[One by one, after a day of flying, the newspaper birds have distributed most of the newspapers of the World Economic News. 】

[Whitebeard and Roger's side, because they are located in a remote sea, it is relatively late to get this newspaper. 】

["I didn't expect the revolutionary army to make such a big move again. On the naval warship, Sengoku put down the newspaper in his hand with a headache: "Didn't they say that there will be no more big disturbances in the next few years?"

["Chambord freed the slaves, they were really bold. "】

["But since the headquarters hasn't recalled us, we should have enough capacity to deal with it."] The yellow ape said as he stood aside. 】

["No, I'm going to ask."] "Ever since I read the newspaper, Sengoku has been frowning. 】

[He puts down the newspaper and dials the phone bug at the headquarters.] 】

[After a few moments, he hung up.] 】

["Zefa went to Chambord. Sengoku said. 】

["Mr. Zefa, then there is no problem. The yellow ape crooked his mouth and said in a flirtatious tone: "Although Mr. Zefa has always been at odds with me, his strength is enough to solve this incident." "】

"Perhaps. "Sengoku is noncommittal. 】

[He and Luo Ya have fought each other, and they have also had a private exchange, and he knows more about the methods of this young revolutionary army leader. 】

[This man who can make him deflated in terms of wisdom, everything he does is certain to a certain extent, and many things seem crazy, but they are actually under his control. 】

[This time there was such a big movement, even the World Economic News newspaper was controlled by him, and issuing this statement of emancipating slaves was basically a declaration of war with the world government, or a declaration of war on an island so close. 】

[Sengoku really doesn't think he has a back hand to deal with. 】

[Can Zefa really solve this revolutionary army? Is the headquarters too optimistic?]

[Warring States really has no confidence in his heart, even if it is Roger, Whitebeard, and the legendary pirates led by these legendary pirates did not give him this feeling, but in the face of the revolutionary army, Warring States always felt that this organization was very evil. 】

[He is not the kind of organization that can be viewed with paper strength, this is an organization that has been established so far, and in the face of the navy's three battles and three victories, its strategic layout ability is extremely terrifying. 】

["Apply to the headquarters to return home, and we will rush back to Marin Fando early tomorrow morning. Sengoku paced the bow of the warship for a long time, and finally said to the yellow ape. 】

[This decision surprised the yellow ape. 】

["Aren't you going to continue chasing the Whitebeard Pirates?"]

["There is no point in continuing to chase, our current strength in the new world is already weak, and we alone can't arrest the Whitebeard Pirates, so it's better to go back, I always feel that something is wrong."] "Sengoku's eyes are extremely serious. 】

["Understood, Sengoku-sama."] Naturally, it was impossible for the yellow ape to say that he had to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, so he replied. 】

[A moment later, they also got permission from headquarters.] 】

[Rest for a night tonight, go to the G1 branch of the New World early tomorrow morning, and then log in to Mary Joya from Red Harbor. 】

[With permission, Sengoku also breathed a sigh of relief. 】

After relaxing, he suddenly felt that he was a little too nervous. 】

[Chambord has Zefa, the headquarters is still free, and the little strength of the revolutionary army cannot be said to make too much movement. 】

[But it's good to go back and rest, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates are separated, and basically the purpose of this time has been achieved. 】

[Meanwhile, the Chambord Islands.] 】

[On the Navy warship, Zefa is standing at the bow of the ship, leaning against the railing, holding a bottle of sherry, but it is not opened. 】

["Teacher Zefa, why do we have to guard in other mangrove areas, the people of the revolutionary army should be in the mangrove area where the former slave trading market is located."] "】

[Duke asked, a little confused.] 】

[Although Duke was seriously injured by the cadres of the Revolutionary Army during the day, because he is an animal fruit ability, his physique is very strong, and now he has basically recovered his mobility. 】

[What he didn't understand was why the teacher didn't carry out a counteroffensive against the people of the revolutionary army. 】

[Zefa didn't look back, nor did he answer Duke's question directly, but asked.] 】

["Duke, I remember you graduated from that class of recruits six years ago. "】

"Yes, Mr. Zefa. Duke respectfully said, "If it weren't for your teachings, I wouldn't be where I am today." "】

["Actually, apart from Polusalino and Sakaski, I was most impressed by you in that session, you said that you would be a general of the navy, sweep away the darkness of this world, and maintain the justice and justice of this world. Zefa said with a smile. 】

["At that time, you were the only one who could shout out the ideal of justice loudly. "】

["I didn't expect you to remember it so clearly, teacher. Duke scratched his head embarrassedly, he had just joined the Navy and was still an out-and-out hot-blooded young man. 】

["However, now that you have become a lieutenant general from a recruit, you should know very well that the darkness of this world is inexhaustible, the pirates are rampant, the power and corruption of the nobles, and the wanton behavior of the Draconians. Zefa's voice sank. 】

["Our navy can still fight effectively in the face of pirates, but in the face of other more darkness, it is deeply powerless. Zefa said in a deep voice: "Let me teach you one last lesson." "】

["At all times, we must remember the righteousness in our hearts, even if the justice of the navy is hindered by the power, we must still do what it is possible. "】

[Duke felt that Mr. Zefa seemed to be a little drunk, obviously he didn't drink, he said too many things that he shouldn't say as an admiral.] 】

["Are you for those slaves?" Duke thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "The revolutionary army is transferring those slaves?

[Zefa didn't speak, smiled and waved his hand, signaling for Duke to leave and let him be alone for a while.] 】

[Duke is gone, he originally thought that the teacher was a little strange today, but if it was to save those slaves, everything made sense. 】

[Duke didn't think to inform the headquarters of this, he was already righteous in his heart, and he respected Zefa, so it was naturally impossible to make a behind-the-scenes move to make a small report. 】

"If it was me before, I might have done it, but now, I'm going to do it more thoroughly. Zefa pursed his lips and looked at the sea. 】

[Suddenly, he shook the bottle in his hand, and a deep voice rang out on the deck. 】

"The sea is watching, the beginning of this world. "】

"The sea also knows the end of this world. "】

"So the direction he induces is the path that should be advanced. "】

"Therefore he is guiding the right world. "】

["Sea guide. Duketon, who was about to enter the cabin, stopped and looked back at Zefa. 】

[The moonlight sprinkled on the deck, sprinkled on the body of this navy veteran, looking extremely lonely. 】

[This song is Mr. Zefa's favorite song, this is a song sung by the Navy for those Navy soldiers who died in battle.] 】

[Since the tragedy happened six years ago, Mr. Zefa seems to have always regarded himself as a member of the navy who died in battle, and his song is full of twilight many times, and he sings it for himself. 】

[I just don't know why, Duke, who is not good at music, seems to have heard something different from the teacher's singing. 】

[It seems that there is less twilight, more like a farewell?] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Duke shakes his head, turns and walks into the cabin.] 】

["I won't be afraid, my friends are waiting. "】

[After singing the last sentence, Zefa was silent for a long time, then smiled with relief, opened the bottle of sherry in his hand, tasted it lightly, and then poured all the wine into the sea. 】

"Goodbye, Navy. "】

[Chambord No. 1 Slave Market, all the rescued slaves have basically gathered here. 】

[In the huge central square, all the cages that used to hold slaves were removed, and the slaves found for the first time that this square was so spacious. 】

[Clusters of bonfires were set up in this square, burning the place bright and warm. 】

[The cooks of the revolutionary army made the ingredients into delicious food and distributed them to every slave. 】

[Doctor Doriel and Silk, as well as some doctors brought from the Bucket Kingdom, doctors and hygienists trained within the revolutionary army, are now shuttling among the slaves, treating their wounds and diseases. 】

The soldiers of the revolutionary army and the slaves sat on the ground together, regardless of each other. 】

[Brooke's appearance, although it caused a lot of commotion, after all, his skeleton appearance is too terrifying. 】

[But under a few funny words, it gradually subsided.] 】

[Brooke elegantly played the violin, and the melodious sound of the piano seemed to be able to soothe the uneasiness in people's hearts. 】

[After eating the soul fruit, even the performance, it seems that he can penetrate deep into the soul and convey his emotions to the audience. 】

[Melodious singing, then gradually getting higher and higher, and finally, Brooke sang directly. 】

"Arise, hungry slaves. "】

["Arise, all the afflicted of the world!"]

["The blood is boiling to fight for the truth. "】

"Slaves, get up, get up. "】

["Don't say we have nothing, we want to be the masters of the world!"

"There has never been a savior, nor has it relied on a god king. "】

"It is up to us to create the happiness of mankind. "】


[Brooke's singing is infectious, passionate and surging. 】

[He conveyed his emotions to everyone on the scene.] 】

[With the sound of getting up one after another, the revolutionary soldiers who were originally sitting cross-legged on the ground spontaneously stood up one by one. 】

[The song was so catchy that they sang along.] 】

[The high voices converge into a torrent, a torrent full of faith.] 】

[This belief is like an inclusive sea, integrating the suffering slaves into it equally. 】

[One by one, the slaves stood up and sang vigorously, their voices hoarse, as if they wanted to vent all their emotions. 】

[There are more and more people accompanying the chorus, and the voices of the people accompanying the chorus are getting higher and higher, and even the eyes of those numb slaves seem to have a look of light for the first time. 】

[Loya is singing, Fuji Tiger is singing, Dragon, Nagli, and Pheasant are all singing this song. 】

[Tiger's voice was high, Jinping's voice was loud, Aaron didn't speak, just pursed his lips, and his lips trembled slightly. 】

The slaves were singing loudly, and at this moment, they were free and equal. 】

[All people are equal at the moment, and they seem to be able to feel each other's emotions, beliefs, ideals, and wills. 】

[All of them are heart-to-heart at this moment, and they have gathered into the most powerful force. 】

[The most closed slave market, the loudest sound sounded at this moment, the cage could not be closed, and the huge mangrove tree could not be blocked, and the song came out of the No. 1 mangrove area. 】

[Ringing in the ears of the naval soldiers who have blocked this place.] 】

[The sound is like a tide, and every naval soldier can hear this song, and hear the strength and will of the people who sing this song together.] 】

[The guns in the hands of the soldiers hung down involuntarily. 】

[Some soldiers even couldn't help but sing along.] 】

[The low-level naval soldiers, who is the child of a rich and noble family, and which one is from a noble family?]

[They are not slaves, but are they not suffering?

["Oppressive Confederates, World Governments, Empty Laws. "】

["The nobles have no obligations, and the rights of the poor are just empty words. "】

["......." country]

"United to tomorrow. "】

"Equality will be achieved. "】

[At first, the generals were able to use their power to suppress it, but along with other areas, more and more naval soldiers sang together, and even these officers could not suppress the voices of the low-level soldiers. 】

[This is a mighty roar, a roar from the bottom, and any power will be completely shattered. 】。

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