At the dinner table, Luo Hongqin resisted asking. When Luo's mother helped Luo Hongqin clean up the kitchen after the meal, Luo Hongqin quietly closed the kitchen door and asked Luo's mother in a low voice.

"Mom, why did you and Dad look so worried when you were having dinner today? Did something happen at home?"

When her daughter asked, Luo Ma suddenly felt embarrassed and quickly rubbed her face, trying to make her expression look better.

"No, you are thinking too much"

"Impossible, I am your daughter. How can I not tell if you have something on your mind? So what happened?"

"Really not, we just haven’t seen you for a long time and are worried about you."

Luo's mother can't tell her daughter that she and her husband were interested in a restaurant, but her son-in-law treated them hypocritically as if he were an outsider. I

'm not sad to say that. A person of his age is really unhappy about this. If you say it, you will lose your face.

"Don't just talk about us, you and Xiaofan have been married for more than a year. How is your relationship? Xiao~Fan, are you good to you?"

"Very good, our relationship has always been very stable."

Mother Luo stared at her daughter for a long time. Her face was rosy, her smile was natural, and she was talking energetically. She didn't seem to be having a bad life at all. She breathed a sigh of relief. As long as her daughter is doing well, everything else will be fine. Things were not important. When they saw their son-in-law perfunctory with them, they were also afraid that the son-in-law would treat their daughter badly, not just for the sake of a bite.

Afraid that her daughter would ask about it again, Luo's mother found an excuse to leave the kitchen and quietly called Luo's father. Go up to the balcony

"Please keep your expression natural and don't always pull a face. My daughter just asked us if something happened at home."

"It’s not that you have a weird expression"

"It's obviously you who looks weird."

The two of them hesitated for a while on the balcony, collected their emotions, and then returned to the living room. In the winter weather, it had been dark for a while after dinner, but they couldn't stay at home all the time, so the four of them simply went out. Take a walk and look around.

There is a night market next to where they live. There are a lot of things sold in it and there are a lot of people eating there.

Luo Hongqin is in her twenties and likes snacks. She saw grilled skewers. They had to buy grilled sausages and everything else. Luo’s parents were afraid that she would eat too much of these non-nutritious things, which would be bad for her health, and she would inevitably have to scold her again.

When we talked about food, I didn’t know why, but They talked about all kinds of delicacies in Dongshi.

Talking about the delicacies in Dongshi, they couldn’t beat Hao Zai Lai.

So, Luo’s parents listened to their daughter and praised Hao Zai Lai’s food. pause

"Mom, you don’t know how delicious their food is. No matter what it is, I can finish it with the soup and the chopped green onions and garlic."

"I had a Mao Xue Wang last time, and the Mao Xue Wang soup was spicy and fragrant. I packed the soup back and ate two more Mala Tang meals. Finally, I cooked spicy instant noodles with the soup and drank all the soup. After all, even their rice is fragrant and different from the rice sold outside."

Luo's parents were surprised to find that their daughter's words of praise for coming back were basically the same as those of her son-in-law. They were almost copied. It seemed that the two of them had discussed those dishes in private. Compared with what the son-in-law said, they They listened impatiently. When their daughter was talking, they listened very carefully. After listening twice, several dish names popped into their heads. After talking for a long time, Luo Hongqin also had a dry mouth. With her tongue dry, she finally added:"Mom and Dad, you can play for two more days, and I will take you there in a few days so we can have a big dinner.""

Luo's father and Luo's mother:...

My daughter actually said this for a few days?

What's going on?

Luo's father and Luo's mother looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes. After a moment, the attentive mother Luo spoke.

"Well, since the restaurant is so famous, the food there should be quite expensive."

"Of course, a dish that tastes so good must be expensive, with a vegetarian dish costing dozens, not to mention meat dishes, but it’s really worth it."

After hearing what their daughter said, Luo's parents suddenly showed an expression of realization.

No wonder their daughter and son-in-law both said the same thing. It turned out that the food in the hotel was too expensive and they were reluctant to pay for it.

It seemed that they must be short of money. Both of them were I was only in my twenties, spending money lavishly without any plan, and I had no children. It was almost the end of the month, and 80% of the money I had was spent, so I had no money to treat them to dinner.

No, both children started to follow them She started to be polite, making all the polite remarks to outsiders.

Thinking of this, Luo's parents suddenly felt sorry for their daughter, especially when their daughter and son-in-law talked about the delicious meal that they would come back later, look at the look on their faces when they swallowed their saliva. The child is greedy.

At this time, the couple can no longer care about their son-in-law. They only feel distressed.

At night, Luo's parents and Luo's mother were lying on the bed, thinking about their daughter's lack of money. Can't sleep

"How about giving your daughter some money tomorrow and letting her spend it?"Luo's mother sat up.

Luo's father waved his hand:"If you give it like this, your daughter will definitely not want it. If you want to give it, it's time to leave. Put the money on the table and leave quietly, otherwise your daughter will stuff it for you no matter how much you give it. Go back."

Of course Luo's mother knew her daughter's temper, but she was not in a hurry. Seeing Luo's father lying there calmly, Luo's mother kicked him in anger.

"You didn't see that I was in a hurry. Could you think of something?

Father Luo rolled his eyes at her:"Why are you in a hurry? It's better to go there tomorrow and then come to the restaurant to book a table. In the evening, treat your daughter and son-in-law to a big meal and satisfy their cravings. If you really want to give money, just give it quietly before leaving.""

"Okay, let's go find a restaurant by ourselves tomorrow while they go to work."

I think what Luo's father said makes sense, Luo's mother didn't panic anymore, and fell asleep quickly as soon as she lay down. When she got up the next morning, Luo's mother made breakfast herself. After the two children went to work, Luo's father Luo Ma just packed up and went out. The two of them had not been to Dongshi much and were not familiar with the surrounding area.

They stood at the gate of the community and tinkered with the map APP for a long time without success, but this did not stop them. In the past, there was no such thing as a mobile phone map. Damn, they weren’t just running around, they just needed to be able to ask questions.

They stopped a taxi, and instead of getting in first, they asked:"We are going to a very famous restaurant in your East City, what can we call it?" , do you know how to get there? The taxi driver corrected Dad Luo's name:"You said you wanted to come back to the hotel, right?""

"Yeah, yeah, we're going there.

Seeing that the driver knew the place, Luo's father and Luo's mother got in the car. As soon as the driver heard their foreign accents, he knew they were here to play, and said with a smile:" You also heard about it in your hometown and came to the hotel, so you came here specifically to play. Want to try some delicious food?".

Người mua: Za Warudo

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