The melon seeds made yesterday were sold out and were not enough. Jiang Yan made a statement on the public account in advance. He originally thought that the melon seeds he made today would be enough.

They could still knead the leftovers from the guests' meals, but it turned out that Jiang Yan was overthinking it.

Originally, there were so many melon seeds roasted, and it was expected that forty plates would be served to the guests throughout the day. Jiang Yan planned to eat the rest by himself, but with An Feibai's pretense, there was not much left, and there was not much left over at all in the afternoon. It’s not enough. It seems I’ll have to bake it again later.

Fortunately, Aunt Tian came over early in the morning and soaked a large pot of melon seeds first thing. By the afternoon, she barely had enough time.

Taking a break from his busy schedule, Jiang Yan grabbed a handful of melon seeds and sat on a chair to crack them. Since he had to make them in the afternoon anyway, he had to eat the rest by himself.

Don't tell me, these melon seeds are so fragrant. Even though he made them himself, he was still amazed by the taste.

In the hall, those guests who got the melon seeds as they wished were also eating happily.

"These melon seeds are delicious, fragrant but not greasy, salty and sweet, the flesh of the melon seeds is fragrant and buttery, and the shells of the melon seeds are also hard to throw away."

"I finally know why 18 people eat melon seed shells. I want to eat them too, but it’s a pity that I’m afraid of my throat."

"The quality of these melon seeds is also so good. I ate a whole plate and there was not a single one that was bad or not full enough."A customer exclaimed.

As soon as he said this, other people also realized that usually no one would eat some melon seeds or something, but every time when they are the happiest eating, they will accidentally eat something bad or burnt. , affects the taste the most.

But this melon seed is full and fleshy, and there is no burnt or bad fruit. You can eat it with confidence. This is Hao Zailai. Even if it is a melon seed, it is an extraordinary melon seed.

Seeing that it was already eleven o'clock and it was time to start serving food, three young men hurriedly walked in and stood in the hall, still panting. As they panted, they shouted:"Don't say anything, let's have a plate of melon seeds first.""

Looking at them like this, they probably ran over because they didn't have enough time, otherwise they wouldn't be breathing so hard.

Wan Siqi said apologetically:"Sorry, it's already eleven o'clock, I can't come here now. It’s time to get melon seeds"

"What's eleven o'clock? Isn't it only 10:59 now? It's only one minute away. Why can't I eat melon seeds?"

Wan Siqi glanced at her cell phone. It was 11:01. Then she looked at the cell phones of the three guests in front of her. They were all 10:59. The corner of her mouth twitched fiercely. Don't think that the three of you are together. I changed the time on my phone, so I didn’t know.

No wonder I didn’t order it on my phone, but asked them directly. It turned out that I couldn’t order melon seeds anymore.

Seeing Wan Siqi’s weird expression, the three of them felt a little guilty, but they still urged them shamelessly. stand up

"If you wait any longer, you can’t blame us if time passes."

It's just a matter of a plate of melon seeds. It's not easy for people to run in such a hurry and breathe like this in the winter. You can't make the guests feel unhappy just because of a plate of melon seeds."

"Okay, guests, please wait a moment. I’ll have someone serve you melon seeds right away."

Wan Siqi made an order for the kitchen from the bar. Seeing the show, several people paid happily. Wan Siqi was originally going to find a seat for them, but everyone came so early today. It's early now. There's no room left.

Even sharing tables can't be shared, there are only a few single empty seats left. We can't have three people come over and sit at one table each. How weird is this? It's not noodles, it's Chinese food.

Wan Si Qi said helplessly:"I'm sorry, guest, I can serve melon seeds to you, but there is no room available at the moment.""

"It's okay, we'll just go to the waiting area and wait. You bring the melon seeds over first."

The three of them waved their hands indifferently. They were lucky enough to click on it. It doesn't matter if they wait.

Originally, the dining area was right at the door. When the sun was strong, there was a parasol and a fan or something, and everyone sat there. It's not hard to wait there, but it's winter now, and who can stand it when the north wind blows outside.

Therefore, Jiang Yan bought a large tent, which is used to set up stalls outside. It is a shed that can be set up in winter. Wind, there are about a dozen stools inside, and a table can also be set up.

In order to prevent the guests from freezing due to the low temperature, Jiang Yan also specially placed two hot air dryers inside. The warm wind has already warmed the inside. Yes, you won’t feel cold at all while sitting inside, eating melon seeds and drinking tea. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) During the original peak period after eleven o’clock, because the guests arrived early, this time On the other hand, not many people came in. The waiters were busy serving food. Wan Siqi didn't bother to let them get a melon seed, so she came to the kitchen.

Seeing that there were no melon seeds on the table, she shouted into the kitchen to ask Tian Auntie brought out a plate of melon seeds.

"Melon seeds?"Aunt Tian didn't come over, but she attracted Jiang Yan's attention.

"Didn't I tell you not to eat melon seeds after eleven o'clock? It's already past eleven o'clock."

Wan Siqi told what the three young men did to eat melon seeds, focusing on the fact that they ran out of breath and changed the time on their mobile phones together.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yan was amused and laughed. The young guys were so smart that in order to compete for that second, they actually thought of setting the time on their mobile phones back together. It was indeed not easy. No wonder Wan Siqi couldn't refuse. It was only a minute, so he could still be accommodating.

"Okay, I'll install it for you!"

Jiang Yan walked to the pot of melon seeds. He was originally going to put a plate of melon seeds in it, but when he got closer, 977 was dumbfounded.

There were only a few melon seeds left in the pot, and no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't make up a plate.

"Why is it gone? When I ate just now, there was still some left."

Liu Gaoming on the side explained:"Boss, when you were eating melon seeds just now, An Feibai came in and filled a plate of melon seeds, just one minute earlier than Wan Siqi. He said that it was a diner who came over and happened to be stuck. At 10:59, I can’t do it without giving me a plate of melon seeds."

Jiang Yan:...

Eating melon seeds is stuck and cheating. Is it necessary? Is it necessary?

He poured out all the remaining melon seeds in the basin and put them on a small plate. There was only half a plate, even if it was added The handful he had just eaten was not enough for a plate.

Passing the plate to Wan Siqi, Jiang Yan said:"There is only so much.""

"Ah, what should I do?"Wan Siqi was also stunned for a moment.

"Forget it, seeing as they like to eat it so much, just give it to them as a way to satisfy their craving. Don’t charge them for the melon seeds."

Jiang Yan waved his hand and handed the melon seeds to Wan Siqi. It was just a little melon seed, just as a gift for fans. He turned around and worked for a while, his mouth was itchy, and he was about to eat some melon seeds to satisfy his craving. Suddenly he remembered that the melon seeds were gone. Suddenly, Jiang Yan was speechless for a while, but there were so many melon seeds that he ate a handful...

Người mua: Za Warudo

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