Don't look at it as just a secondary gun.


The secondary cannon of the Void Ship class also uses a trace amount of antimatter as its ammunition and kinetic energy!

Although the antimatter content is only a few 0.00 percent.

But the power, one shot and one star destroyer children, there is absolutely no problem.

Finally, there are missiles.

missiles, that's indispensable for high-class starships.

Don't look at it, it's already the interstellar age of the universe.

But it is precisely because it is the interstellar era of the universe that today's missiles have long been developed to unimaginable heights.

How do you think a Zhenyu ship can completely destroy a star field in just three days?

It's the missiles that are being used!

Missiles in the interstellar age of the universe.

And it's just the kind of Zhenyu ship.

Its launch distance is enough to easily cover an entire medium-sized star field!


If it weren't for the fact that after the missile is launched, it takes a lot of time to fly in the middle......

I'm afraid that what will be destroyed will not be a matter of a star field.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be in a corner of a star field, standing still, relying on missiles alone to destroy an entire star field?

Absolutely cool to the blast!

The Brilliant Missile.

Although it is not possible to cover an entire star field.

But with the blessing of quality and biological energy.

There is no problem in covering one-tenth of a star field. 230

Therefore, missiles are an indispensable weapon.

Let alone.

A missile with the same 20 percent antimatter was activated.


In no way smaller than the main gun.

And the attack range is super long.

It is an indispensable weapon.


On the Bright Bright, the missile launch bay arranged by Xu Zi'an reached an astonishing 666.

And they are all missile launch bays with the ultimate diameter of the Void Ship.

It's powerful!

The range is super long!

Covering one-tenth of a star field is definitely not a problem!

And then there's the engine.

The faster-than-light engine is an engine that will never go out of fashion even in ancient ships.

Void Ship-class faster-than-light propulsion engine.

Its speed is calculated at 100 times or 1,000 times the speed of light.

Needless to say, Xu Zi'an's bright number.

With the best engine.

Plus the quality of immortal products.

It reached up to 2,800 times the speed of light.

That's an incredible speed.

Spatial Jump Engine......

For a few hours, across a star cluster, without any problems.

At last.

It's a defense system!

It's already a Void Ship.

In terms of defense, of course, it must not be shabby.

The core armor of the whole ship.

(CFCA) four energy shield devices, directly to a four-cross firefight.

Just this defense......

An ordinary Void Ship can only have a numb scalp.


This is the evolution of the main components of the Bright.

The rest of the parts are still maintained at the Golden Legend quality.

And with such a huge volume of the Void Ship, Xu Zi'an will no longer be harsh on his living conditions.

The captain's living room, which reached more than two thousand square meters.

It covers areas for rest, recreation, and cultivation.

Absolutely enough space.

The plant incubation room is also essential.

It has also expanded a lot.

After all, the subsequent growth of the entire Brilliant Army is inseparable from a large number of natural treasures.

Naturally, the plant cultivation room should not be small.


That's all there is to the evolution of the Brilliant.


The starship of the women.

There's not much to say.

Fox Qiqi and Qin Fuyue's two daughters.

still continue their extreme firepower.

Apart from firepower, there are few other configurations.

And Begonia is the same, the ultimate in main gun firepower.

The two daughters of Taj Taj, the ultimate defense.

The extreme defense of the Void Ship's size, and it is still the kind of immortal quality.

Let's just put it this way.

The defense capability of the second female starship, even if it is to stand in place and let the ordinary void ship fight, I am afraid that it will fight for a day and a night, or if the second female does not repair the energy shield......

Perhaps, it is possible to blow up their energy shields.

The critical energy shield is gone, and there is an even more outrageous core armor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In a word......

The defense of the second daughter.

It is enough to make the Void Ship desperate, give the Columnar Ship a headache, and make the Zhenyu Ship dignified.

The two daughters of the white kite and the Qu Tiange.

Extreme space and support capabilities.

Even the starships of Taj and Taimei, Xu Zi'an specially made a living room of 200 square meters for them to rest.

Only Bai Xiaokite and Qu Tiange are the two daughters, because the space of their starship is too precious.

Therefore, their living rooms are all at the level of the Void Ship, but they are still only fifty square meters.

Of course, normal living is definitely enough.

But how comfortable do you want to live......

That's basically impossible.

Meow Xiaomi and Liu Yuyu mainly focus on speed and agility.

Their starship has only one main gun!

But the main guns of their starships are the kind that have reached the weight of twenty-five percent antimatter.

The main gun base is even five times that of Xu Zi'an's two main gun bases!!


They fired the main cannon down......

As long as you hit the shot.

How much damage will be done.

Even if it's a starship, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand too many attacks from the second girl. []


That's the whole situation of the Brilliant Fleet's evolution to the Void Ship this time.

Not much to say.

You're all set.


It's officially started!

This evolution!

Except for Xu Zi'an and the women present.

Master Wan Chongshan, as well as Uncle Chen, these teachers, were also all present, watching curiously.

watched Xu Zi'an, the most outrageous and talented peerless Tianjiao in the history of the human race.

In terms of evolutionists, to what extent is it against the sky?

The reason why Xu Zi'an is said to be the most outrageous and talented peerless Tianjiao in the history of the human race......

That's because.

They never thought of it!

Xu Zi'an......


It's even a sixth-grade evolutionary!!

You can now evolve the Void Ship independently!


It's still the kind of diamond-colored fairy quality!


Wan Chongshan planned to give Xu Zi'an in person, as well as the Bright Fleet Female Evolution Starship.

By the way, let Xu Zian see more and learn more.


Xu Zi'an told him.

He can himself!

Then Wan Chongshan, as well as Uncle Chen, a few other annihilation-level powerhouses, were all dazed and silent.


The news that Xu Zi'an is now a six-rank evolutionary master......


Compared with Xu Zi'an's talent in star warfare, they were even more shocked.

The advancement of the evolutionary master is a hard condition, and it is much, much more difficult than cultivation and star warfare.

Because, the promotion of the evolutionary master is accompanied by the accumulation of countless years of experience in evolving the starship, and countless years of knowledge accumulation!

The amount of evolutionary knowledge needed is unimaginable!

It's a time swap!

Right now......

But you told me.

Xu Zi'an.

A young man under forty years old.


Amazing !!

At this age.

Gone through what others can achieve in at least thousands of years?!

Even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years may not be able to reach heights?!

Everyone was silent.

And then.

It's all coming!

You have to see it with your own eyes.

Xu Zi'an's talent as an evolutionary.


How far has it gone against the sky!.

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