"We can discuss Dane Davis later. The most important thing now is to find Superman, if he is really as powerful as you said."

"I can vouch for Superman's ability to solve problems."Thinking of Kara's incident, Barry seemed particularly confident in the Kryptonians. He had never seen a weak Kryptonian,"But how do you plan to find him?"

"I can't, but he can."As soon as Thomas finished speaking, the sound of air explosions sounded in the sky.

Barry looked up and found that a UFO was approaching here. After a few seconds, the flying object landed.

Only then did he see clearly that the person who came was Cyborg.

"Cyborg!"As soon as he opened his mouth, he quickly closed it. He realized that Cyborg should not recognize him at all now.

Cyborg's face indeed showed a puzzled expression. He turned to look at Thomas:"I must admit that I am a little bit I'm surprised Batman, you would take the initiative to contact me, but who is this person? He seems to know me? Thomas did not answer Cyborg's question, but asked:"Do you still need tactical experts in your team?" Cyborg immediately threw his question behind him and gave an affirmative answer:"Of course, this position will always be vacant for you.""

""Good" Thomas' tone had no ups and downs.

Barry had to admit that the Batman in front of him and the Bruce Wayne in his impression were simply carved from the same mold.

"If you want me to join your team, I want them to be able to listen to my command, and I need to recruit my own players.

Only then did he introduce Barry next to Cyborg:"This is the Flash. He is very fast, probably the fastest man in the world.""

Barry said hello to Cyborg, and he looked very familiar. Cyborg responded politely.

"I also booked a team member, but his current whereabouts are a bit difficult to find. I need you to help me find him."

"Is that why you brought me here?"Cyborg then realized that Batman wanted something from him.

But that's all, Cyborg's team cannot do without Batman. The superhumans he recruited are all qualified heroes, but they are not They are not necessarily qualified warriors, so they need people like Batman with rich fighting experience to lead them.

"With all due respect Stone, you need some real tough guys in your team, Shazam is good but he's a kid"

"Is this person you're looking for stronger than Shazam?"Cyborg asked.

You must know that Cyborg has high hopes for Shazam. He is probably the only person in the world today who has the ability to compete with Wonder Woman. Unexpectedly, Batman does not think highly of him.

Of course, Cyborg It’s not that Bones doesn’t understand Shazam’s weaknesses. His body is a combination of six minors, so he must be mentally immature. This is why both the official and him want to win over Batman to join.

For Cyborg’s Questioned, Thomas just nodded without explaining much.

After thinking for a while, Cyborg decided to do as he said, so he first followed Batman's request and found out about"foreign affairs" from the authority given to him by the Pentagon. Some clues about"Starman"

"I did find something, but that seemed beyond my purview."

Permissions? This is simply a joke, so Thomas just looked at Cyborg in silence. The meaning was obvious.

As long as Cyborg wants to, no system in the world can resist his intrusion. He can directly hack into the Pentagon.

"I hope you're sure this is necessary."Cyborg was a little helpless. He knew Batman very well. If he didn't agree, he would just give up.

Then he began to hack into the Pentagon's system in front of Batman and The Flash.

In front of the electronic cyborg, The Pentagon's firewall was completely useless, and Cyborg quickly found the target address.

"I found him"

"Very good, take us there, if successful, this guy can probably take care of Wonder Woman and Aquaman in one go."

Cyborg was a little surprised by Batman's high praise, so he took the matter a little seriously.

The three of them followed the location that Cyborg found and headed to their destination....

On the other side, far away in the waters near the English Channel, there is a warship sailing on the sea.

The word"RAVAGER" is painted on the hull of this warship, which translates as"predator" or"ravager".

On the deck of the warship, a man with a one-eyed mask is observing the surrounding sea area with a monocular telescope. This man is named Deathstroke. , he has been at sea for almost three months, and now he is very irritable.

He put down the telescope, turned and walked into the warship command room. Inside, there was a man in a suit and ties working on the console. This man had no hair and a No roots at all

"I thought you were supposed to be smart."There was some dissatisfaction in Deathstroke's tone.

The bald man in a suit turned his head and said calmly:"Of course I am smart."

The confidence that comes from the inside out is like the death knell saying nonsense.

"Then why did you let us wander at sea for nearly three months? Luther, we asked you to come because you said you could find that thing."

It turns out that this bald man is the smartest man in the world - Alexander Luther. He seems to be working for the military now.

"I know you are anxious, Deathstroke, but according to my calculations, Neptune's doomsday device is nearby. My calculations will never be wrong. If we don't find it, we can only know that it is hidden by those in the sea."

"And your job is to find it! Deathstroke said unceremoniously:"And I don't know if you have noticed that we are too close to the Amazon Bitch. Staying here for too long will increase our chances of exposure.""

However, Luther waved his hand indifferently:"Those women have no naval combat ability at all, otherwise they would not have been huddled on the British Island during this period, turning a blind eye to the temptations of the Atlanteans."

"Luther, maybe I should remind you that we are also targets of the Atlanteans"

"If you want to find that thing, how can you do it without paying a little price?"Luthor turned his head and smiled at Deathstroke,"I have found it, it is under our feet."

Suddenly, the entire warship shook, almost knocking Deathstroke and Luther out.

"What happened?"

Luthor frowned and quickly turned his gaze back to the radar. The abnormal readings on it made him instantly understand the current situation.

"It's the army of Atlantis!"

Without saying a word, Deathstroke immediately kicked open the hatch and took out the firearm.

Luther also immediately followed him out of the hatch. On the opposite side of what they could see, a big wave was rolling towards them.

"Same old thing again."

Everyone knows the combat steps of the Atlanteans, but humans really can't break these three axes."

"Everyone, hurry up!"

A big wave quickly rushed to the deck, rushing those unlucky ones who didn't catch it into the sea.

Then, the waves dispersed, and an alloy wall appeared in front of the warship. It was the Atlantean warship. It came up from the sea.

A few seconds later, a row of Atlanteans wearing armor appeared above the tall Atlantis battleship. They held weapons and began to attack the place where Deathstroke and others were. warship shooting

"Fire freely!"The death knell roared angrily, and then he took a gun and called out the Atlanteans on the battleship.

His marksmanship was so accurate that he could even take away an undersea man with one bullet without being hit by a dead shot. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After fighting these undersea people for so long, the human army has already developed a special armor-piercing bullet that can penetrate the armor of these Atlanteans, but the output has never been high. Go, only a small number of troops can be deployed.

The team led by Deathstroke this time is quite special. Many of them are prisoners with super powers but have committed crimes in the United States.

Among them are Clayface Man, Captain Cold, and Boomerang. Captain, Black Guard, Shockwave, etc.

So even though they were suppressed by the Atlanteans in terms of firepower, 063 was not without the ability to fight back.

At this time, Luther seemed to have discovered something and suddenly faced Deathstroke yells,"There it is!"

"you sure?"


"This is not good news."Death Knell has a bit of a headache. They actually prefer to do things quietly.

"There is no other way. Since we have been discovered, we can only retreat temporarily......."

"You can't go anywhere."

Just when Deathstroke was about to order everyone to retreat, a voice sounded from behind the Atlanteans.

Those undersea people made way for that person, Deathstroke said with a gloomy face:"Ocean Lord"

The visitor is Orm, the half-brother of Sea King Arthur. It is said that he was the loser in the battle for the throne, but he still has considerable strength.

"Surface people, please stay here today.

Deathstroke sneered:"Just you fish beauties?""[]

Disgusted by Deathstroke's attitude, the Ocean Lord raised his trident and fired a beam of water ions.

However, Deathstroke's sixth sense was very sharp and he avoided the attack in time.

"Luther!" Deathstroke shouted at Luther.

No need to say more, Luther immediately understood what he meant and immediately got into the control room.

"Kill them!"Om gave an order, and a new subordinate stood out from behind him. It was a man with a black body and a strange helmet on his head.

"Black Manta!"

The black manta sprayed red lasers from its eyes, penetrating the clay-faced man and the deck of the warship.

But the next moment, a beam of light erupted from the transmitter on the top of the warship, exploding a ball of sparks in the sky. A huge sound resounded throughout the land.

Orm was sure that such a sound would definitely attract the attention of the Amazons, which is exactly what the surface people want.

"Quick victory!"

Other Amazons are not worth mentioning, but Wonder Woman must be vigilant.

Orm is very confident that he is definitely no match for the demigod woman.

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