In the end, the meal was swiped from Gao Huamao's card. As soon as the card was swiped, Gao Huamao reached out to Gu Beichen.

"Hurry, return the card to me. It's safer for me to put it in my pocket."

When Gu Beichen thought of the conveniences of this card, he suddenly felt a little reluctant to part with it. When he handed it to Gao Huamao, he was still sighing. Why did he just go abroad in the past six months? If he was in China, he might also know Jiang Yan. , knowing Jiang Yan, how could he not get the membership card? You know, he is the most generous to his friends.

Because he couldn't bear to leave, he squeezed it with some strength in his hand.

Gao Huamao pulled the card, but he didn't get it back. He continued to exert force, but still couldn't pull it back.

Seeing his reluctance, Gao Huamao felt as if his beloved had been taken away. He forcefully broke Gu Beichen's hand away, took the card back, put it into the inner pocket of the charger, and put it in again. After zipping it up, I felt relieved

"Remember, you owe me half a year's worth of food. I'm leaving first. When I see you, I think of my membership card and almost have a heart attack."

After the three people left, Wan Siqi, who had been holding back her laughter, finally couldn't help it anymore. She buried her head under the bar and started laughing. Gao Huamao's reaction was really funny.

"What are you doing"

When An Feibai went to get the menu, he saw Wan Siqi snickering and asked.

Wan Siqi quickly told An Feibai what happened to Gao Huamao and his friends. Suddenly, An Feibai also started laughing.

Latest The melon came out and spread throughout Haozilai as quickly as possible. Finally, the melon reached the kitchen and was eaten by Jiang Yan. Even Jiang Yan couldn't help laughing.

Gao Huamao's conspicuous package, It's really fun to do things, and it must cost me so much money, and I must be heartbroken.

Thinking of Gao Huamao, he suddenly thought of buying a car. He was so busy every day, and the weather was so cold, Jiang Yan couldn't help but feel sad. He didn't have the heart to go to the car dealership and take a look around, so it would be more reliable to ask Gao Huamao first and let Gao Huamao recommend a few models to him. After the recommendations were made, he would go look at them and finally choose the one he was most satisfied with.

It happened to be right now No longer busy, Jiang Yan turned on his phone and sent a message to Gao Huamao, asking him about buying a car. As a result, no one responded to the message.

Usually this person is the fastest to reply to messages. Jiang Yan thought, probably He was ripping people off, and he was heartbroken. He didn't see the message, and didn't send any more messages. He continued to work. After nine o'clock, it was supper time again. Jiang Yan took a look at the remaining dishes in the kitchen. Take out all the barbecued pork ribs on the shelf. These ribs must be grilled and eaten on the same day. If you leave them overnight, they will lose their crispiness. There is also pork stuffed with pork in the steamer, so take them out too. There are still some left today. I ordered a plate of white meat with garlic paste. Both An Feibai and Li Xia liked this stuff. The two of them were holding the plate and smiling like idiots. Before they could bring it over, one of them took a bite and ate it with chopsticks. Huanshi.

These dishes are delicious, but there is no meal. There happen to be some shredded potatoes cut by the interviewer. Because they are not up to standard, they are useless. Jiang Yan fried a hot and sour potato shreds, and there are various shapes to choose from. Picking and sorting several large plates.

Fu Limin originally thought he could leave after work at this time, but when he was called back, he found out that there was still a midnight snack.

Seeing Jiang Yan, he directly took all the dishes left in the kitchen and served them to the guests. When it was brought to the dining table, my eyes immediately went straight. No wonder my son promised to come back with food as good as the guests. It turned out that for this reason, Boss Jiang was so generous.

Thinking of his son who had been greedy all day, Fu Limin finally With the things packed for his son, he took the initiative to tell Jiang Yan:"Boss, can I not eat this work lunch and take it home to eat~?"

He smiled:"To be honest, I was planning to go home today, but my son is too greedy for your cooking, so he insisted that I come and mix some work meals for him to take back.""

"Of course, there are so many dishes, you can discuss among yourselves and divide them up. You’re welcome, everyone will take more home for the family to eat."

After listening to Jiang Yan's words, Fu Limin's eyes suddenly lit up, and there is such a good thing.

He also went to check out the menu of Hao Lai Lai last night. The price of this flavor is naturally very reasonable, but at this price, his son must not be willing to spend it, and also I don’t know how many times I’ve been craving for food at home every day.

If he came here to work, he could bring his son a late-night snack every day. Even if he didn’t want to eat it at night, he could still eat it the next morning. How happy his son would be.

"Thank you boss, I will pack some and take them back."

He found a packing box and packed some dishes. I just came here after all. Sorry, he put a little bit of each into a box and was about to leave. Li Xia shook his head when he saw it, grabbed the lunch box, and packed several more Quick ribs, and a variety of cold dishes.

The already large packing box couldn't be stuffed with it, and it couldn't even be closed. I had to use a bag to hold it tightly before handing it to Fu Limin.

"`~Uncle Fu, take it home and give it to your family to try. This is a benefit that our employees only have. By the way, remember to bring a lunch box tomorrow so that you can pack the food and take it home in the evening."

Fu Limin nodded repeatedly and rode his electric bicycle home. As soon as he left the hotel, he called his son and told him the good news.

Fu Kaiwen was playing blackmail with his colleagues. After answering his father's call, the game also When he stopped fighting, he didn’t log off directly. Instead, he showed off to his colleagues.

"My dad brought me Hao Lai's staff meal for late night snack. I won't play games with you. I'm going to have a big meal. Goodbye."

Colleagues were playing in a group, and suddenly one person was missing. He was killed by the opponent without leaving any trace, and returned to the crystal to be resurrected.

When they saw the news, they were all furious. You are amazing, you have Well, when the food is ready to eat, you can join a group and suddenly leave to trick us. It’s okay if you trick us, but you still have to show off in winter.

"Fu Kaiwen, you are an animal, come to the company tomorrow (kill Wang Hao) and see how I deal with you?"

"Damn it, it’s okay if you don’t explain it, but once you explain it, I just want to hit them"

"If you have the ability, please invite me to your home, and I won't be angry with you. Who knows which community on Changheng Road Fu Kaiwen's home is in? I will help you get revenge."

My colleagues were cursing and cursing, and they realized something was wrong.

"Why can Kevin Fu eat Hao Zai Lai's staff meals?"

"Yes, why can his dad bring him staff meals? Isn’t this the kind of treatment only internal employees of Good Zai Lai have?"

"I remember that Fu Kaiwen’s father is a chef. Fortunately, it seems that they are recruiting chefs recently. The one who won’t be able to recruit is Fu Kaiwen’s father."

"My dear, does that mean we have someone in Haozilai?"

Colleagues were discussing and discussing. Suddenly, as if they noticed something, they all sent private messages to Fu Kaiwen as if they had been injected with blood.

Người mua: Za Warudo

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