"What to eat?"

Four men in suits walked in together, and Jiang Yan walked up and asked.

The men didn't see the menu, so they asked what they could eat.

"There are pickled fish and salted duck"


The men stopped after hearing Jiang Yan's two names of dishes. They were very confused. They seemed to have never seen any restaurant with so few dishes.

"Yes, these are the only two dishes currently available"

"Then have a large pickled fish and a salted duck."

Everyone came in, and the men were too lazy to change places to eat. They ordered the food casually, and found a seat to sit down.

They were all salesmen from the same company who came to discuss business, and they ran outside all morning. At noon I just wanted to find a restaurant to eat.

After the fish was killed, the fish bones were boiled into soup, and the fish meat was marinated. Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Yan chopped up a salted duck, put it on a plate, and took it out for the guests to eat first.

It was white The jade-like salted duck can be cut up and placed like a whole duck, which shows that Jiang Yan's knife skills are good.

Most of the men are carnivores, so when they saw the salted duck on the table, they picked up their chopsticks and opened it without saying a word. Eat.

Salted duck is not considered a home-cooked dish. Most families cannot make authentic salted duck. It is too difficult. Either they eat it in restaurants outside or buy it from braised vegetables shops. The duck skin is white and the duck meat is tender and tinged with duck. The oil has a slight green color and a very rich aroma. When you eat it in your mouth, it is truly amazing.

A few people casually entered a restaurant. The place looked quite big, but the decoration was average. I didn't expect the food to taste so good. So good, everyone was so surprised that their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Damn, it’s delicious!"

The duck skin has very low fat, the duck meat is very tender, rich in juice, fat but not greasy, and the moist texture is amazing. The juice is juicy and has no fishy smell. It is full of the umami flavor of the duck meat, which is rich and delicious.

"Such a fresh taste."

Indeed, as soon as you eat this duck, you will know that it is not a salted duck made from a dead duck. It has such a moist and juicy texture that a dead duck does not have. It can be eaten.

"This is the first time I have eaten duck meat without any fishy smell."

Duck itself has a strong fishy smell, such as roast duck, salted duck, beer duck, etc., which are all heavily seasoned, which completely covers the fishy smell of duck.

But salted duck is so light. If you want to retain the delicious taste, seasoning You can’t add too much flavor, or you can’t add too many spices, for fear of losing the flavor of the duck itself.

This will test the chef’s cooking skills.

"It’s delicious. I want to kill a duck and take it back."

"It makes sense. I would buy such a delicious salted duck and take it back to my parents to try it."

The salted duck is not heavy to eat, it is fresh and tender, and there is no need to eat. Several men ate one piece after another with their mouths full of oil.

When Jiang Yan brought the pickled fish to the table, there were only a few scattered pieces of the duck left. Got it

"Boss, your salted duck is so delicious. Give me another whole one, uncut, and take it away."

"Yes, yes, give me one too."

Two of the men said they wanted to pack it up.

The other two ate without raising their heads and gnawed on the bones. They were single and had no habit of packing up to eat.


Jiang Yan narrowed his eyes and smiled when he heard the compliment.

He made ten ducks in the morning. Including the two packed, there are only five ducks left. I don't know if there will be enough to sell in the evening, just in case. In the afternoon I still need to make a few more.

Several people were already amazed after eating the salted duck. When they tasted the pickled fish, they were so happy that they couldn’t hold back their mouths.

I didn’t expect that it would taste so good in a random restaurant! What an unexpected surprise.

When eating cold dishes, rice is not necessary.

When it comes to eating the main dish, pickled fish, several people already need rice.

"Boss, please have a big portion of rice!"

A few people were eating enthusiastically while shouting for the rice to be served.

The hot pickled fish was eaten quickly and spicy, and sweat broke out on the tips of their noses within a while.

Jiang Yan couldn't control the amount of rice, so he served it alone. a bowl of rice

"Rice is calculated by the bowl, not enough."

Zong rice, which is different from normal rice, also attracted the attention of several people.

"Boss, what kind of meal is this? It looks different from what you usually eat?"

"This is steamer rice, which is steamed with a steamer. It is more delicious than rice cooked in ordinary rice cookers."

Jiang Yan stood aside and explained with a smile.

Because the food was delicious, several people were very enthusiastic, excited, and chattering towards Jiang Yan. They were not at all cold like when they first entered the store.

"What is steamer rice? This is the first time I eat it."

"Just put the steamer like a wooden barrel on the iron pot to steam rice."


Several of them couldn't cook and had never seen a rice steamer, but they all knew how to eat it.

They picked up the vegetables and ate the rice with big mouthfuls.

They immediately rebelled in the next second,"My dear, this rice steamer is good. It smells good!"

The aroma of the rice is just like the freshness of the pickled fish. The more I eat, the more I eat. I can't stop eating. I lick the rice with big mouthfuls, and I don't even bother to eat the vegetables for a while. It can be seen that the rice is really fragrant and the rice has a chewy texture. , the more you eat, the more exciting you become. Seeing a few people eating without raising their heads, Jiang Yan smiled and continued to cook pickled fish in the kitchen and packaged meals.

There were many creditors ordering takeout today, and another pot of rice was steamed, and the first pot was already cooked. It’s all gone.

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