Reverse Flash, whose heart was crushed, immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, which splashed onto Barry Allen's face with a warm and rusty smell, making him stunned for a moment.

Nora screamed on the spot.

Her scream brought Barry out of his daze, but when he looked back, he found Nora looking at him with a look of horror.

"No, that's not the case...Nora......"

"Stay away from me!"Nora screamed.

At this time, Barry, who was staying in his room upstairs, heard the sound and ran downstairs quickly. When he saw the scene in the kitchen, he was stunned for a moment.

A man with blood on his face The demon was poking his hand into another demon's chest, and showed a"ferocious" expression on himself.

Barry saw that it was his childhood self, and in desperation, he pulled out the hand that was poking into Reverse Flash's chest..

Reverse Flash could no longer speak, and his life seemed to be in the wind. But at the last moment when he fell, Barry saw the other party's mocking eyes and silent mouth.


When Barry pulled out the blood-stained arm, At that moment, Nora thought he wanted to do something bad to Barry. At that moment, the great maternal love overcame her fear. She pushed Barry and almost pushed him down.

Then Nora quickly ran to Barry, hugged him and walked away. Run.

Barry stared blankly at the direction they left, and his brain shut down on the spot.

He lowered his head and looked at his bloody hands:"What have I done?..."

Barry looked at what he had caused and collapsed a little. This was completely different from what he had imagined.

But he knew that he couldn't stay any longer, because according to the original history, Henry was heading home at this time.

He had already let 157 Nora and Barry see this bad scene, and he didn’t want his father to see it too.

So he activated the Speed ​​Force again, and once again he was familiar with it. This was the third time. Barry was almost familiar with it, and he soon entered the"Bowl of Time and Space" again.

Only after arriving here did Barry have time to regain his composure and think again.

Although everything was a little different from what he imagined, in general, the goal was achieved. Nora was not killed by the reverse lightning, and she survived.

Barry was a little excited when he thought of this. Although he was seen, he could no longer appear in front of the other party as the Flash from now on.

So, it actually doesn’t have any impact, right?

But Barry had clearly forgotten something.

Barry couldn't wait to continue running in the"Bowl of Time and Space". The surrounding scenes were projected like a slideshow as he ran, allowing Barry to see the aftermath of the incident.

Something's wrong...

Barry's good mood was gradually covered by shock, and the surrounding sounds began to play together with the"slideshow"

"Nora Allen, you are going to be charged with second degree murder. What do you think about this?......"

"No, that's not the case......"Barry muttered

"not like this! Mom didn't kill anyone, she didn't! The murderer was a demon, a red demon!"

Baby Barry loudly defended his mother in court, but no one would believe his words, not only because he was just a child, but also because his confession was so outrageous.

Barry forgot one very important thing. After he killed Reverse Flash His body and the knife were not taken away.

This led to Allen's house becoming a murder scene, and Nora's fingerprints were on the murder weapon (babi).

Although the death of Reverse Flash is really puzzling, it does not seem like he was murdered. Killed with a knife, but Nora was the only one who might have committed the crime at the scene, and the court could only identify her as the first suspect.

In view of the circumstances of Reverse Flash's death, the court believed that the case was not suitable for the application of the"Castle Law" and did not belong to self-defense. category, it should be treated as a murder case.

Therefore, Nora, the only fingerprint provider other than the deceased on the murder weapon, became the first suspect in this case.

Bari tried his best to defend Nora, but Nora just Lowering his head and sobbing.

Henry desperately held on to Bari to prevent him from rushing into the court. This strong man could not help but shed tears at this time.

He really wanted to believe the testimony of Nora and Bari, but as a normal person, he could not help but cry. It's hard to convince himself to believe those lies.

But his love for his wife Nora remains unchanged. Even if Nora really kills the strangely dressed man, Henry believes that she must have a legitimate reason, probably to protect Barry from harm..In the end, the court convicted Nora of second-degree murder and sent her to prison.

"Barry! Your mother is a murderer! Hahaha! Do you also kill people?"

"No! It shouldn't be like this!"Barry, who was in the bowl of time and space, said angrily.

When he wanted to reverse time again and return to the scene of the crime to modify everything, he suddenly felt weak.

The watch began to sound a rapid alarm. It turned out to be Barry. The blood sugar concentration in the body has reached a very dangerous low level.

But Barry doesn't care about this at all. He just wants to revise everything he messed up again. For this, he doesn't care if it disrupts the timeline.

But at this moment, between time and space, A dark figure suddenly appeared on the periphery of the bowl. He was extremely fast, and he was definitely not a phantom formed by the bowl of time and space. He was real!

Barry watched the black figure arrive, but he didn't even see the other person's face clearly. He was kicked by a black shadow and flew directly into a certain point in time. In the real world, Barry fell out of the time and space wormhole. He quickly raised his head and found that the black shadow was staring at him in the cracks in time and space that had not yet healed..The other party's face was wrapped in an equally dark mask, with only a pair of eyes shining with an unsettling purple light.

"Who are you?"Barry couldn't help asking.

But the other party didn't want to answer him. The black shadow waved his hand and closed the cracks in time and space again.

Barry seemed to want to catch up, but the strong sense of hunger made him lie down again. The ground.

Only then did he see on his watch that his blood sugar level could no longer be lowered. There was no other way. Barry could only give up temporarily and replenish sugar first.

Barry lowered his head and looked at his ugly body. Obviously, he couldn't appear in front of others dressed like this.

So he had to"borrow" a few clothes from some people to wear.

No other clothes could be worn under this suit, it was tight. This is a problem with clothes.

Fortunately, it is excusable for heroes to"borrow" clothes. Clark Kent borrowed clothes many times before his debut, so he should be able to understand Barry's approach.

After putting on normal clothes, Barry began to observe his surroundings , he discovered that this place was the community where Allen's family was located.

He couldn't wait to run in the direction of his home. At that old location, he saw the Allen's house, which seemed to have not changed at all.

Arrival In front of Allen's house, Barry was hesitant at this time. He didn't know whether he should go in.

But before he could make a decision, the door opened from the inside. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It was Henry who opened the door. He looked a lot older.

"dad? Henry looked at him strangely:"Don't you have to go to school today?""

Barry stuttered a little when he heard the words:"I...Well...that...I have something to come back to get"

"ThatWhat are you doing here? come on in."

So Barry had no choice but to walk in. Fortunately, he looked exactly like the Barry in this world. Even his father Henry couldn't see through it.

"You're still young, Barry, and shouldn't spend too much time on the case. You should get a girlfriend......."

Compared with the Henry in his impression, the Henry in front of him was a lot more nagging, but his love for Barry could be heard between the lines.

But Barry's attention was focused on the case. He saw Henry suddenly getting up as if he was about to go out.

"Are you going out? Henry turned his head and gave him a strange look:"Of course, today is the day to visit the prison, you won't forget it, right?" But you don’t have to go today. I heard that you have an experiment tonight....You go and do the experiments."

Barry stood up anxiously:"No, I want to go!"

"Barry, Nora won't be happy if you do this. Henry pressed him down with a straight face,"Nora has said many times, don't spend your time on useless things.""

"How could this be useless?......"[]

Seeing Barry standing up hurriedly, Henry knew in his heart that this was the Barry he remembered, although it felt a bit strange just now, as if he was a different person.

Henry waved his hand and said,"I don't want to argue with you about this Barry now. I'm going out and you go back to school. Do you understand?"

Barry watched Henry walk out the door reluctantly, wondering whether to follow him secretly.

At this time, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure walking outside the window.

"Oh, shit!"

It's Barry Allen in this time and space!

Barry quickly ran upstairs and hid in his room.

But when he saw the layout of the room, he was suddenly stunned.

On the walls, there were case analysis letters everywhere There are documents, there are many photos, and there are many testimonies written on the whiteboard that try to prove Nora's innocence.

The Barry Allen of this world has followed the same old path as him. They all entered the crime laboratory and tried to learn by themselves. His knowledge helped his relatives reverse the case.

Downstairs, little Barry Allen walked into the house tiredly and found that there was no one in the house. As soon as he thought about it, he remembered that today was a day to visit the prison, and Henry should have gone to see Nora.

He also I really want to go, but he has an experiment to do today. This matter is very important and may be related to whether he can enter the Physical Evidence Technology Center for internship. It is also related to helping Nora overturn the case, so Barry can only reluctantly give up this visit to the prison. Opportunity.

He was really tired today and wanted to take a nap. The real work would begin in the evening, so he walked to his room. When he opened the door, he was stunned.

In the room, he was munching on pizza. Barry:......

After the young Barry Allen was stunned, he couldn't help but said:"That pizza was from three days ago...."

Barry also reacted and subconsciously said:"It doesn't matter, I ate it a week ago..."

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