During the holidays, there are more people sharing tables and trying to get a number. Those people will think of many ways to get a number. When the time comes, everyone who comes back will be so busy that who has time to arrange for someone to pack the things.

Ke Dajiang was anxious and gritted his teeth and said:"Then how about I arrange for two people to be volunteers for you? I will arrange people from the Culture and Tourism Bureau to work as waiters for you to support you. As for the kitchen being too busy, you can do what you can. Just make the portion you want."

The Culture and Tourism Bureau arranged for two people to come over and be waiters?

Jiang Yan looked at Ke Dajiang. In order to get him to agree, he actually did this. For a moment, Jiang Yan was embarrassed to refuse anymore.

People were offering to help him sell it for free, so how could he refuse?

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Yan agreed.

"Okay, then we will do as you arranged. When the time comes, we will make some things that can be packaged and taken away, and you will be responsible for sending manpower over to help with vacuum packaging and help receive tourists."

Seeing that Jiang Yan was finally convinced, Ke Dajiang and Huang Changsheng were very happy, especially Ke Dajiang. What could be happier than that the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

This New Year's Day holiday, the tourism industry in Dongshi will definitely be affected by his The decision was unprecedented.

After sending Ke Dajiang away, Jiang Yan returned to the kitchen. He originally thought that the people in the kitchen had packed up their things and went to bed. However, as soon as he walked into the kitchen, everyone was actually there, and everyone was sitting there. There, staring at him with burning eyes, as if he was waiting to eat melon

"Boss, you are going to shoot the MV tomorrow, right? How about it? What script did the Cultural Tourism Bureau give you? Is it fun?"

Although technology is now advanced and you can take a photo with just a mobile phone, people are still interested in this kind of serious shooting.

Jiang Yan explained what he wanted to shoot, and he said it dryly , but everyone still listened with interest. As idiot fans, no matter what Jiang Yan did, they only needed to call 666, and there was no need to consider anything else.

However, what Jiang Yan said, the benefits given by the Cultural Tourism Bureau, let them felt the pressure

"Another meal with more than three tables, and a vacuum-packaged delicacy specially sold to tourists. I feel like our kitchen will be so busy on New Year’s Day that we will die."

"Yes, if you take it back in vacuum packaging, it can be stored for several days. Once this news is released, the whole Dongshi will be shaken. By then, not only tourists, but people in Dongshi will line up from the entrance of the hotel to the supermarket. On the other side, tourists might not be able to buy it, and people from the East Market (biag) will buy it all out."

"Not only that, there are so many people, even a few hundred copies are not enough to sell, I will really be so busy that I will die."

"Too busy to be busy, definitely too busy to be busy."

When a group of people were discussing, Jiang Yan didn't say anything and just sat drinking tea. After everyone finished discussing, Li Xia summarized all the problems. In short, there are not enough people and nothing can be said.

"Boss, I will probably be too busy by then. Otherwise, we can hire some part-time workers during the holidays. They don’t have to go to the kitchen and can just help run errands in the hall. We can ask two agile waiters to come to the kitchen to help. Of course, if It would be even better if you can recruit a handyman who can work part-time in the kitchen."

A store with good business is afraid that it won't be able to recruit enough people. Li Xia's mind was spinning very fast.

Jiang Yan nodded. Fortunately, if the business is so good again, it will definitely be busier during the holidays. He had already planned to do it during the holidays. I want to recruit some part-time staff to help.

The Cultural Tourism Bureau sent two people to help, but they only help with the people who are packed away. Other things require their own employees to be busy.

"I will talk about this on the public account later. As for the matter that a few hundred copies are not enough, you don’t have to worry about this. The things we pack are aimed at foreign tourists, not locals. We only prepare 300 copies a day. About, the specific amount will be considered at that time."

If we only sell to tourists, the effect will be different. Everyone will feel a lot less pressure."

"So what should I pack when the time comes?"Although there is still half a month until New Year's Day, everyone is very curious.

Jiang Yan had already thought about what he wanted to sell when he discussed this matter with Ke Dajiang just now.

"They only sell braised meat and salted duck. Apart from taking time to cook these two items, they are not troublesome at all. There will be one person in the kitchen to be responsible for these two items."

Jiang Yan originally wanted to say a little more, but after thinking about it for half a month, he was too lazy to say anything more. He pointed at the watch and urged everyone to take a rest.

Then a group of people left the kitchen.

The lunch break was not over yet, and Wu was the first to get up. It was time to make spiced melon seeds. He took out a small book and quickly processed the melon seeds according to the process given by Jiang Yan. After selecting the spices and before putting the melon seeds in the pot, Li Xia followed and saw that Wu Zuo had already started to make them. Melon seeds, hurry up and join in. Put Wu Zuo's small notebook in the middle of the desk and join the ranks of making melon seeds.

But Wu Zuo can't be allowed to compete. He will learn everything Wu Zuo learns, and he won't learn anything Wu Zuo doesn't learn. Want to learn, no matter what? You have to keep your title as the second most handsome guy in the kitchen.

Just like in the competition, the two of them looked at a pot each, opened the fire and cut the ingredients quickly, and after the water boiled, they poured the melon seeds into the pot. Inside.

When they put the lid on the pot, they glanced sideways at each other, their eyes connected, and there was thunder and lightning for a moment, as if they were experiencing a battle. At around four o'clock, Fu Limin and others came to the kitchen to see Seeing the fight between the two young people, smiles appeared on their faces.

Fu Limin even sighed with emotion:"It's good to be young."

If he were ten years younger, he would be so strong. After all, he is learning crafts from the boss, and nothing is the best delicacy.

There are so many melon seeds, and it will inevitably be a bit confusing to make them for the first time. If Wu was alone, he I didn't dare to roast so many melon seeds at once, but now it's different for two people, half for each person.

The portion is smaller, and it's easier to take care of. Before five o'clock, the melon seeds are already done, and they are all poured into a big basin.

Jiang Yangang When he walked into the kitchen, two plates of melon seeds were thrown in front of him, almost hitting his face.

"Boss, please try the melon seeds I just roasted. How do they taste?"Wu Zui was the first to speak.

Li Xia was not to be outdone, and pushed Wu Zuo aside with a move of his toes."Boss, you try mine first. Mine is definitely more delicious."

"Why do you say that yours tastes delicious, and I also said that mine tastes better? Boss, I have already mastered the tricks you taught me. Please try it quickly and see how well I digest it."

What? Is there a secret?

Li Xia's heart suddenly pounded. Wu, as this guy, is so treacherous. The boss told him the secret without saying a word, so he was not afraid that the melon seeds would be roasted and delay the business in the evening.

Li Xia suddenly turned off the engine. He walked back silently, grabbed a melon seed he roasted and threw it into his mouth. He tasted it carefully. Strangely, it tasted fine. What’s the secret?.

Người mua: Za Warudo

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