It has to be said that Doomsday Batman is indeed an inventive genius. The technology tree of Atlantis is not connected with the surface world, but he can use the materials here to create a launcher for global nuclear bombs.

When Speedmaster got it, he realized that this thing was very light, just like a mobile phone.

Using the password obtained from Batman, Speedmaster successfully started the device's system.

Speedmaster clicked on the touch screen device, which displayed the number of nuclear bombs around the world in real time. There were more than 10,000 nuclear bombs in total, and they were waiting quietly in their respective silos.

Although it is unknown how many of them have lost their function because they have not been maintained for too long, as long as half of them are still usable, it will be enough to cause irreversible damage to the existing ecological environment of the earth.

This is also the purpose of Darkseid asking him to come here. After getting this thing, his remaining task is to ensure that he will not be caught by the Justice League.

Speedmaster is very afraid of the blue kryptonite that can weaken him, but Doomsday Batman has obtained the Storm Matrix. If they can join together, Batman should be able to rub out the green kryptonite.

As long as Superman doesn't show up then, is he still killing randomly?

At this time, Mera, who had followed Speedy here, also saw the thing in his hand. Although she didn't know what it was, she knew that what the enemy wanted must not be given to him.

So she quietly operated the water magic, and when Speedmaster wasn't paying attention, she suddenly controlled the water flow to sweep away the launcher.

Speedmaster was shocked and quickly looked back. This sight made him very angry.

"Bitch, do you think I really can't kill you?"

Supermaster shot an arrow and was about to catch Mera.

At this time, Mera and Arthur, the Queen of the Sea, saw this scene and hurriedly came to help.

Arthur stimulated his potential and controlled the ocean currents with the power of the trident. and the surrounding marine life, blocking the front of Speedmaster. The

"meat balls" formed by countless marine creatures collided with Speedmaster, and turned into a pile of meat paste in the blink of an eye. It had almost no lethality, but was extremely disgusting.

Speedmaster His sense of smell is more than ten times better than that of humans, and the fishy smell almost makes him vomit! The anger in his heart is getting bigger and bigger. These ants provoke him again and again, and he really feels like a fool. ?

Mera held the transmitter and swam around like a fish. The surrounding fish automatically separated channels for her to pass. But just when she thought she could breathe a sigh of relief, a beam of heat vision suddenly penetrated her right side. Side abdomen.

Mera spit out a mouthful of blood, and her fingers suddenly lost strength.

At the moment Mera was injured, Haihou Mera suddenly felt a tingling sensation on the right side of her abdomen, and couldn't help but groan, and Some were unable to exert their strength.

Arthur roared angrily, commanding the water flow to accelerate, causing the surrounding seawater to solidify, and hitting Speedmaster like a cannon hammer. Speedmaster quickly grabbed Mera's launcher, and with the help of Arthur The water flowed away quickly and fled away.

Seeing this guy trying to escape, Arthur was so angry that he wanted to yell. Mera was injured here, and he didn't know how he should explain to Dane.

So he grabbed it with one hand. Holding the golden trident, the sea water gave him unparalleled acceleration. In the movie, he was even able to lift a submarine weighing tens of thousands of tons. Now he has fully grasped this power. The next moment, the golden trident was released, and in Under the acceleration of the water flow, it gained a speed far exceeding that of the missile.

However, the Speedmaster had long been on guard against his attack. No matter which sea overlord, he was a brainless fool.

The Speedmaster easily avoided the golden trident, and this weapon was He passed by and immediately lost his target.

He turned around and looked at Arthur Curry, who was helpless and furious on the spot with a sneer. If he hadn't been injured now and had some issues with battery life, he would have wanted to kill him. Kill all these murlocs!

But now, Darkseid's mission is the most important.

However, what poor Speedmaster doesn't know is that his master has sold him.

Just when Speedmaster thought he could escape When he was walking through the ruined underwater kingdom, a sonic blast channel suddenly appeared in front of him.

Speedmaster felt a little bad, because on the other side of the sonic blast channel, the person coming was not necessarily his master, but could also be the Justice League.

But let What he didn't expect was the worst possibility.

Dane appeared from the sonic tunnel. As soon as he popped his head out, he saw a golden javelin flying towards him.

He raised his hand to catch it. Hold on, the huge impact blasted out spreading water waves, creating a brief vacuum area, and then quickly closed it.

Speedmaster turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Dane glanced at it, and when he saw Mera was injured When he saw it, he immediately frowned.

In just a moment, he understood what had happened.

His figure flashed in the water, Supermaster felt his eyes blurred, and Dane had already arrived in front of him before he knew it.


Speedmaster tried to speak to buy time, while his other hand was quietly placed on the launch button of the launcher, as if he wanted to use a nuclear bomb to make Dane throw a rat weapon.

But he didn't know how fast Dane was!

The afterimage of Dane's hand disappeared in a flash, and Speedy felt his hand loosen, and then severe pain struck.

He lowered his head and saw that the hand holding the launcher had been severed by the trident! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Before Speedmaster could continue to talk nonsense, Dane immediately sent the trident forward, and the three tips of the trident sank into Speedmaster's chest, directly penetrating his heart!

As expected of a Kryptonian, even at this time, Speedmaster is still conscious, and his broken heart has not completely taken away his life.

Dane simply pulled out the trident, waved his hand again, and chopped off Speedmaster's head. This time, the villain who had dominated the anti-matter earth for many years was finally dead.

After killing Speedmaster, Dane immediately came to Mera, threw the trident in his hand at Arthur, and gave it back to him

"Dane it's my fault......"

Dane shook his head and did not blame him. After all, it was a character like Speedmaster. It was normal for Neptune to be unable to defeat him.

Mera, the queen of the sea, is a little strange. Only royal blood can hold and use the golden trident. Why can this man do it too?


Mera's face turned a little pale. The injuries on her abdomen were burns. Her internal organs had been cooked by heat vision. Now she was in unbearable pain.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Dane grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Before, it might have been a bit troublesome for him to heal Mera's injuries, but now that he has obtained the life equation, he has a better understanding of the structure of life. A deeper understanding.

Creating life is still difficult for the time being, but repairing life and returning it to a healthy state no longer requires complicated medical procedures.

He gently tapped his fingers on the wound on Mera's abdomen, and the blood in her body Divine power slowly seeped in from the fingertips, like water or silk, gently sliding over Mera's damaged cells. The dead cells were re-decomposed into raw materials and reproduced themselves based on the genetic information in the genes. Harmful components are eliminated, and the hematopoietic function begins to deliver new blood to the damaged area in a targeted manner.[]

The process that originally took weeks to complete is like pressing the accelerator button, and Mera's damaged and missing parts are being quickly replenished.

As for herself, she only felt a burst of heat at the injured part, followed by a burst of itching, and her pale face suddenly turned rosy.

Even Mera, Queen of the Sea, felt a tingling sensation in the same part of herself at this time. She felt a little ashamed, but didn't understand what it meant.

After just a few minutes, Mera's originally burned abdomen had recovered as before, not even a scar was left, and it was as smooth as ever.

Mera was extremely surprised. She hugged Dane happily, and her first words were:"You are finally back."

Mera, the Queen of the Sea, was stunned for a while, and her mood was subtly weird.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to Mera, he would probably blame himself for the rest of his life.

He stuck the trident aside and said,"Now that you're back, does that mean things are over on Apokolips?" When

Dane heard this, he nodded at him.

Not long ago, Darkseid, who saw Apokolips reversed and recovered, nodded and agreed to his request under the eyes of Lucifer and Dane.

He agreed in principle to assist in the reconstruction of Earth. He knew that Dane's real purpose was to learn Apokolips' technology, but he didn't care.

To put it bluntly, Apocalypse's technology is a technology derived from the element of"divine power". There are many things in itself (Nuo Qian Zhao) that are difficult to copy.

But even so, judging from the information collected from so many worlds that Apokolips has plundered, it will at least help the earth complete the flight from wasteland to interstellar civilization.Still no problem with the decoration.

However, Apokolips now also has a lot of troubles to deal with. First of all, the internal problems are a mess.

Due to the influence of dreams, many new gods involuntarily entered into war fever in their dreams. They were no longer monolithic with each other. Even though they were all of the same race, there was a lot of suspicion and hatred between them.

These people did not know that what they had just experienced was a large dream, and due to the existence of Yuga Khan, the New Protoss could not be resurrected for many years. In addition, Dane deliberately did not resurrect those who could be resurrected. , causing the current New Protoss to be as miserable as the people on Earth.

Darkseid must first change this situation of underpopulation. It just so happens that the earth also needs some time to recover some of its vitality.

Superman returned to the team after the incident. Although the quantum bomb in his hand did not activate, it did effectively bring pressure to Darkseid.

At that time, Darkseid stared at him for a long time and said something like this:"It seems that you have grown up a bit."

But Darkseid didn't know yet that it wasn't just Clark who had grown up, his daughter had also grown up on Apokolips. Pretty fast..

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