Put the meat in a bowl, with one layer of fat and one layer of lean meat. Wang Jun counted it and there were five layers.

The skin of the whole meat is candied date color, the fat meat in the middle is red with white, the white is crystal clear, the red is shiny and shiny, the lean meat is also bright red, that kind of brown, the whole piece of meat is really beautiful.

Wang Jun, who was originally going to gnaw it down, felt reluctant to destroy it.

It wasn't until his nose smelled an irresistible aroma of soy sauce that Wang Jun quickly opened his mouth and took a hard bite.

With such a large piece of meat, when you bite into it, the juice will flow out directly. The rich aroma will slide into your mouth along with the juice, and it will be fragrant in your mouth.

After chewing harder, Wang Jun said to himself, there was still a juicy feeling in his mouth. The whole piece of meat was incredibly tender and smooth, but not rotten at all. It tasted soft and waxy, obviously It's still chewy, but it doesn't have the chewy feeling of eating fascia, just tender and refreshing.

The taste is even more outstanding. It is rich in soy sauce, salty and sweet, and very delicious. The sweetness directly sublimates the entire taste. When chewing carefully, the fermented bean curd taste emerges, but it does not It's not annoying, but it has a special flavor.

After swallowing a mouthful of meat, Wang Jun became very excited because of the delicious food. It was as if he had drunk too much and went straight to his head.

He originally wanted to praise Jiang Yan, but his hand had already involuntarily stuffed the meat into his mouth, occupying a full mouth. He could not speak at all, so he could only give a thumbs up to express his excitement. Feeling.

One piece of meat was eaten, then another, and three large pieces were eaten in a row before stopping.

Dongpo meat comes in very big pieces, and even if you don't get tired of it, you will still feel tired after eating so much meat in one go. Wang Jun glanced at the table, looking for something to eat to relieve his tiredness.

Seeing this, Jiang Yan scooped up a bowl of soup and handed it over.

The boiled cabbage soup is originally a refreshing and greasy appetizer soup. After one sip of the soup, it is not only delicious and delicious, but also suppresses the greasiness of Dongpo Pork.

The elegant and refreshing taste filled his mouth, and Wang Jun wanted to hum in comfort. If he hadn't remembered that he was already an adult in his fifties, he would have really wanted to hum in comfort.

"Isn't this just boiled cabbage?"Wang Jun studied the menu over and over for a long time. After taking a few sips, he immediately realized what kind of soup this was. Seeing Jiang Yan nodding, Wang Jun, who had been drinking soup in large quantities, suddenly couldn't bear to waste it. This was a Man-Han banquet. You should taste the dishes slowly no matter what.

But having said that, he glanced at Jiang Yan:"Boss Jiang, what do you want to discuss with me when you treat me to such a sumptuous meal? Just say it, you're welcome. As long as I, Wang Jun, can do it, I promise not to refuse. Jiang

Yan smiled and said,"It's nothing big. I just have a lot of money recently and want to pay off the debt I owe you.""

"Phew...cough cough……"

Wang Jun spit out a mouthful of soup, choked and coughed violently. His heart was trembling with distress, but he finally recovered and looked at Jiang Yan with wide eyes:"What did you just say?"

"It's just about repaying the money. I borrowed so much money from you, Brother Wang, and it directly emptied your family's fortune. My sister-in-law must have made trouble with you a lot. I'm also very sorry about this matter. No, the hotel business is getting better and better. , I have some spare money now. How about I pay back your money first, so that you can explain it to your sister-in-law."

After confirming that he heard correctly, Wang Jun became anxious.

"No...repay the money...this……"He never expected that what Jiang Yan wanted to discuss with him was to pay back the money.

A few months ago, if Jiang Yan wanted to pay him back, he would have happily set off a few firecrackers to celebrate, but it was different now.

The money is charged to the membership card. If Jiang Yan pays off the money, then he won't have a membership card.

Without a membership card, you have no privileges. You are treated the same as other diners. You have to get up early every Tuesday morning to grab a number. You may not be able to grab one, and you will have no privileges if you grab it. You will have to wait when you arrive late.

When Wang Jun thought of that scene, he was completely stunned. He couldn't even speak. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"In fact, you don’t have to worry about repaying the money. Your career has just started. It doesn’t matter if you have some money on hand. You can use it as working capital. If you need money, just take it out. There is no need to pay it back to me in such a hurry."

"Besides, your character is obvious to all, and I’m not afraid that you won’t pay back the money. As a brother, I’m not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry? The money should be left with you first. Let’s eat food, eat food."

After finally putting together a bunch of excuses, Wang Jun almost praised himself, but Jiang Yan didn't think so. He just wanted to pay back the money once and reduce the debt on his head.

"Brother Wang, don't think so. Don't worry about your sister-in-law. Only when you take the money home will your sister-in-law be relieved. She has always been owed to me. If it affects your family harmony, then I will be guilty."

Seeing Jiang Yan insisting on paying back the money and taking out all his bank cards, Wang Jun sweatdropped anxiously and refused in various ways.

Just at this time, An Feibai ran over, knocked on the door of the box, and said to Jiang Yan said:"Brother Jiang, there are several cooking dishes in the kitchen that need you to deal with."

Jiang Yan stood up and walked to the kitchen. Before leaving, he asked Wang Jun to eat first. He would come over soon.

Now Wang Jun was the only one left in the box. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up, turned around and ran out of the box. Go, if you don't run now, how can you wait? Later, Jiang Yan blocked him in the box, and his membership card, which made all the fans on the Internet cry with envy, was gone. He just took two steps and saw the dishes on the table. He turned around and came back, holding a big soup bowl and taking a sip.

As a result, the soup in the big soup bowl was still hot. He jumped up because it was so hot, but he was reluctant to spit out such a big mouthful of soup and resisted the burning. He ran out of the box and ran all the way outside the hotel before swallowing the soup and opening his mouth to breathe.

After a moment, he stepped on the electric car and was about to leave, but he couldn't bear to part with the sumptuous and delicious food on the table, so he took a few bites himself. , but the family hasn’t eaten yet.

Jiang Yan told him to pack it up and take it home for his wife and children to eat. It was a pity to leave like this.

But now that he was going in to pack, he was afraid of bumping into Jiang Yan who was coming back from cooking. What should I do if I have to pay back the money again?

I was in a dilemma for a while. After hesitating for a long time, Wang Jun still couldn't bear to part with the feast. He hunched over and quietly approached the door, tiptoeing like a thief.

He lay at the door and watched. After a few glances, he didn't see Jiang Yan, but he still didn't dare to go in. Suddenly he found Wan Siqi looking at him curiously. Wang Jun coughed slightly and stood up straight.

After reacting, he smiled at Wan Siqi Qi waved and said:"Please go and pack the dishes in Lan's box and bring them out for me. It's too stuffy inside. I'll get some fresh air here.""

Người mua: Za Warudo

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