After ordering, An Licheng had already begun to remove the chopsticks and paper towels, and made all preparations for eating.

Minister Qiao pointed around and reminded him:"With a room full of people, the food must be served very slowly. Why are you in such a hurry?"

An Licheng rubbed his fingers and said with a smile,"You don't have to wait today, we'll be here soon." The food will be delivered, because we were lucky enough to get a membership today. Didn't you think about it before you come back? Don't you know that members who come back don't have to make reservations and don't have to wait?"

Minister Qiao thought for a while, and it seemed like this was true. , but he paid more attention to various delicacies and did not pay attention to these things. Instead, there was one thing that made him curious.

He turned around and asked Wang Jun:"There are rumors on the Internet that all members of Haozai Lai are creditors. Is it true?"

Wang Jun waved his hand:"What are creditors and not creditors? It was when Boss Jiang started his business before, he turned over from us. Just for a moment."

That was true. Minister Qiao immediately sighed,"If it is true, then it is impossible for me to get this membership card."

"Everyone in Dongshi City wants a membership card, but they can't get one, let alone you."

An Licheng's words made Minister Qiao's regret disappear.

The members were really quick to serve the food. Without saying a few words, the food was served. The first thing that came was two cold dishes and hot beef soup. 297

Minister Qiao What I want is spicy beef soup. There is a bright red chili oil floating on top of the beef soup, mixed with coriander and chopped green onion. The soup in the bowl is crystal clear with no impurities at all. You can clearly see the side dishes and ingredients inside. Meat, the rich aroma of meat comes from this soup.

They were both greedy, so they picked up the spoons and scooped out a bowl each. Minister Qiao was originally going to drink the soup first, but he loved cold dishes the most. Seeing that The cold pork tongue is thinly sliced, with clear texture and bright color. Although it looks light, I don’t know why, but I really want to eat it. Without thinking,

Minister Qiao took a piece of pig tongue and ate it in his mouth. Without refusing, the tip of his tongue tasted the spicy taste of mustard first. In an instant, before Minister Qiao could react, the pungent spicy taste rushed up.

His nose was burning, and his eyes were directly hit by the spicy taste. She burst into tears, and quickly took the tissue handed over by An Licheng and pressed it on her eyes, so as not to let herself, a grown man, be seen crying.

"What's this? Why are you so rushed?"Minister Qiao held his tongue in his mouth and looked very (bcfd) uncomfortable.

When An Licheng saw this, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"This dish is called Anran ecstasy, which is mustard tongue slices. There is a lot of mustard in it, so you can't breathe in when eating it. Didn't you pay attention when you ordered it just now?"

It was because the name of this dish was so special that Minister Qiao ordered it. How did he know that this dish was actually made of mustard? He suddenly felt that he had wasted a dish. Who could eat it if it was so rushed?

He was embarrassed to put it I stuck out the tongue in my mouth, pinched my nose, and prepared to chew it wholeheartedly. Chew it and swallow it, but I didn't know that after the taste buds adapted to the sharp taste of mustard, the fragrance also came out.

The fragrance spread along the tip of the tongue to The throat is filled with a strong and salty aroma, coupled with the taste of mustard, it tastes refreshing and refreshing, fragrant but not greasy, and has a special mustard flavor. Minister Qiao subconsciously opened his nose and carefully I refuse, but I don’t know how this pig tongue is made. It is full of flavor from the inside out, and the more you chew it, the more fragrant it becomes. It is spicy in aroma, refreshing in spicy, and has a unique taste.

The tongue itself has a dense texture and is easy to eat. After sucking up the soup, swallowing this piece of tongue, the mouth is still full of spicy taste. The taste is endless and makes people want to continue to taste it.

"How about it? Have you tasted it now?"An Licheng had already pinched his nose and ate two pieces. Last week, the employees who had returned from Haoji had a collective cry after eating the mustard. The matter was quite heated. He was also greedy for this dish. After seeing Minister Qiao swallow the tongue piece, he laughed. asked.

Minister Qiao nodded. He originally wanted to take another bite, but the pungent taste was too unbearable. He was a grown man, and his eyes were full of tears after eating. It looked weird no matter how he looked at it.

"It's too harsh on my nose, so I'd better drink the soup first."

As he took a sip of the beef soup, Minister Qiao's eyes lit up again. The soup looked clear, but the taste was so rich. After one sip, his mouth was filled with the aroma of meat. Mellow and delicious chili oil, plus fresh and sweet green onions. , which makes the soup taste more delicious.

After drinking the soup, eat beef. It is soft and delicious, not chewy at all. Occasionally, you can eat one or two pieces of beef with fascia, and the fascia has also been stewed. It's very good. When you take a bite, you won't be unable to chew it. Instead, it will spread in your mouth with a light bite.

However, this is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that this fascia is already very easy to chew, but it still has a chewy texture. Holding the chewing head that belongs to the fascia, chew a mouthful of meat carefully in your mouth. At first, there is still the spicy taste of chili pepper. After the spicy taste wears off, all you eat is the umami flavor of the beef itself. It is fresh, tender, smooth, and soft. It's moderately bad. If I have to describe it, there are only two words: delicious! (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After eating the meat, eat the side dishes at the bottom of the bowl. The side dishes are well matched. The freshness of the day lily and the crispness of the fungus, everything makes this soup more perfect.

After finishing a bowl of soup, Minister Qiao felt warm all over. Even the discomfort after last night's insomnia seemed to have disappeared, and his whole body was full of energy. Feeling relieved.

He couldn't help but praise his own wisdom. Fortunately, he grabbed the place to come to Dongshi from others. Although it was not easy to eat this meal, it was really worth it. The soup alone was so delicious, not to mention It was other dishes.

After finishing the soup, he couldn't help but eat the mustard tongue slices again. As a result, he took another breath without a long memory. At this time, he reacted quickly and pressed it with a tissue, while his eyes were red. While eating vegetables.

Originally, Minister Qiao was a little embarrassed to eat like this, but when he turned around, he found that many people on the table were wiping their tears while continuing to eat the mustard tongue slices. Suddenly, he felt relieved again.

Everyone was like this, Then what kind of image does he care about?

As he was eating, Minister Qiao suddenly remembered that his immediate boss called and asked him to bring delicious food back. It was only the second day, so he couldn't pack the food right now. Go back and wait until the day after tomorrow to bring it back, and no matter how delicious the food is, it will taste bad.

Looking at An Licheng next to him, he giggled twice and asked:"Can you still find tomorrow's number? I want to come again tomorrow."

An Licheng, who was eating delicious food, looked at Minister Qiao speechlessly.

"Minister Qiao, I don’t want to take you like this. It’s so hard to get this number. Why are you still here? I’m not Tinkerbell. I can conjure up anything."

Người mua: Za Warudo

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