Ai Wenjun has a loud voice, and he is a big man of 1.8 meters. He roared so fiercely, and then jumped forward, giving Wu Zuo a hard jump, and he said"Fuck you"

"No, Ai Wenjun, what are you doing? Get up quickly"

"If I don’t, I won’t get up."Ai Wenjun not only didn't get up, but his thighs hugged him tighter.

"We agreed to stay for a few days, how could you just leave? How could you find the house without saying a word? You've only been here for a day, Wu Zui, you can't do this to me."

The last sentence has a long ending, which is really sad and makes the listener shed tears.

Wu Zuo:... it's okay to listen to these words separately, but he can't understand them when they are put together like this. I don't know. I thought he always gave up.

He stayed in an old classmate's house and moved out when he found a house. Is there any problem? No!

"speak English!"


Ai Wenjun, who had just been dragged up, rushed over again,"Wu Zui, do you know how difficult it is to have a good meal? Let's not talk about the difficulty of grabbing an account. I don't have any money in my pocket, okay? It's easy for God to give you to me and give me the opportunity to have sex for free. I haven't enjoyed it for a few more days. How can you leave me?"

Well, it turns out that this is the problem. He thought that Ai Wenjun was really reluctant to let him go. After doing it for a long time, he couldn't bear to have another work meal.

But here comes the problem,"Then I have found a house and I have agreed with the landlord. What should I do? Besides, I will have to move out sooner or later."

Ai Wenjun, who was originally a good-natured boy, came to work for a late-night snack just to be happy, which directly broke the bottom line, and his chest slapped loudly.

"I'll go to the landlord and tell him, I'll take care of the scolding, and you can just stay here. Anyway, I bought the house, and I'm the only one who lives there. You can live here as long as you want, and I'm willing to keep you for the rest of your life. I will support you for the rest of my life, as long as you provide me with delicious supper every day."

This overwhelming wealth cannot slip through the cracks of your fingers.

Ai Wenjun said so, and Wu Zuo was too embarrassed to refuse. After all, he had been kind to take him in, so it was not a problem to just live here like this. Son.

Ai Wenjun didn’t think there was any problem at all. Just let him treat this place as a free rental house. They would have sex with each other for free. One would have night snacks for free, and the other would have a house for free. It would be a great thing for each other to achieve success.

No rent required. He could save hundreds of yuan a month, but Wu Zuo was so embarrassed. He just brought back a late-night snack and ate it with Ai Wenjun, so he was living in someone else's house for free. Wu Zuo couldn't do this anyway.

In the end, he and Ai Wenjun Wenjun discussed it carefully and charged Wu Zuo as half of the lowest rental price of an apartment on the market. Only the rent was charged. Ai Wenjun paid for the water and electricity bills himself, while Wu Zuo brought supper home every day and the two of them ate together.

Yesterday Wu Zui When I came here, I shared a bed with Ai Wenjun. For the convenience of everyone in the future, the two discussed it and decided to buy another bed.

Ai Wenjun likes houses with large bedrooms, so when he bought an apartment, he I bought a house with a large bedroom, moved the game table and large bookshelf into the living room, and moved the bed in another direction. It was completely stress-free to arrange two beds.

When the time came, a curtain was hung in the middle of the two beds, and even the two beds could not be connected. Space and privacy were taken care of.

After the discussion, both Ai Wenjun and Wu Zuosheng were very satisfied.

Ai Wenjun was happy that he could keep his late-night snacks, earn some extra money every month, and no longer have to spend every day Think about how to save money and have a meal again.

Then the employees will eat whatever they want for late-night snacks. It tastes delicious and I don’t know how much money I saved.

Wu Zuo saved a lot of money. He has to pay for a large expense by himself when renting a house outside.

But when living in an apartment, he pays only half the price per person, or the lowest price, and Ai Wenjun wants to prevent him from suffering a loss. , I just contracted the water and electricity bills, and there is nothing good to do with the money saved. In the blink of an eye, Sunday came again, and the streets of Dongshi gradually became lively. It was a sunny and good weather at noon, and even the otakus and otakus who stayed at home ran away. I left home and went for a walk on the street.

In a certain office building, An Licheng was working overtime. Recently, the company suddenly received a big order, and all departments were very busy. As the backbone of the company, he suddenly became busy.

But today He doesn't feel a little irritated about working overtime, because he got today's number and has to go to Hao Zai again in the evening for a big meal.

Nowadays, it's getting harder and harder to grab Hao Zai's number. Since everyone said, Saturday's After the number was easy to grab, some people who were not in a hurry and just wanted to have one meal a week took advantage of this day, so that when they grabbed the number last week, they didn't even get the Saturday one.

Later I heard It was said that there were still Sundays, but when he went to look, the day lilies were already cold, so when he was trying to grab a number this week, he directly set the alarm clock, got up early in the morning, didn't care about anything, and came for Sunday first, and finally got it.

That's it. , not long after he grabbed it, all the numbers were gone.

An Licheng had a hunch that soon, the situation of grabbing the numbers this Saturday would disappear. As more and more people eat, there will only be a shortage of supply. How come it is so easy to grab a one-day account if you are in such a situation.

So, while you can still grab it now, hurry up and eat one more day. When it is hard to find the first one in the future, you may only be able to grab one meal a month.

Just as he was looking at the design drawings attentively, the manager suddenly came over and said that he had something to discuss with him and asked him to go to the office.

An Licheng put down what he was doing and came to the office. The manager handed him a document and said,"The company has a project that needs people to contact and sign contracts. The other party wants to see the strength of our company. My boss and I talked about it. (Good) Zhi decided that this task is most suitable for you. The salesman is already waiting for you in Lanzhou City. Please pack up and buy a ticket later."

"What, you want me to go on a business trip? Ok!"

An Licheng shook his head like a rattle. He had been looking forward to today since Tuesday. He had been looking forward to it for so long, and now he was about to go to the hotel for dinner. The company wanted him to go on a business trip, so what? Just kidding, I won’t go there.

As the leader of the design team, An Licheng is not only a capable person, but also a person who is very popular with everyone. We usually get along very well with everyone, but suddenly he refused to go on a business trip, and the manager also agreed. surprised

"For such an important contract, if you, the design team leader, don’t go, who else do you want?"

"But...but...I'm going to go to the restaurant in the evening and come back for dinner. I'm looking forward to today like the stars and the moon. Manager, you can't be so cruel and childish." puff……

Người mua: Za Warudo

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