This is definitely the most prosperous and magnificent star field Xu Zi'an has ever seen.

The grandeur of the Heart of the Terran Star Field is far beyond Xu Zi'an's imagination!

Why do you say that?!


Human beings all use planets as their living units, and at most they use star systems as their living units.

This dwelling unit means that, in general, humans will only live on the planet.

Buildings, solid planets, will be built directly on the planet's surface.

Gas planets are generally only suspended on the surface of the planet.

The living units of the star system, that is, the space environment within the star system, will have some buildings, and that's it.


Terran Heart Star Field!

The most central place of this cosmic human race!

But it's a living unit based on a star field!

What is a living unit in a star field?!


Stepping into this star field.

As far as the eye can see.

It's full of buildings!

Or even ......

The planet doesn't matter anymore!


To be exact.

As a matter of fact!

In the Heart of the Terran Star Field, there is not even a single planet!

The Heart of the Terran Star Domain was actually built in an environment of no one in deep space.

Everything as far as the eye can see is built by the Terrans!

The reason why this place is called a star field is because the vast and shocking building complex has reached the star field level!


It's that outrageous!

A star-level building complex city!

What is this concept?!

To know......

Above the star system, there are large galaxies.

Above the big galaxy, there are star districts!

A star sector, in general, has multiple large galaxies!

Above the star sector, there is a nebula!

Nebula, with multiple star sectors!

Above the nebula, there are star clusters!

Above the star cluster, is the star field!

Can you imagine how magnificent a star field complex is?

This is definitely the best technology and the best architecture of the Terrans.

Invested human, material and financial resources.

to an unimaginable degree.

It's the size of a galaxy.

Buildings in the community, every one!

It's the size of a planet like Earth!

And in every building.

It is home to tens of billions of people.

One community, 100 billion people!


It's just a relatively ordinary small community!

The outermost neighborhood!

Or rather, this is a suburban neighborhood!


It is made up of a large complex of buildings.

Countless ships and starships shuttled through it.


And the down-to-earth kind of pavement!



Adopt the highest-end gravity control system and ecological control system on the street.

It can be seen that countless people are walking and walking on it.


Over here.

There is no point anymore.

The entire Terran Heart Star Field.

It's all grounded.


Not a whole piece of ground.

It's the kind of partitioning.

The entire Heart of the Terran Star Domain, with a total of 10,800 districts.

The meaning of this district is similar to the meaning of Chaoyang District, Huangpu District, and so on on the earth in ancient times.

Just a district of a city.

Every district.

Consists of at least one large galaxy.

There are many, even five, or even six large galaxies.

And every district!

It's a huge, man-made surface.

Artificial ground.

It's a building!

Even if it's just a district, it's shocking enough.

It's unimaginable, 10,800 districts......

What kind of visual feast is it?


Because there are no planets here, there are naturally no stars.

However, there are no stars, but a whole star field!


The whole starfield!

All in a bright environment!

I don't know where the light source is coming from, as if it appeared out of thin air.

It brings light, but also warmth.

And it has the effect of day and night.

Xu Zi'an.

He let out a long breath.

in his eyes.

Full of shock.

Full of amazement.

I was amazed and amazed that the cosmic human race was able to create such a miraculous complex.

Among them, the condensed human, material and financial resources, as well as wisdom and the crystallization of science and technology of the human race for countless years, are unimaginable.

Just when Xu Zi'an, as well as all the women except Qiu Taoyu and Mu Ziqiu's second daughter, expressed their amazement and shock here......

communicator. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, a soft female voice sounded: "May I ask if it is Xu Zi'an and the Bright Fleet?"

"I'm a staff member of the Federal Office of Universal Human Affairs. "

"I was ordered to meet you. "


I don't know when.

In fact, a standard starship that was armed to the teeth and extremely sophisticated appeared in front of him.

This fleet, the worst, turned out to be the captain of the starship.

The leader turned out to be the captain of the Zhenyu ship!

And this fleet has a very peculiar shape.

How so......

Anyway, it looks like it's a very sci-fi and cool kind.

But in the eyes of Xu Zi'an, a professional evolutionary......

The shape of this fleet, the practicality does not seem to be so strong.

It's like it's just for the sake of looking good and cool.

However, Xu Zi'an didn't think much about it, nodded and said, "It's me." "

The other person's voice became more respectful: "Then please come with me." "

Xu Zi'an nodded and didn't say much.

But at this moment.

This fleet, after confirming the identities of Xu Zian and others.

They were surrounded.

But it's not a hostile encirclement, it's a welcoming escort encirclement!


The Zhenyu ship is at the forefront.

This was followed by two Columns.

On the left and right sides and behind, there are also longitudinal starships, and the whole bright fleet is protected in it, flying ahead.

And that's not all!

I don't know when.

Xu Zi'an: The direction they went to.

Along the way!

There are cool starships like this floating on both sides, and there are a lot of them, and they continue to be far, far away!

However, the level of these starships is not so high.

There are so many starships, forming a passage in the middle, and no one is allowed to enter!

Solemn and solemn!

Seeing this, Xu Zi'an seemed to understand something.

But also at this time!

in public channels.

There were exclamations.

"Shhh...... Federal ceremonial fleet!"

"Oh my God! It's actually the Federal Ceremonial Fleet that is closing the road to escort!"

"Who is this escort? Which of my Terran bosses is it? Or is it my Terran hero who has returned triumphantly?"

"If I'm not mistaken...... Our Terran Federation ceremonial fleet, every time it goes out, it is basically a triumphant return of heroes who have made great contributions to our Terran Race! It has not appeared for many years, and this escort greets ......"

"Immortal ship, how can there be an immortal ship? Huh...... Wait!"

"Damn! These immortal ships...... Why does it look so familiar?!"

"Dig slot, dig slot, dig slot!! no, no, no!!"

"Shhh...... My God!! Xu, Xu Zi'an! It's Xu Zi'an!!"

"It's really Xu Zi'an, and his brilliant fleet!!"


"I see, I see! I'll just say, now that my Terran has not had any major victories, how can we dispatch the Federation Honor Fleet...... It turned out to be the eternal brilliant Xu Tianjiao!"

"Haha, I didn't expect Xu Tianjiao to come to our Terran Heart Star Domain!!!

"I, Xu Tianjiao, am absolutely qualified to withstand such a standard of greeting...... Wait, wait!

One after another exclamations, from the very beginning of surprise and curiosity.

To recognize the people who greeted and escorted him, it was Xu Zi'an's excitement and excitement, and the change was particularly fast!

And then......

I saw it.

Countless starships around!


It even flew directly into the air and came to both sides of the road blocked by the Federal Ceremonial Fleet to see it up close!


But no one dared to run in.

First of all, this blocked passage is specially used to welcome Xu Zi'an, and they are not qualified to come in.

Secondly, it is also to prevent assassins.

All are expressly specified.

(Wang Zhao Zhao) Whoever dares to enter at will will be killed on the spot.

Therefore, even at this moment, after recognizing Xu Zi'an, everyone's emotions were very excited.

But no one dared to run in front of Xu Zi'an.

There were only constant cheers and shouts on both sides.


The cheers grew louder and louder.

More and more people know about Xu Zi'an's arrival.

Followed by......

This area.

The whole thing was plunged into a sea of cheers and boiling!

And then.

is more and more people knowing.

More and more people are coming!

The dense and innumerable number of people waved their arms and shouted excitedly at Xu Zi'an's side.

Xu Zi'an.

I was also deeply shocked by these countless people.

He had never seen so many people in reality.

It's true...... Too much, too much, too much.

After all, there are hundreds of billions of people in the most ordinary community......

Can you imagine the extent of the population of this huge star field?

And what shocked Xu Zi'an the most.

Or people's excitement and support.


It's a cheer for your own name.

It is also a shout for his contributions to the human race over the years!

This moment is more.

Xu Zi'an thinks.

It's all worth it.

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