After hearing what Dane said, Hal felt a heavy pressure on his body, but he still accepted it without hesitation.

The connection between color and light that Dane mentioned is actually that Parallax particularly likes to possess people from the Green Lantern Corps.

In"Zero Hour", Hal himself was possessed by the Parallax Monster, so he has the qualifications to accommodate the Parallax Monster.

Hector is still a little behind, and Dane believes that Parallax will eventually choose to abandon Hector and turn to Hal.

Now it depends on whether Hal's willpower can suppress the parallax monster.

Dane's goal is to focus on nuclear weapons.

He opened the backend interface of Kuaidu and found that the matter had begun to spread around the world.

People across the United States are strongly condemning this crazy plan of the military, and even the president's political opponents have begun to encourage Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president.

A nuclear bomb, millions of lives, how dare they give orders so directly?

Have you lost your mind?

Dane will laugh and tell you that they have indeed lost their minds.

Because he was the one who made the witch curse the militaryAnd the whole of Washington, a very slight, insignificant curse.

You won't even notice it, as it does no harm to the body of the cursed person.

It will only make them actively look for choices that seem suitable in theory when faced with difficult choices, but they must not make them after careful consideration.

This spell is very complex28. Although it has no offensive capabilities at all, it affects people's subconscious.

The subconscious mind is extremely difficult to control.

And the subconscious mind cannot completely affect a person's behavior, because there are many other objective factors that affect people's behavior.

Therefore, generally no one will study this kind of magic, just because it is too useless.

In the field of brain, Dane is not an expert, but he still developed this useless magic just for now.

After this exposure, it can be expected that the official reputation will definitely suffer a huge blow.

The Justice League can just fill the public's missing trust in the government. This is a battle for credibility.

He doesn't want the Justice League to turn into the non-governmental organization that is completely public welfare and selfless, and that the government can suppress any bullshit.

He hopes that the Justice League can become a new object that everyone expects, above the country or the alliance of countries.

All countries and organizations should respect it as an independent social group, which is why it wants to achieve economic independence first.

Now, with the help of Pioneer Technology and Umbrella, the alliance has been able to achieve complete economic self-sufficiency, and now it is just short of international reputation.

And what can be greater than the prestige gained by trampling the entire US under your feet?

The whole thing that has come to this point is not the result of Dane's directing. He just discovered that Tianyan had similar intentions of getting rid of them, so he helped along the way.

Thinking of this, Dane smiled:

"I really have to thank Amanda Waller for this matter. If she hadn't revealed this idea first, things would not have developed so smoothly."

And I also want to thank General Lane for his hostility towards metahumans. He is a very useful vanguard and plays a good leading role. I also want to thank Martian Manhunter Ron for fighting side by side with them now. If he still has In the military operations department, he would definitely be able to discover the abnormalities of those generals.

Instead of like now, the witch would even have time to deal with the trouble after the incident....

And after the witch was dealt with, General Lane quickly regretted it!

"God, what have we done?..."

The president was so regretful that his intestines were blue, but he had no time to regret.

His political opponents have begun to criticize him, and now he can only hope that nuclear weapons can really solve this alien invasion.

The military bosses who reacted at this time also thought so.

But will Dane let them have their way?

Seeing a missile pierce the sky, the refugees from Beach City who learned from Kuaishou that the military had launched a nuclear bomb were stunned.

"this...It's actually true..."

In the crowd, a handsome boy sneered:

"Of course it is true. With the current situation in Beach City, the military can only come up with this solution."

Everyone glared at him.

But the boy didn't care. He calmly raised his mobile phone and started live broadcasting the doomsday scene of Beach City.

Today alone, he gained more followers than in the past few years.

Citizens It feels like he is crazy, and now Beach City is about to face the crisis of destruction.

He...He is actually still following the live broadcast? Is this industry involved to this extent?

"I tell you, don’t worry at all, the Justice League will save this city."

"Justice League?"Someone muttered to himself.

He pointed to Superman who was rescuing people outside and Wonder Woman who was killing monster insects.

"Do you mean them?"

"That's right!"The boy nodded.

"Can they stop a nuclear bomb?"Someone questioned.

The boy smiled and obviously knew the Justice League very well.

"There are nearly ten members of the Justice League, and there are at least three Gods of Light. If this city cannot be saved in this way, it can only mean that its demise is God's arrangement."

The boy shrugged and continued his live broadcast, and his words were transmitted to all parts of the world through the live broadcast.

Everyone knew that the superpowers who killed enemies and saved people in Beach City belonged to an organization called the Justice League.

Constantly. Someone asked the anchor to introduce the names of the members in the live broadcast room. At first glance, the anchor looked like he was in a bad news situation!

"Let’s talk about this later, the nuclear bomb is coming!"

The boy pointed his phone at the sky. The high-tech phone in his hand captured the scene in the sky very clearly.

Everyone, whether they were refugees from Beach City in real life or sitting in front of the screen, came from all over the world. People. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, it seems that you can feel the oppression brought by mankind's most powerful weapon.

Among them, the people of Hiroshima must feel this mood the most.

In the sky, on the clouds, a white light flashed rapidly.

Perhaps sensing the threat, all the yellow parallax bugs stopped and turned their gaze to the sky. The

Justice League also felt it, and all members stared in the direction of nuclear weapons..

Just as the missile carrying the nuclear warhead was getting closer and closer to the coastal city, a figure rose into the sky in the desperate eyes of all the citizens in the city.

"That's Shazam!"

In the silent environment, only the boy who broadcast the live broadcast was still talking.

But he seemed to be affected by the surrounding atmosphere, and his voice lowered unconsciously.

"He is one of the legendary guardians, the ancient patron saint of magic and the master of the Rock of Eternity."

Everyone listened quietly to his voice, constantly improving their impressions of this"Guardian" in their minds.

Some people clasped their hands together, and some held their hearts in their hands. They all prayed in their hearts, praying that the"god" could succeed. Prevent the nuclear bomb from exploding.

Dane saw the missile approaching, and his senses gave him a slight alarm, indicating that the nuclear bomb in front of him might pose some threat to him. But this sense of danger was not too strong.

The god of death gave him He has the ability to freely enter and exit the realm of life and death, and the divine body can theoretically withstand the power of nuclear bomb explosions, so it is understandable that nuclear bombs pose a relatively low threat to him.

He wanted to give it a try, after learning so much magic knowledge and After acquiring the power of the godhead, did he make greater progress than before?

So he possessed himself and flew towards the missile.

Under everyone's gaze, Dane approached the missile, and then used the power of his body to launch the nuclear bomb. Lift it up and fly high into the sky

"He held it!"

Everyone in Beach City widened their eyes. Some parallax bugs, wondering if they thought there was an opportunity, also flew into the sky, trying to catch up with Dane.

He flew higher and higher, higher and higher, Until Dane and the missile were safely covered by the clouds.

People on the ground could only see shallow shadows and yellow monsters following one after another under the clouds.

Suddenly, a sun lit up, and a violent shock wave scattered the clouds, and the sky As if being torn apart!

Countless strange insects were melted into nothingness by the high temperature.

Then a huge roar came from the sky, it was far bigger and more ferocious than thunder.


The wind pressure was downward, blowing countless On a person’s temples, the rays of a miniature sun are so dazzling that one cannot look directly at them.

"Dane!"Diana couldn't help shouting.

Although Dane had told her in advance that nothing would happen to her, how could she not be worried?

But where the little sun lit up, an inconspicuous shadow appeared there..

Under the backlight, his back gradually became taller.

When the light of the nuclear explosion dissipated, Dane's figure was completely revealed to everyone.

Shazam, unscathed!.

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