It took a long time to prepare the soup, and Wensi Tofu might not be sold at noon. Jiang Yan thought for a while and walked to the blackboard to add a note.

(Sold for dinner)

This undoubtedly makes the diners who come for lunch very sad.

Why is this even preheated?

New dishes have been written, but we can’t eat them. How can we bear this?

"Brother, your boss is too bad. He only sells it in the evening and writes it now to warm it up. This makes us feel heartbroken for those who can’t eat it!"

"That’s right, can’t they be sold at noon?"

When the first batch of diners came to the store to eat, they didn't think it was expensive when they saw the Wensi Tofu priced at 388 a portion. Instead, they clamored to order more.

When Jiang Yan set the price, he was still hesitant about whether to order it at such an expensive price, but the cost was too high. As expected of a state banquet dish, the production time and cost are very high for the chef.

He is a businessman, not a charity.

The dishes that should be expensive are expensive, and there is nothing the diners can do if they think it is expensive.

"Guest, Wensi tofu is complicated to make. It takes four hours to make the soup, not including the production time, so we can't make it during the noon business hours."

"Let's get some chicken with pickled peppers"


It's not even 11 o'clock yet, and the hall is already filling up one after another. All of them are ordering in advance and want to avoid queuing.

By 11 o'clock, there is already a queue at the door.

"Please, the door opens at 11 o'clock. If I come here at 11 o'clock, there will be no seat?"

A man wearing a fashionable motorcycle coolly brought his girlfriend to the Haozai Lai Hotel. As soon as he walked to the door, Wan Siqi told him that the store was full and they needed to queue up, which immediately broke his guard.

Wan Siqi had nothing to do, the guests We all know that it opens at 11 o'clock, so we all come in advance to order and wait.

"It's okay, just wait, we came early, we should be here soon."

The girlfriend shook the motorcycle man's arm and told him not to be angry.


The seemingly fierce man was soothed in an instant, and he shook his head like a big dog.

Wan Siqi laughed at her own description.

As time passed, the guests in the hotel were all in full swing. While eating, the ubiquitous fragrance of the air spread everywhere.

More and more people were queuing up at the door.

Just when the motorcycle man was waiting impatiently, a man passed him and looked like he wanted to jump in line.

"Hello, do you want to jump in line?"

The motorcycle man stopped the man with an unkind look, and asked a surprising question in the most polite tone.

For a moment, all the people in the queue looked over.

It seemed that they had seen such a polite person talking to someone who jumped in the queue.

"No, I would like to ask if I can still eat if I am in line now? There will be no food left at 1 o'clock."

It's obvious from the man's words that he is a regular customer. Compared to the new customers who know nothing about it, he even knows what time he wants to come and stops taking orders.


Seeing that he didn't want to jump in line, the motorcycle man gave up his position.

Although his words were polite, his expression and attitude were as if he would start a fight if he disagreed, which was full of threats.

Wan stood at the door waiting to mediate the conflict. Siqi put a smile on her face and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that there would be no more conflicts.

The people in the crowd who were waiting to watch the show were also silent. They really used the softest words to ask about a fight.

"You can still queue up now, but if the kitchen runs out of ingredients, we will be notified that we will no longer be taking orders."

The man who got back obediently returned to the end of the queue and started queuing up.

In the kitchen, Jiang Yan didn't have time to continue making Wensi tofu until all the dishes ordered during the noon business time were finished. Not to mention that he had finished this dish, he didn't even eat it. I have eaten it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No, I should say that I have never seen it.

The soup base that has been stewed for four hours has been completed. While Li Xia is filtering, Jiang Yan will prepare it. Chop the chicken breast into minced meat, soak it in water to make the soup.

Then pour the filtered soup into the pot, heat it to about 80, stir it gently in one direction with a spoon, and then gently stir it in one direction. Pour in the prepared chicken sautee, heat it slowly over low heat, wait until the chicken clumps and floats, and the soup becomes clear, filter it with gauze, and you will have a pot of perfect clear soup. It looks like boiled water, but the bottom of the pot The residue can tell you that all the materials used are good.

One sip will make your tongue tremble!

Looking at the complexity, Li Xia secretly smacked his lips, 388 is cheap!

But he understands that the restaurant opened by the boss is on the roadside A home-style restaurant without high-end decoration and service, and may be criticized for selling high prices. Now it is building up a reputation step by step. When the place is renovated and opened in the future, it will take the high-end route of a large restaurant, and it will not worry about business.

Tang The bottom is finished, and now comes the most important tofu.

Why this dish is called Wensi Tofu depends on this tofu.

It has to be cut into thin strands that can pass the eye of a needle to be worthy of the name.

Jiang Yan first removed the soft tofu The old skin is then cut into very thin slices, and then cut into filaments that can be inserted into the eye of a needle.

Hold the knife with the fingers of your left hand, slowly step back, control the direction and spacing of the knife, and hold the knife in your right hand by jumping up and down to cut into shreds.

Cut tofu During the process, water should be sprinkled continuously to prevent the tofu from breaking.

Put the cut shredded tofu into the water and gently stir it to make it look like clouds.

Watch Li Xia's eyes widen in admiration.

This knife skill is also That’s awesome!

Let him cut it, there’s no way he can make every strand of tofu without breaking and as thin as a hair

".Boss, it takes at least ten years to master your knife skills, right?"

Jiang Yan smiled and said nothing.

A life of cheating cannot be explained.

Put the cut tofu into a large basin, Jiang Yan gently added boiling water to it, and blanched it for three minutes.

The beans had a smell of beans. The fishy smell can be removed by scalding it with boiling water.

Some people don’t like tofu, but they just don’t like the beany smell. (Good news)

And the tofu that is as fine as hairline must not be eaten. It is scalded, but the shape is not easily damaged when cooking, which is an indispensable step.

The remaining shredded ham, shredded winter bamboo shoots, shredded mushrooms, and shredded vegetables are all cut into shreds as thin as tofu shreds.

Not only does the tofu need to be blanched, but the shredded mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots also need to be blanched in boiling water.

At this point, all the ingredients are ready, and then we can start making Wensi tofu.

Place the wok Put on the fire, add clear soup to boil, add salt to taste, and add water starch to make the soup thicker.

Thickening is also very important here, it can't be too thick or too light, then it will be the same as clear soup.

Add tofu Skim off the water from the shredded tofu and pour it into the soup. Stir the tofu shreds in one direction with the back of a hand spoon to evenly distribute the tofu shreds in the soup. Finally add the cooked ham shreds.、......Stir the shredded green cabbage leaves evenly, bring to a boil and serve on a plate..

Người mua: TheDark

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