‘Strange, why do I have this impression? I haven’t become a king yet, and I haven’t met such a friend.......’

Jason felt the loss in his heart.

He has never encountered such an unusual situation before.

I can never forget that ambiguous feeling.

Moran noticed Jason's observing gaze and said seriously:"I know I'm handsome, but don't look at me like this. I'm not a manly woman. What I like is women."

"Get out! This uncle also likes women!"

"You better be."

Jason immediately responded.

The atmosphere between the two of them arguing like this was not inconsistent.

If there were any bystanders, they would probably think that the two of them are close friends who have been friends for many years.

"I really can't ignore it without talking about these things. Have you met me somewhere before?"

Jason couldn't help but ask.

He felt that the strange feeling in his heart was too irritating.

If he didn't speak out, something was wrong with him.

"If you had met someone like me before, do you think you wouldn't remember it?"

"Will definitely remember it! Your bastard's face is prettier than a woman's! How could anyone not remember?"

Jason immediately felt that he was asking in vain.

If he had really met Mo Lan before, then he would definitely not be able to forget this experience.

"Forget it, I'm so depressed. Speaking of which, you have also fought with me. Do you have any thoughts on leaving this island? I promise, as long as you come with me, you will definitely become an unparalleled hero in the future! Only I can bring out your talents!"

Jason patted his chest and sent out a sincere invitation.

Moran couldn't help laughing for a moment.

During the last simulation, Jason also sent out invitations to everyone on the Argonauts in this way.

"I reject"

"Eh! why! ?"

The majestic aura that Jason had originally erected suddenly collapsed like a landslide.

The reason was also very simple. Moran looked at Euryale and Stheno, who were playing tricks on Medusa not far away.

He simulated this time The center of the story is not about heroes.

Rather, it is about choosing this home.

"I believe you can become a king in the future, even without my help."


Jason couldn't help but be stunned. It was the first time he heard someone talk about himself like this.

Looking at the back of Moran who turned around and left, the words contained a kind of complete trust.

There was obviously no basis.

But , but it made him feel inexplicably at ease.

At the end of the last simulation, Moran learned through the information provided by the simulator that Jason finally regained the throne.

Not only that, he did not break his promise. The tragic story of Moran and Medusa was told. Greece to dispel rumors that the gods were once a structure

"What a bastard. He's such a person who goes his own way. Wait, why did I say 'again'?"

Jason shook his head and couldn't figure it out.

Several very blurry images flashed through his mind.

On a certain luxurious ship, he and a group of heroes were drinking and chatting, and the figure of one of the heroes was particularly familiar.

That scene It makes people miss me so much.

A warm current can't help but flow out of my heart.

"Gee, it's too weird. If it continues like this, I'm going to wonder if it's been cursed. Find Asclepius later....He has always had a knack for dealing with difficult and complicated diseases......"

Jason no longer thought much about this strange feeling.

He turned and walked towards the outside of the island.

On the way, Jason saw many people on the island.

Not only heroes have come here, but even some civilians have come to this invisible island in admiration.

He had a premonition.

This island will no longer be ordinary

【The heroes who landed on the island were defeated by you】

【In the face of this superb martial arts and absolute charm, they recognized you as a hero and realized that the three Gorgon sisters were not monsters, but the Earth Mother Goddess who was older than the Greek gods.】

【As expected, you find that as long as Medusa does not kill, the magic factor in the body will not be activated.】

【Gradually, you discover that not only heroes visit the island】

【Humans other than heroes land on the island】

【With respect and belief in the three Gorgon goddesses, they declared their identity】

【They were the Pelasgians scattered throughout Greece】

【Long before the arrival of the Olympian gods, they lived on this land. The Pelasgians had their own gods, and Medusa was the earth goddess they believed in.】

【The gods of Olympus descend from heaven】

【All the old gods of this land have disappeared, and Medusa, who is the Mother Goddess of the Earth, has also been degraded due to the dissipation of belief.】

【Losing the blessings of the old gods they believed in, and facing other peoples protected by the Olympian gods, the Pelasgian kingdom naturally fell into pieces, and their faith began to be eroded.】

【But the flames of the Pelasgians have not dissipated yet】

【After hearing that the former Mother Goddess is alive in the world, there are still Pelasgians who choose to regain their faith. They do not want to fight against the Olympus gods, they just want to retrieve the things of the past.】

"Lord Messenger! Please tell the Mother Goddess that we are remnants of the old era who are not tolerated by the world! If He remembers us Pelasgians, He will still show mercy! We want to stay on this island where the Mother Goddess lives! Lord Messenger, I beg you.....!"

The old man knelt down on his knees.

Offer your most pious tears and faith.

Not only was the old man alone, there were dozens of members of the same family following him. There are young people, children, and women inside

【They have Pelasgian blood】

【and devout belief in Medusa, the Earth Mother Goddess.】

【Originally, they stayed in a small village that was not even a city, maintaining old beliefs that were considered heretical.】

【Follow the wishes of our ancestors and never forget them】

【In a land already ruled by Greek gods, they still cling to the past】

【You know, this is the age of the gods】

【It is almost impossible for human beings to survive without the protection of gods】

【As heretics, the Pelasgians were not protected by the Greek gods. It is impossible to imagine how they survived to this day.】

【I don’t know how they arrived at the invisible island】

"Medusa, what do you think?"

Molan turned his head and said to Medusa beside him.

He looked at the hungry old, young, women and children in front of him.

I don't know how many people died all the way to the invisible island. I am afraid they came here with the consciousness of making a desperate move.

Just to see them. The goddess that the clan believes in.

I believe that this mother goddess in the past will definitely send her love.

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