For a moment, the earth cracked, sand flew, and the majestic and sharp breath even scraped the reincarnated bodies of the dirty soil into pieces.

Zhu Ma looked solemnly at the battle between Uchiha Xiao and (cfdj) Kaguya, and murmured in his mouth:"Is this really the ninja world we are familiar with?......"

He would accept it if he couldn't beat Uchiha Xiao. After all, he had never beaten him since he was a child, but this seemingly ignorant woman was actually so strong when she exploded with strength.

And from the few words she had with Uchiha Xiao just now, we can know that Kaguya's strength is not too strong among the Otsutsuki clan.

Before long, the ninja world will also welcome three strong men from the Otsutsuki clan.

"This ninja world is full of disasters......."Thousands of thoughts turned into this sentence in Zhujian's mouth

"Big brother......"Tobirama looked at Hashirama, he knew that his eldest brother was an idealist and would definitely be very unhappy that this was about to happen.

After the two Shinra Tensei, Uchiha Xiao directly launched a physical attack on Kaguya

"boom! boom! boom!"

The fist was waved out quickly, making bursts of air explosions.

Kaguya looked ugly, and could only barely dodge with the passive ability of the Rinne Sharingan.

However, Kaguya's combat experience was really worrying, like a A little girl who picked up a rifle on the road.

The little girl knows how to shoot and aim. She can indeed get the effect of killing unarmed ordinary people.

Uchiha Xiao also owns a rifle, but he himself is a A well-trained soldier, not only capable of dealing with little girls, but also powerful crushers!

Sure enough, within a few rounds, Uchiha Xiao used a feint to trick Kaguya, and then punched Kaguya. face door


Kaguya let out a sweet drink and flew backwards.

Uchiha Xiao stretched out his arm, and a powerful suction force appeared from his hand.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Then Kaguya felt a strong attraction, and her body flew towards Uchiha Xiao involuntarily.

Looking at Kaguya flying quickly, a black stick appeared in Uchiha Xiao's other hand.

Seeing this Kaguya naturally wouldn't sit still and wait for death. She saw the Rinne Sharingan on her forehead emitting a strange light.

"Huang Quan is better than Liangban!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next second, a black hole appeared out of thin air in front of Kaguya, and Kaguya got into it.

Soon, the black hole closed, and Huiye The breath of night also dissipated instantly.

Uchiha Xiao sneered, his strength was not that good, but he ran quite fast!

Tobirama also laughed disdainfully, the speed of this black hole was much slower than his Flying Thunder God Well!~

Uchiha Xiao was not in a hurry to find Kaguya, because he knew that Kaguya would not escape just like that. Because in Kaguya's eyes at this time, Momoshiki and the three were about to come, and it would not be possible to create White Zetsu time again. That's enough. Besides, White Zetsu's combat power is also worrying.

Now, Uchiha Xiao, a powerful person who has eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, is in front of him. How can Kaguya not absorb it?!

So Uchiha Xiao He simply chose to stand where he was, because he knew that Kaguya would definitely attack!

So, Uchiha Xiao waited for Kaguya's attack while sorting out Kaguya's abilities in his mind.

If he were Kaguya......Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but frown, because with such an imagination, it was not an easy challenge for Uchiha Xiao to lower his combat IQ to the same level as Kaguya.

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao slowly spit out a word from his mouth:"Tianzhizhong."

Almost as soon as Uchiha Xiao finished speaking, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and he came to a place where there was ice and snow.


The cold wind was whistling with the snowflakes, and Uchiha Xiao also felt the sudden drop in temperature.

Kaguya was floating in the air, and the surprise on her face did not fade for a long time:"You! Why do you know my next moves!" Obviously, she also heard what Uchiha Xiao said.

Uchiha Xiao chuckled:"I guessed it."

Kaguya's vigilance towards Uchiha Xiao became even higher, either because Uchiha Xiao's Rinne Sharingan has the ability to see into the future, or because Uchiha Xiao's combat intelligence is extremely high.

Either way, it would be very difficult for Kaguya.

Kaguya didn't test Uchiha Xiao again. What she should do at this time was to quickly defeat Uchiha Xiao here!

Uchiha Xiao did not form any seals, and slammed his hands on the ground.

"Ice Escape - White Whale!"

A huge white whale made of snow suddenly appeared and slammed into Kaguya. Kaguya ignored the white whale. When the white whale was about to hit her, her body disappeared into the ice and snow.

"Natural integration!".

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