The reason why Dane wanted to kidnap Orion was to find a strong backup for the earth, which can also be said to be a bodyguard.

Although the Life Equation can block Darkseid's control over people on Earth, he is a great god after all. Even without the Anti-Life Equation, his own strength alone is enough to have a huge impact on the Earth.

Moreover, Dane did not believe Darkseid's verbal assurance at all. As long as the Dark Lord found an opportunity, he would definitely take action against the Earth. Didn't you think that he had wanted to conspire against the new founding star before?

In this regard, he is the same as Batman. He does not hesitate to speculate on his enemies with the utmost malice. Even though Darkseid looks tall and thick, this guy is insidious.

So under such circumstances, Dane needs to find someone who is strong enough and can check Darkseid to join their alliance. At this point, there is no more suitable candidate than Orion.

The power in Orion's body, if you insist on naming it, can be called the"Origin Beast". As the name suggests, it is a kind of beast that links the origin.strength.

Everything becomes complicated as long as it is related to the origin. Just like Superman in the main world, because he is protected by the origin, he can cheat at every turn. Even Dr. Manhattan can explode his hammer.

Another example is the Flash's Speed ​​Force, which can bypass the backdoor left by the Origin Wall and travel through parallel universes at will, as well as the power of the emotional spectrum, etc., which are closely related to the Origin Wall.

The same goes for Origin Beast.

With this kind of power, Orion's heart will burn with a fighting spirit and anger that can never be extinguished. The stronger his fighting spirit and the stronger his anger, the more his fighting power will increase infinitely.

Speaking of which, this ability is somewhat similar to Hulk, it seems to have no upper limit.

Dane doesn't know if there is really no upper limit, but according to the setting, if this potential is fully developed, it can be 50-50 comparable to Darkseid.

Dane thought that if Orion was allowed to participate in the reconstruction of the earth and form a bond with the earth, it would be best to let him have a relationship on the earth.

In this way, if one day Darkseid really comes to cause trouble, the furious Orion will be able to tear his biological father to pieces without Dane taking action.

But before that, Dane had to find a way to convince him.

Orion was a little shaken, but it was obvious that in order for him to leave his hometown, he needed to add more fire.

So he settled for the next best thing and said to Orion:"I'm not asking you to betray Apokolips or New Founding Star. The two sides are currently at war, and it's not appropriate for you to be on either side, but you need a reasonable reason not to join the battlefield.

I made an agreement with Darkseid. Apokolips will be responsible for the reconstruction of the earth, so we need someone who can connect the two worlds. You can think of it as an ambassador. I think you are very suitable for this job, and I just want to borrow this. Opportunity to avoid war."

This proposal made Orion a little tempted. He was not familiar with the Justice League, so he had no idea of ​​joining for the time being, but as the ambassador of Apokolips going to Earth, he should also be able to get help.

"I personally agree with this suggestion, but Darkseid......"

Dane raised his eyebrows:"What? You don't dare to make a decision without Darkseid's order? I thought you didn't have a good relationship with him, but you are so obedient~"

Orion knew that he was I deliberately provoked him, but I still felt a little unhappy in my heart.

So he immediately said:"Okay, I agree to go to Earth with you, but you have to explain it to Darkseid yourself. I hope he won't anger your world because of this.""

"He just doesn't have the skills now."

Dane took out a Mother Box from somewhere, which surprised Orion.

Although he hadn't lived on Apokolips for a long time, he obviously knew artifacts like Mother Boxes.

"How come you have the mother box in your hands?

Dane said casually:"It's just a trophy.""

If not for the invasion of Apokolips, there should have been three Mother Boxes on Earth.

The reason why Dane is interested in Apokolips' technology is also because of the Mother Boxes. With Earth's scientific research methods, the research on Mother Boxes can only scratch the surface. , far not as fast as Apokolips teaching him step by step.

After returning to his world in the future, if he encounters Darkseid again, Dane may be able to directly use the Trinity to take away Apokolips in a wave, allowing Darkseid to also Taste the taste of treating others with their own methods.

The Mother Box emits a light, and a blast of sound channel from the void envelopes Dane and Orion, and the Apokolips is teleported out in the blink of an eye.

Zhenghe Darkseid, who had been beaten"fiercely" by his heavenly father, immediately felt the abnormal movement of the mother box. His mind changed and he immediately understood that it was probably Dane who was taking advantage of the situation, and he didn't know what he was doing in his world.

This kid is really Don’t talk about martial ethics!

They have just signed a friendship treaty!

Darkseid, who was accidentally distracted, was hit by a fist from Heavenly Father, and his whole body flew backwards, directly smashing an asteroid.

"How arrogant are you to be distracted while fighting me? Darkseid!"Heavenly Father shouted.

The battle between the two was at a stalemate. Just like always, they were equal in strength.

But what Heavenly Father didn't know was that if Darkseid hadn't been consumed in the battle of Dane's invasion, It's huge. Now he can press the Heavenly Father's blaster with one hand. How can he be allowed to talk nonsense here.

But it just so happens that Darkseid also uses the trick to show the enemy's weakness in order to use his trump card at the critical moment.

Heaven His father was originally a little worried. He was worried that the rumors that Darkseid had obtained the Anti-Life Equation were true, but now, he began to believe that it was just a rumor.

Of course he could see the problem of Darkseid's lack of stamina. After all, He himself is also a God of War who has experienced many wars. He knows very well that if the unknown force had not consumed Darkseid's power first, he would have been defeated by the other party. Therefore, he is unwilling to believe that Darkseid Darkseid also has a big killer weapon like the Anti-Life Equation, which only proves that the strength of Heavenly Father has lagged far behind Darkseid.

But this is actually a normal thing. As the same new god, Darkseid Over the years, we have never stopped fighting, and we often have battles with the old gods. Therefore, we have robbed many of the old gods' power, and our strength has been improving.

On the other hand, Heavenly Father, in order to maintain the peace-loving image of the New Founding Star over the years, it has been a long time. I have never fought against anyone, and I am very lucky that my strength has not declined, let alone improved.

To say that New Founding Star has developed better than Apokolips, it is probably only technology, but at the military level, it is also It is hard to say that it is stronger than Apokolips.

Anyway, Heavenly Father looked sideways and felt that the situation of his own fleet was not very optimistic.

Because it is relatively close to Apokolips, it is easier for the Apokolips fleet to resupply, and it is not afraid of a war of attrition.

But New Founder Star cannot, Even if they also have space jump technology, the logistical pressure is greater than that of Apokolips.

So now, in addition to consuming each other's vitality, the two sides are competing to see who can achieve the strategic goal first.

For Apokolips, the biggest strategic goal is Leaving Heavenly Father behind, although a series of events happened on Apokolips that they could not understand, the people of Apokolips still trusted their main god.

They believed that Darkseid could kill Heavenly Father.

As long as Heavenly Father dies, the new The Founding Star will let Apokolips take whatever it wants, and no one will care about the previous losses on Apokolips. This is also Darkseid's purpose. He welcomes the arrival of Heavenly Father.

As for the new Founding Star, Their purpose was to find the exact location of Apokolips and then completely destroy the planet.

Although Dane restored Apokolips to its original state, it was obviously impossible to recover the energy it consumed, which resulted in the location of Apokolips being very far away from the ambush site. So close, so close that Heavenly Father could faintly feel it.

However, because of this, Heavenly Father discovered that he could no longer sense Orion's breath.

The power of the stars was the power he gave Orion, and it was also the connection between them..

When Heavenly Father gave Orion this power, in addition to helping him suppress the power of the beast that originated in his body, he actually meant to monitor Orion.

Where can there be so much pure kindness in the adult world? Goodwill Yes, but there are also precautions and purposes.

But now, this connection is broken.

Heavenly Father naturally believed that Darkseid killed Orion. In his impression, Darkseid was such a cold-blooded and ruthless god.

After all, the New God is immortal. The worst thing is that if a son dies, he will be reborn. Family love is a luxury and useless thing for them.

This made Heavenly Father very angry, and he said angrily:"Dakseid, you have to pay for everything you have done!"

There was still some affection between him and Orion, after all, he had raised him for so long, and besides He had invested so much in the other party, and now it all came to nothing. Of course he should be angry.

But what made him even more angry and even furious was that Darkseid easily told him the news of Scott Free's death.

Under those circumstances, the new protoss who was supposed to become Mr. Miracle in the future was unfortunately affected by the aftermath of the God War and died without even a scrap left.

Forgive Dane, he really didn't think of this man. When he randomly selected lucky spectators to resurrect, he always found guys whose bodies were still intact.

But Scott Free didn't even leave ashes, so he was naturally ignored by Dane. It shouldn't be said that he was ignored. Dane (the one who got the money) didn't expect that he would die.

Isn't he Mr. Miracle? A dead Mister Miracle is no longer Mister Miracle.

After Heavenly Father knew the news, he resolutely fought against Darkseid. It happened that the young people of the New Founding Star were also eager to completely eliminate Apokolips. This was a good opportunity to leave a name in history!

Due to multiple reasons, the current situation has resulted in a direct war between the two sides, and they will continue to fight to the death.

Seeing that Darkseid was knocked away by him, Heavenly Father completely fell into the opponent's trick of showing weakness to the enemy, and prepared to pursue the victory and kill this old enemy completely.

But just when he was about to enlarge his moves and move forward with his skills, Darkseid, who should have been injured and buried in the asteroid belt, suddenly teleported to his heavenly father.

The Heavenly Father was shocked, but he was now on the string and could not undo it. He could only shorten the forward swing as soon as possible, but he obviously did not have the long-planned Darkseid to do it.

Darkseid held the disintegration force field given to him by the Mother Box with both hands, and hit Heavenly Father's chest with a sneak attack.

The decomposition force field spread across Heavenly Father's chest, exposing his bones. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Heavenly Father glared angrily, spit out a mouthful of divine blood, and grabbed Darkseid's arm with both hands:"You!"

He knew he had been fooled!

Darkseid sneered, his eyes emitted omega rays, and the anti-life equation entered the brain of Heavenly Father through the omega effect.


Heavenly Father’s consciousness is being invaded!.

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