Jiang Yan was still busy. He quickly oiled the chicken wings and put them aside for later use. As for Wan Siqi's guests today, there was already a long queue outside.

Now the time has come, quickly come to the kitchen

"Boss, the time has come!"

Jiang Yan quickly started cooking, and as he brought out the dishes one after another, An Feibai felt that he had entered heaven again.

When he was here before, he lived happily every day, and he also It was very fulfilling. If that woman hadn't been forcing him to open a restaurant across from Jiang Yan.

How could he have ended up in this situation? He felt very sad.

Waiting for Jiang Yan's dishes to be served one after another. , pickled fish, roasted suckling pig, barbecued pork ribs, one after another passed in front of An Feibai, and his intestines almost turned green.

Jiang Yan saw An Feibai staying there all the time, and he ignored it. , a person like him doesn’t deserve to pity him anymore.

"The kitchen is heavy, outsiders are not allowed to come in, An Feibai, you have left here, go quickly!"

An Feibai heard Jiang Yan's ultimatum to him. He had held on to a glimmer of hope just now. Now that he has seen him, he can't come back at all. He can only leave here in disgrace.

When he just came out, all the people These Internet celebrities quickly surrounded him, knowing that he would definitely come back to do misfortune.

"An Feibai, you've been doing well, but can't you continue to open the Fu Lai Restaurant?"

"You have always wanted to challenge Jiang Yan"

"Now that you have fallen into this situation, should you apologize to Jiang Yan?"

"Did Jiang Yan reprimand you just now? What on earth did you just say?"

"I hope you can tell us about this, maybe we can help you"

"An Feibai heard what these internet celebrities said, could they really help him?"

"It would be great if he could really be taken back by Jiang Yan. Now he is sick and seeks medical treatment indiscriminately!

"Can you really help me? I would be very grateful if you could let me go back to Ha Lai Lai Hotel!"

These Internet celebrities want to take advantage of this opportunity to gain some popularity. Naturally, they cannot let An Feibai go. Moreover, they can also use this opportunity to get a set of secrets that Jiang Yan later dealt with.

An Feibai has the same idea. A simple person would say everything he knows to these Internet celebrities.

Today's lunch was finally over. Jiang Yan was lying on a chair and playing games. Now he heard Li Xia next to him. It came out from the mobile phone that An Feibai has been talking about things in his restaurant.

Now he has become an Internet celebrity. He has been introducing some details of Jiang Yan’s restaurant’s kitchen, and said that Jiang Yan’s cooking is How rigorous. How elusive he is, every time he is able to closely combine what is needed for each dish with the raw materials they need when buying food. There will never be any leftovers, and there will never be enough. , he has described Jiang Yan as a god, and now everyone on the Internet has worshiped Jiang Yan as a god.

If they continue like this, they still don’t know what they will describe themselves as?

Jiang Yan’s restaurant is now in full swing, There is indeed an endless stream of people who want to eat their own food. The Haoyoulai restaurant opposite has become a place to check in when traveling.

This place is to tell other people with bad intentions to let them die With this intention, if you really want to confront Jiang Yan, the end result will be death.

Jiang Yan's meals have surpassed private dishes and become the most delicious meals. Now these people treat Jiang Yan here It was the goal in life that they most wanted to pursue.

An Feibai took this opportunity to praise himself all the time. Jiang Yan felt that this was a bit too much. Just when he wanted to talk to An Feibai, this afternoon A big shot came to their hotel.

This master was accompanied by a group of people. When they arrived at the hotel, they saw that the hotel was very well decorated, but he didn't take it seriously at all. He still wanted to When he went to the kitchen, Jiang Yan stopped him at the door.

"Where are the gods? Are you able to enter the kitchen of my hotel if you want to?"

When the other party saw Jiang Yan saying this, they looked at each other and the master smiled. He was kind-hearted and tall. Seeing Jiang Yan being so rude to him, this is what a chef should have. If the kitchen is open to people to visit, they don't have to do anything as chefs.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. You are right to do this. Chefs must protect their own kitchens and cannot be easily entered by others."

This man is really interesting. He says one thing and does another. Jiang Yan leaned against the door and looked at him. When the master saw Jiang Yan like this, he couldn't help but laugh. He put his The certificate was handed over to Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan saw that he was actually from the Food Association. What on earth was he doing here?

"`I don’t have any thoughts about your Food Association, and I don’t want to join you. If you want to persuade me to join, I’d better save it!"

The master looked at Jiang Yan happily. This man was indifferent to fame and wealth, and he only wanted to create delicious food. This moved him very much. Just now he saw the Haoyoulai restaurant opposite Jiang Yan. It was Jiang Yan. The people around him opened it.

But Jiang Yan didn't make any move towards him, which made him admire him very much. With Jiang Yan's mind and magnanimity, this is what their chef should have.

"I am very optimistic about you. I also saw the restaurant opposite you just now. It was the people around you who did it (hao Zhao). I think you are the candidate for my apprentice!"


Everyone is shocked. This master really regards himself as a figure. He actually wants to accept Jiang Yan as his disciple. Even Jiang Yan can't help laughing. The master in front of you It's really interesting. He suddenly came here and said to himself that he wanted to accept him as his apprentice. He didn't know what the other party's tricks were. I just saw on the business card that the master is a chef from such and such an association. , then forget about the other party coming to play today, I didn’t expect that he would actually accept me as his disciple.

Looking at the people he brought when he came, it seems that this person has some background.

Let’s come to the hotel again, everyone They couldn't help it anymore, and looked towards the master. Li Xia finally couldn't help it. He had been holding back just now, and now he must say what he was thinking...

Người mua: Za Warudo

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