Returning to the college dormitory, Ares sent a message:"Christine, after today's duel, I found that I still have many shortcomings. Is there any way to improve my mental power?"

Christian said:"Sir, the improvement of mental power It's quite difficult, but I have some ideas. You know focus and flow?"

"I know focus, but what does flow mean? Ares asked

"Flow refers to the flowing consciousness of the mind. The mind here is compared to a river. When you enter this state, you can feel the natural flow of your inner spirit."Christine said

"Can you explain it with another example?" Ares asked curiously.

"Sir, last time I told the story of the Buddha in the Three Thousand Worlds. This time I will tell another story. I hope it will be helpful to you. In the three thousand worlds, there are all kinds of wonders. There is a country that is good at playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and seal cutting. People in that country call these arts. People who create art are called artists, and they are also called the people closest to God.

These arts were brought to our Dark Yuan Continent (Light Continent) by their power tens of thousands of years ago.

In layman's terms, when reaching a state of flow, people instinctively do not want to be disturbed, which is also called resistance to interruption. It was a state of total selflessness. Because of the extreme concentration, the energy of the whole body can be mobilized in the flow state. When you do what you love, you are not only efficient, but you can also experience a great sense of joy and forget the passage of time." Christine continued to explain

"You're saying that as long as concentration and flow reach the extreme, a magician's mental power can grow rapidly, right?" Ares said

"Yes, sir, as far as I know the best way to improve your spiritual power is to carve stone tablets. When I was young, I used to climb rocks with my bare hands to improve my mental strength. I have many footprints on the peaks of the Snowy Mountains in the Sky Empire. It is also my favorite way to exercise. I entered the Saint level at the age of 120, and it took me another 300 years to reach the realm of the Undead God."

"You have to reach the saint level at the age of 120," Ares said doubtfully.

"Your Majesty, the level of a magician depends on personal qualifications. Some magicians with low qualifications are stuck at level 4 or level 6 throughout their lives, and there are many magicians with high qualifications who are stuck at level 8. Being able to reach level nine as a great magician can lead to a lifespan of over 300 years. I have indeed lived for a long time, and I feel ashamed.

With your talent as an adult, if you work hard to improve your spiritual power, you should be able to reach the ninth level of great magician before the age of 30. Entering the Saint level depends on luck, and the road to the strong is lonely," said Christine.

"Oh oh, I understand, then I have to work hard. I'm going to the college library, thank you for your guidance, Christine," Ares said.

"No need to be polite,"Christine responded.

Ares came to the Royal Academy Library

"Hello, Mr. Herbert! I'm here to return the book. I've finished reading"Live in the Mainland Battlefield". I came here this time to find a book about seal cutting," Ares said politely.

"Return the book, right? Press the bookmark to return it to the bookshelf. Seal-engraved books are on bookshelf No. 76, row 425, on the third floor, all on the middle three floors."Herbert, the seventh-level earth magician said

"By the way, boy, oh no, Ares, can you tell me what your teacher Helena likes? She didn't like anything I gave her before, I don't know what happened," Herbert whispered.

"oh~?!"Ares let out a long sigh.

Herbert, the seventh level of the earth system, is looking forward to some tips from Ares.

"I don’t know, I’ll ask myself," Ares responded.

"You can ask yourself, what should I ask you to do? Go, go, leave me alone, you brat," Herbert said slightly angrily.

"First, don’t be cowardly. Second, be strong and sincere. Third, you must be mentally strong. The fourth point is emotional control," Ares said calmly.

"You brat, I don’t know this? I have read more books than you have walked," said Herbert.

"To put it simply, you want Teacher Helena to see the sparkle and attraction in you. If you have neither, forget it." After Ares finished speaking, he went upstairs. The seventh-level earth magician He Bert said to himself:"You brat, when we were fishing that day, I realized that I am not even as good as you. Now it’s okay, I still have to be shy and ask you for advice. Who did your kid learn this bad attitude from?"


Bookshelf No. 76, Row 425

"I found it, this is the Chronicle of the Zulong Dynasty. Ares said to himself.

As soon as he arrived on the first floor of the library, the administrator Herbert was standing here waiting for Ares.

"Boy, wait a minute, the strength you are talking about is money? I have a lot of gold coins." Herbert's voice sounded.

Ares shook his head and gestured with his fist.

"Are you talking about raising the magician level? asked Herbert

"If you can reach the ninth level as a great earth magician, you have an 80% chance of catching up with our teacher Helena," Ares said with a very sure look.

"I have reached the ninth level as a great earth magician. What do I want? Are you kidding me for fun?" Herbert, a seventh-level earth magician, rolled his eyes.

"Level 8 is fine too. I'm leaving first. Goodbye, Mr. Herbert." Ares ran away and could no longer stroke his beard.

Looking at Ares's back, Herbert said to himself:"Yes, that's right. Eighth-level earth system, it seems that I have to retreat. Whoever you like can do this job."

Returning to the dormitory, Ares opened the Chronicles of the Zulong Dynasty. As expected, most of them are in seal script, and there are also corresponding translations in white characters. It reads roughly like this. :"In the past, the Zulong Dynasty was a powerful unified dynasty, with books and texts and cars running on the same track. It lasted for more than ten years, but eventually the country collapsed due to the corruption of ethics. What a pity! There was a prime minister in the dynasty who was especially good at seal carving. Someone with good intentions will record what he said and compile it into a document that will be passed down to later generations. Those who are fond of seal cutting can keep improving on the basis of this book and find good fortune.』

"Christine, I found the seal-engraved book. I don’t know what kind of knife I need to use to carve the stone tablet," Ares said.

"For ordinary stele carvings, you can use a hammer and fine iron chisel, but that will not have the effect of tempering your mental strength like stone stele carving. If you want to carve it with one hand, you need to use a meteorite chisel dagger made of meteorite iron." Christine responded.

"What is meteorite? Ares asked

""Have you seen the meteors from the sky? The falling stones are meteorite, also called black iron," Christine said.

"Your Excellency, you can go to the Imperial City Arms Shop to inquire. If not, you can only go to the Free Trade Castle, one of the three holy places in the capital of the Dark Empire, where you can find everything." Christine responded


Early the next morning, Ares arrived at the largest weapons foundry in the south of Dark Angel City.

Various weapons are displayed on the weapons display racks in the yard: broadswords, spears, rapiers, spears, strong bows, hard crossbows, black iron shields, two-handed swords, blunt swords, heavy swords, scimitars, curved blades, Knight's sword, knight's gun, etc.

Ares was dazzled by the sight

"Dear magician, I don’t know if there is anything we can do for you in this store." The burly clerk said, taking a look at the Royal Academy magic robe worn by Ares.

"I wonder if your store has weapons made of meteorite? Ares said calmly

"You mean meteorite? Lord Magician, please take a rest. I will go and inform our forger, Mr. Roderick."

The lobby of the weapons foundry

"Sir, here comes a young magician from the Royal Academy, looking for meteorite weapons. I don’t dare to make the decision, please make the decision," the burly boy said.

Seeing that a big deal was coming, Roderick, the forger of the weapons shop, had a beard. He put down the teacup in his hand and walked quickly to the front hall.

"Lord Magician, my name is Roderick. I don’t know where I can help." Caster Roderick said with a smile.

"Mr. Roderick, does your shop have fine iron chisel daggers for carving?" Ares asked.

"You mean the refined iron chisel dagger?"The foundry master Roderick said, fearing that he heard wrongly, so he had to confirm again. After speaking, he gave the man a fierce look.

"Yes, let's take a look first," Ares said.

However, the customer is God. Roderick, the forger, originally wanted to say that if you want fine iron chisel daggers, you can just find a man.

"Yes, 1 gold coin a handful, bring it here," the forger, Roderick, said to the clerk a little impatiently.

Ares took the fine iron chisel dagger, looked at it, nodded and said,"Follow this, make it. How many gold coins does a meteorite chisel dagger cost?"

"oh? Sir, do you need the same meteorite iron chisel dagger?"The foundry master Roderick became interested. The man next to him wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ares's words.

"A meteorite chiseled dagger of the same size would cost 1,000 purple gold coins," said the foundry Roderick.

"1,000 purple gold coins? Ares asked

"Master Magician, do you have any questions?" Caster Roderick asked

"As long as the chisel blade I carve is made of meteorite, I don’t need the handles," Ares said, thinking to himself:"It’s so expensive, I can’t afford it, I have to find a way to make some money."

"If you want to chisel the knife, you only need to add meteorite the size of your little finger, and the magician only needs to pay 40 purple gold coins," said the forger Roderick.

"Don’t know how long it will take to make it? Ares asked

"A small engraving chisel, a few hours is enough," Roderick the Bearded said.

Ares gritted his teeth and took out 40 purple gold coins. This was a trophy given to him by Vulcanna, and it was also most of his money.

"The magician is happy, I will take the materials and cast it for you. Man, make another pot of good tea for Mr. Magician," the forger Roderick said after taking the purple gold coin.

Ares sipped the tea while waiting. He asked the man:"Last time I met a horse thief, I took my weapon with me. The short blade is broken. Can you give me an extra short blade? It just needs to be strong."

The clerk said cheerfully:"This is simple, I can make the decision. You go to the yard and pick one. They are all made of fine iron." He also got a lot of rewards for earning a big deal for the store.

Ares chose a short blade half a foot long. The clerk said:"Mr. Magician has a good eye. This can be sold for 1 gold coin and 50 silver coins.""

"Thank you very much," Ares said.

Three hours have passed, and Ares has been pacing back and forth.

"Lord Magician, I have cast the meteorite iron chisel dagger you need, please accept it," said Rodrick the Bearded Beard.

"Find a slate and try it," Ares responded.

"The stone slab under your feet, you can try it as you like," Roderick said.

Ares drew a few random drawings, and it turned out to be sharp, far beyond the ordinary fine iron.

Just after leaving the house, a conversation came from the weapons shop:"I said, man, you are very sharp. Not bad, after making a business, it will expand? Isn't a short blade money in your eyes? Just give it away as you say, and it will be deducted from your bonus this month.""Yes, sir. I won't dare to do it next time.""


The next day, the Royal Academy Library

"Hello, teacher, I'm looking for the librarian to call Mr. Herbert," Ares said politely.

"Herbert said he was going to retreat. If you have any questions, you can contact me. My name is Kevin, a level 6 dark magician." The tall and thin male teacher responded.

"I originally wanted to ask Mr. Herbert where our college students usually practice earth magic. Since he's not here, I'll come back next time," Ares said.

"The daily magic practice of the students of the college is on the hill on the west side of the college. Anyone who has reached level five in any department can go there," said the tall and thin male teacher Kevin.

"Thank you, Teacher Kevin," Ares responded.

When he came to the west side of the academy, he saw a warning sign at the foot of the mountain: The Royal Academy is the center of magic practice. Newcomers should be careful before entering.

"This classmate, I guess you are from the Department of Light. Do you want to go to the mountain?"A sixth-level dark warrior looked at Ares and said

"My name is Ares, I want to find some stones and slates to practice seal carving," Ares said calmly.

"Oh, I remembered, it must have been you in the fighting field yesterday. I didn't expect that you were already a fifth-level light magician at such a young age. When you defeated that boy from the lightning system, I happened to be passing by and saw him," said the sixth-level dark warrior.

"Yes, I don't know if I can enter" Ares asked

""Okay, there is no problem with level five strength. Students above level six are basically going to the Dark Mountains in the northern part of the empire for trials," said the dark warrior.

"I wonder if the Dark Mountain Range is as big as the Phantom Beast Forest? Ares was curious and said in his heart:"Mr. Arch Druid Yaers, it seems that he didn't mention this place.""

"Of course it's not as big as the Phantom Beast Forest. There are many mountains like the Dark Mountains on the mainland. It's probably one-twentieth as big as the Phantom Beast Forest. The Dark Mountain Range has various types of monsters ranging from level 1 to level 8 at most, making it a pretty good place for testing."The dark warrior talked eloquently.

"I've been taught a lesson, thank you for sharing the information." Ares went straight towards the path under the hill.

At this time, the dark warrior came from behind and said to himself:"I really can't figure it out. That kid is just letting magic go without practicing. What seal cutting? Want to be an artist? Is it so easy to become an artist?"


Arriving halfway up the mountain, I saw two fifth-grade students of the earth system practicing the fourth-level earth system magic 'Earthquake'.

Ares stepped forward and said,"Hello, classmate, are there any stone walls on this hill? Big rocks are also fine."

One of the short earth students said,"Go to the top of the mountain. There is a large, neat and smooth stone wall there. I heard from the earth department teacher that the dean used the ninth-level dark magic - 'Devil's Smile' to cut it out. It is an extremely hard slate stone. It is placed on the top of the mountain for students from all departments to practice the fifth and sixth levels. Used for body attack magic"

"I wonder if I can carve on the stone wall? Ares asked. He thought to himself:"I haven't reached fifth grade yet, so I don't know if I can come.""

"Of course, as long as you can move the sculpture," the short Earth student said cheerfully after listening to Ares's words.

"I want to try it," Ares responded.

"Don't be brave, this classmate," the short earth-type classmate even advised.

Ares marveled at the strength of the ninth-level dark magician. The book records that sapphire stone is the hardest stone in the dark continent. Go directly to the top of the mountain, After carefully counting the sapphire stone walls more than two meters high, there were more than thirty pieces arranged in a semicircle. A stone tablet next to it said: 'Single Magic Practice Training Ground.'

Ares said to himself:"I'm afraid even a ninth-level warrior wouldn't be able to cut such a stone wall so smoothly." He cast several first-level magic 'Arrows of Light' instantly, splashing several sparks without leaving any traces. Instantly cast the second-level magic 'Arrow of Light'. The spear left a trace.

After chanting the spell, white light lit up and two sharp blades formed."X"shape, spinning and impacting towards the stone wall. Sparks flew everywhere, and after the fourth-level lightsaber slash dissipated, a small piece of lapis lazuli fell.

"It's really hard, comparable to level five earth magic. Ares frowned and muttered to himself.

As he said that, Ares picked up the meteorite chisel dagger and tried it. A scratch was visible immediately. He thought to himself:"When can I have a meteorite chisel dagger?" Weapons would be great, but a meteorite chisel knife costs 1,000 purple gold coins. I can’t even think of a meteorite weapon for the time being."

Take out the 'Records of the Zulong Dynasty' and turn to the most difficult seal carving chapter. It records:"The most difficult seal carving is not plane carving, but seal carving. For example, the seal carvings used by princes, generals and ministers are daily. Seal is the best example."

Ares understood that it was not just to carve the seal characters on the stone wall with scratches, but to make the seal characters stand out like a big seal. In this way, one can imagine, The difficulty has increased several times.

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