Dongshi is not a popular tourist city, but hotels are still easy to book.

Guantan Xue booked a room at a nearby hotel while eating.

After eating, I took a taxi directly with my companions.

When we arrived at the hotel, we were still chatting about the taste of the food we had for lunch.

"It's so delicious. I never thought I could eat a bowl of lard bibimbap, a bowl of mung bean soup, and a bowl of Wensi tofu with pickled fish and salted duck."

Yes, after the two people tasted the food, they felt that the food was not enough, so they ordered another piece of lard bibimbap, each of them had a bowl, and added half a salted duck. They ate all the food cleanly, and finally helped They walked out of the hotel with their suitcases.

When they left, Pi Shi had already paid the bill and passed by.

"You must know that my breakfast on weekdays is a cup of coffee, a piece of toast, and a vegetable salad for lunch. Sometimes I don't eat at night. This"nine-five-seven" meal probably doesn't eat enough for me for a week."

Guan Danxue was also a little unbelievable that she had eaten so much.

When she arrived at the hotel, she didn't even want to pack her luggage. She just fell down on the bed and started to rest.

It was so uncomfortable!

"Woohoo, if we have dinner tomorrow, do we have to go back overnight?"

The two of them took two days off. Today counts as one day. They will fly in the morning and arrive at noon. They will have one day tomorrow and have to go to work the day after tomorrow.

"Yes, I feel like I don’t have enough leave after I came here. Who knows the pain of working as a worker?"

"Now I envy the people in Dongshi that they can often eat such delicious food"

"If Hao Lai Lai Restaurant could open in our city, I don't know how cheerful I would be every day."

After Guan Danxue finished sighing, she still felt unsatisfied and had not finished expressing her excitement. She directly posted the photo of her lunch at the bottom of the Pi Food video and started commenting. She wished she could post a long post to lament how delicious the food in the restaurant is when she comes back..The key point also described that this meal was a meal that Pishi treated him to after meeting him. Thank you very much. As soon as the comment was posted, there were several likes.

It was discovered by many netizens within a short time.

"Let me go, sisters are real and fake, are they so lucky?"

"The leather food is still in Dongshi?"

"Wow, I’m so envious that I actually met Pi Shi himself."

"As far as I'm concerned, this dish is no different from the one in the leather food video. It looks more appetizing. The beauty really knows how to take pictures. I'm so greedy!"

"Is it delicious? Is it worth checking in?"


Guan Danxue just had nothing to do, so she replied excitedly one by one.

"Really, there is a group photo, Pi Shi is even more handsome than in the video!"

"We met during lunch. I don’t know whether he left or not, but he must have really liked Hao Zailai’s food and ate a lot of it."

"It's worth checking in. It's so delicious. I've never tasted such delicious food. It's absolutely amazing and the price is very reasonable."


In just one afternoon, Guan Danxue's comment had tens of thousands of likes and was pushed directly to the top of the comment area of ​​Leather Food Video. There were too many replies to reply to.

She specially posted a video under her account, contributing all the photos and videos she took at noon, and also gave everyone a general introduction to the route to Dongshi to check in and travel.

Many netizens who saw this comment were curious and clicked on her homepage to see it directly.

I really couldn’t reply, so I made a unified reply to the questions that everyone asked the most.

Guan Danxue never expected that the hotel would be so popular now.

Just one comment aroused the curiosity of so many netizens.

On the other hand, in addition to posting videos in the afternoon on the first day, Pishi resumed updating at night.

Because we have dinner at Haozai restaurant at noon and night, and record videos.

Posting two videos a day is a bit too frequent, so I edited the lunch and dinner together and sent them out in the form of VIog. Each video lasted more than thirty minutes.

Compared to the previous video, which lasted less than a few minutes, it was really a long video.

But he didn't pay attention at all. It was very special to update the same restaurant tour video two days in a row.

In the past, his updates were weekly, and his videos were updated once a week. He visited stores in different cities and places.

This time it feels like I am almost living in Dongshi. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Pi Shi really has this idea.

As a big blogger with millions of fans, he is still very profitable. If he wants to settle in a city, let alone renting a house, he can easily buy a house without any pressure.

The housing prices in Dongshi are only over 10,000 yuan per square meter. It seems that it is not impossible to buy an apartment and live there besides working...........

So he told the two staff members about this idea.


Two staff members were working overtime to edit the video. When they heard that the boss wanted to buy a house and settle in Dongshi, they were so shocked that the mouse on their hands slipped.

"Boss, you're not coming to the hotel just for the sake of convenience and planning to buy a house in Dongshi, are you?"

Pi Shi nodded naturally.

"Yes, why are you so surprised, so that the food is so delicious that you are willing to leave?"

The two staff members touched their consciences and shook their heads.

They really couldn't bear to leave.

"That's okay. I saw a housing agency on Jianjian Road before. I'm going to find an agency now and ask. You guys can get busy."

He can't help much with the editing work. Chatting with them here will delay the progress. It's just right to go out and look for a house."


The two staff members just watched Leshi swaggering out.

But they have to work overtime hard!

You know, the previous video took many days to prepare!

Now we shoot and edit on the same day.

They can only edit out irrelevant eating places, clips that are not suitable for appearing in the video, etc. There are no filters or transitions.

"It's great to have money. If you like a place, you can buy a house and live there immediately."

At the same time, I am also full of yearning for Pi Shi's arbitrary behavior.

"What are you talking about? The boss likes it here and is willing to buy a house to live there for a long time. Is it still far from moving the studio here in 5.2?"

After saying this, both of them laughed.

Although they don't have money to buy a house, it's not impossible to move here for work, right?

(PS: Because of the price, I saw a lot of people complaining about it. The author has tried to change it in the past two days. , but the previous article has more than 200,000 words. Under the search bar, basically every chapter involves a price. The most important revision is an overhaul. It cannot be completed in a day or two, and it is easy to miss. They are all numbers. If you miss it, you will not be able to follow it. I couldn’t complete the update that day, so I had to give up and think about setting the price higher when writing later. The outline of this book has just begun, and the plot has just unfolded, so don’t worry! Thank you all for your support. Read and comment if you have any questions. If the author sees any unreasonable things, he will correct them! Read with confidence.~)

Người mua: TheDark

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