"is it him? Thomas suddenly asked, but Barry just looked at the strong man in front of him warily. In the final analysis, his knowledge of"Dane" only came from dreams. In fact, he was not that familiar with him. At the current time, The memory of the thread still occupies a major position in his personality.

What happens in the dream can only be felt when you are in the dream. Originally, Barry could not understand this well, but now, he understands it.

This man is so strong Outrageous!

I don’t know why, but Barry’s sixth sense sent a strong alarm to him, as if the person in front of him could crush him with just a slight stretch of his hand.

"You don’t need to be so wary of me. As long as you don’t do anything unnecessary, you won’t be harmed."

"You say this as if you can hurt us anytime you want."

Although he knew it was inappropriate, Captain Leng, who was accustomed to being wild, couldn't help but retorted. He didn't realize what he had said until he finished speaking. He regretted it a little, but it would be embarrassing to ask him to take it back. After hearing this,

Thomas turned around He turned around and glanced at Cyborg. Although he didn't speak or make an expression, Cyborg just understood the meaning of"this is the conversation you said" in the other person's eyes.

Fortunately, Dane didn't care about the other person's gun belt. To be honest, he didn't even look at Captain Cold. He had no impression of the small role.

This greatly hurt Captain Cold's self-esteem, but under the warning look in Batman Thomas's eyes, he still held back the curse words he was about to blurt out.

Regardless. No matter how arrogant the other party's attitude is, as long as they can have normal dialogue, there is hope for a peaceful resolution of the dispute.

Under the premise of these 29 goals, it doesn't actually matter what the other party's attitude is.

Moreover, they have no idea about the ability of the man in front of them. Enough understanding. After watching the scene of Kryptonians killing each other, Thomas has a new understanding of the destructive power of superhumans.

If this man has the strength of a Kryptonian, then maybe only Shazam can do it to them. Survive.

Without anyone noticing, Thomas quietly checked the current location of the dirty bomb through the eyepiece.

Although the dirty bomb was not very large, it was definitely not small, especially in order to effectively destroy the Amazons. It is necessary to put more effort into the yield.

As a result, the volume will be larger than the normal detonating atomic weapon, and a special team will be required to fully armed to escort it. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be done by Batman himself. He can hold at most It's just a detonator.

There is no location information of the dirty bomb in the eyepiece, which means that the weapon has not been transported to the island at this moment.

There will be a team in Sky Eye specifically responsible for escorting atomic weapons. Batman has heard of this notorious team before. Amanda Waller trained her own private militia, which she called Task

Force He was very dissatisfied when he was in the team, but considering that these garbage were worse than dogs in Waller's hands, he was too lazy to continue to pay attention.

Withdrawing his attention from the eyepiece, Thomas has a new task here, which is to drag They must live with each other and not let the other side discover that they are smuggling this weapon.

It is best not to use this weapon. Although Thomas thinks the world is terrible, no matter how bad it is, it is the world that gave birth to him, and he is not an extremely anti-human psychopath..

Let Cyborg and The Flash give it a try and have a peaceful conversation, haha.

Just when Thomas had changed his mind eight hundred times, Cyborg had already started a relatively friendly conversation with Dane.

"Hello sir, on behalf of the human world, I would like to express our peace wishes to you. Of course, I would be very grateful to you if I could have a dialogue with the Queen of your country."

In fact, at the United Nations, due to the sinking of the Western European continent, humans do not agree that the Amazon is a legal country, but Cyborg, as the first person to have friendly exchanges with Amazon representatives, certainly cannot say that it will lead to both parties If the relationship deteriorates

"I personally don't mind coexisting peacefully with you humans, but that may not be the case with our queen."Dane shook his head,"Besides, she is currently fighting the Atlanteans, and I'm afraid she won't have time to meet with you for the time being."

Is Cyborg really just here to seek dialogue? Dane looked at the other party's troops. Almost all of them were superhumans and carried weapons. He just smiled and said nothing, probably to be polite before fighting. After hearing

Dane's words, Cyborg Bones and other members exchanged glances with each other, feeling a little urgent. They didn't know when Aquaman would use that deadly weapon.

As a moderate in the human camp, Cyborg decided to share information with Dane. He believed that even if the Amazons I don’t care what happens to human society, but I will always consider the safety of the entire world.


"You can call me Dane, Mr. Stone."

Cyborg was stunned for a moment. He was a little confused about how the other party knew his name.

However, the Flash was shocked and his eyes suddenly lit up.

It was this familiar feeling!

So he blurted out:"Dane Davis?"

Everyone immediately stared at him. Those gazes were as real as if they were filled with warmth, which made Barry shrink.

There was no last name in the information Louise brought back!

Dane glanced at him, Qingpiao said:"In this world, I don't have that last name."

Each world is both independent and unified. This is also part of the rules. The multiverse class can not abide by the rules because they have this ability. It is not impossible to do things such as the true body coming to the world.

But the price is the universe. Collapse, the death of Darkseid once caused a tremor in the multiverse. Just one corpse caused such turmoil. I am afraid that the true body in its heyday has not yet appeared, and its body mass is enough to crush a universe.

So most of them At this time, the clones will try to avoid having too deep connections with the main body in the material world, and only communicate with each other souls. In other words, it is okay to form a network, but physical entities are prohibited from gathering unless they want to destroy the world.

Barry does not understand Dane What does it mean? I can only say uncertainly:"But you...It's Dane, right?"

"Yes and no."Dane could only answer this. It is difficult for people who have not reached the multiverse level to understand and explain it.

"I'm not the person you know, but we are one, so for the sake of my being, you can ask me for help if you have anything, and I will decide whether to help you depending on the situation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He smiled:"After all, my current identity is not a member of the Justice League, but a divine weapon made by Amazon. I must be worthy of my own camp.""

This is pure lies.

What they said was so confusing, and now there are more people who can't understand.

Cyborg is really doubting what the Flash said now. Could it be that...Isn't he talking in his sleep?

Only Thomas present could follow the two people's thoughts. His eyes flashed. He had more ideas than the Flash's surprise. Why was Dane not surprised by what the Flash said?

He didn't really believe that anyone would know it from birth, so the most reasonable guess was that he might be the person who caused Barry to be unable to break through the time barrier.

But he kept this speculation in his heart. This matter needed to be verified.

"I think we should talk about something more important now." Thomas stopped Barry before he was about to say more, and then winked hard at Cyborg.

The other party also understood that he had just been interrupted by the Flash and almost forgot what he was going to say.

"Dane...Sir, we have important information to share with your country."Immediately afterwards, Cyborg informed Dane of the information he had obtained from Alexander Luthor.

But regarding Cyborg's information, Dane's attention was obviously in the wrong direction.

He looked thoughtful:"So, before Was that attack actually launched by your people against Paradise Island?"

Cyborg was immediately embarrassed. How should he answer this? Dane actually knew what Cyborg was talking about. A super weapon created using the energy of Captain Atom, which has almost as much destructive power as the decomposition force field of the Mother Box. Of course.

It is only"almost". It cannot directly decompose the entire planet like the Mother Box, but it is more than enough to destroy the entire surface ecology and marine ecology.

However, this weapon is so powerful, but as long as Aquaman is not in despair, he He won't drag the whole world with him.

The reason why he did that in the original work is because he is about to die. Only by activating the full power of the weapon can he guarantee the absolute death of Wonder Woman and complete his revenge.

But this kind of As long as you know the thing in advance, it is actually quite easy to prevent it, but there is no need for Dane to tell Cyborg and others about this kind of thing.

This world war was actually started by the Olympus gods, and Dane wanted to find out The reason why they did this.

Although he borrowed the hands of the gods to create his own clone, the method of following the trend did not allow him to directly spy on the true intentions of the gods.

Moreover, since Atlantis and Amazon are behind There are shadows of gods, but what about the human side? Are there shadows of the gods in the human camp? This is questionable.

Since it is a melee among three races, and humans are the largest and most populous party, there is no reason to be dominated by the gods. Ignore.

Dane was not sure if there were messengers of God among the people present, so he did not want to reveal too much information to them.

Just when the conversation reached a deadlock, the sound of fighting came from the distance, and the aftermath of the fighting was clearly transmitted to everyone. The ground beneath his feet.

The Lord was fighting, and Dane couldn't keep fishing here.

He glanced at everyone and asked:"Are you here to participate in the war?"

The Flash shook his head first, shaking his head like a rattle.

It was rare to find someone willing to talk to them calmly. Cyborg didn't want to turn the situation into the worst, so he also shook his head.

Shazam was eager to try, although he didn't We know who his personality is based on, but he obviously has the character of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He is just being persuaded by Solomon's voice all the time. In addition, he is not the one who calls the shots here, so he barely holds on.

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