Adjusting the time forward slightly, when Greer and Big Barda entered Darkseid's trophy collection, Dane and others also entered the palace at the same time.

A high-tech civilization that looked like an ancient feudal dynasty. Dane looked at the main hall in front of him, fearing that an emperor would tell the story of the Crooked Neck Tree....

Behind Darkseid's throne, there is an eternally burning furnace, which continuously extracts the energy from the core of Apokolips and dissipates it into the air. This is the main source of power for the new gods and the reason for their growth. food.

In this way, the new gods have established a close connection with Apokolips itself. They rely on the energy of Apokolips to become stronger and stronger. Apokolips also relies on the external plunder of the new gods to strengthen itself, and Apokolips controls all the new gods after their death. of heroic spirits.

Most of the core energy plundered from other worlds entered this furnace and entered the core of the planet through a pipe that went straight into the center of the earth.

In the comic book event"Darkseid War", Superman was once weak because there was no sun on Apokolips.

Luthor, who was traveling with him at the time, pushed Superman into the lava of Apokolips while avoiding the pursuit of Apokolips soldiers, but instead gave him stronger power than before.

Dane wanted to test whether this method could work here, so he turned to look at Superman

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"maybe you should go in"

"You have to be kidding me, right?"

"No, if you don’t want to have your mind taken away by Darkseid in a moment when you meet him, then you need to obtain stronger power, and the core energy of Apokolips may be an opportunity"

"You should know that the only source of my power is the yellow sun"

"It doesn't hurt to try 300. Anyway, you are not afraid of the core temperature now, are you?"

"how about you?"

"I'll go in with you, I need to look into it to see if I can completely sever the strong connection between Apokolips and Darkseid."

Superman has nothing to say now, but as long as Dane can go down with him, at least there is no need to worry about energy.

"Okay, let's go down now?"

"The sooner the better!"

At this time, Orion's presence became very prominent, so he pointed at himself:"You are all going down, what should I do?"

"Find yourself something to do?" Dane suggested

"This is Darkseid's territory. Are you sure this is a good idea?"Olian is almost speechless.

If he meets Darkseid, will he hug each other and cry when he sees Orion because father and son meet? You can tell with your toes that this is absolutely impossible.

In order to With Xaid's character, it would be merciful not to burn him to death with omega rays immediately!

"no! I can't stay here alone!"

"Then will you go in with me?

Orion was speechless:"Unlike you, I can't completely ignore the high temperature.""

Although he can obtain a body of steel like Superman under the influence of the power of the stars, because he is not a real god, he only has the physique of the New Gods under normal conditions, and cannot completely shield himself from the damage of high temperature and high pressure, especially Apokolips' Damage

"Sometimes, the boundary between mortals and gods lies in breaking through one's own limits. Do you remember what I told you before?

There is a huge potential hidden in your body that even you don't know about. It's not the one you used before. Although it is very powerful, it is still not strong enough. At least, it cannot defeat Darkseid. (cbbf)"

Orion's expression changed.

"You may not want to hear the next words, but if you want to surpass Darkseid, you must inspire your true potential. The power you inherit from Darkseid is the key to defeating him."

"Shut.Up!"Orian is very upset.

"If you are unwilling to face yourself, then you will never be able to defeat him. If you cannot defeat him, then one day Apokolips and New Founding Star will start war again. Which side should you stand on then?"


"If your choice is the New Founding Star, then you need stronger power. Heavenly Father may not be his opponent now. If your choice is Darkseid..."Dane smiled and said:"Then you also need stronger power, because your current power cannot be the opponent of Heavenly Father.

And once you activate your own potential, you may be able to kill Heavenly Father. A proton suddenly became the best heir of Apokolips. No matter how you calculate it, it is a gain."

"you are a devil"

"Thank you for the compliment. Dane happily accepted this comment.

Superman waited for them to finish speaking before saying,"So, have we reached a consensus?""

"Yes, now, you can go in."

Superman could only take the lead to drill into the furnace. The caliber of the furnace was very large, like a huge pool of magma and bubbles flowing.

He and Dane were both superhuman beings who were not afraid of high temperatures, so they jumped directly into the magma pool. As for Orion, he can only use the power of stars to form a protection on the surface of his body, and then jump into the furnace.

This furnace is very deep, and Dane guesses that this furnace is probably the first smelting metal of the Apokolips Protoss. And the place where artifacts are smelted, there are some rare metal minerals flowing everywhere here.

They are in a molten state, and have their own layered areas just like the marine ecosystem. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The lower the furnace goes, the higher the temperature, and metals with different melting points wander in different temperature layers. They look like living creatures floating in the magma.

This is a treasure pool!

Now that you are here, Dai It is impossible for Enbi to return empty-handed.

At the bottom, there is a cave like a crater. The flowing magma flows out of the cave entrance, and from the cave entrance, there are still some metal materials that have not been completely melted. At the edge of the cave entrance.

Superman looked back at Dane, and immediately got into the cave after receiving the approval.

Dane took his time and collected some samples from the surrounding magma, collecting as many different metal substances as possible, and then Follow him into the cave.

After entering the passage, the pressure begins to gradually increase. Even Superman feels the unusual resistance from the magma, but the energy he absorbs from Dane is still sufficient, enough to support him to continue moving forward.

No. I don't know how long he continued to dive, but the originally narrow passage suddenly became extremely open. The real core of Apokolips has not yet been reached, but Dane stopped Superman from continuing to dive.

"Just stop here, don't go any further, it will be very dangerous for you."

Apocalypse is not completely harmless. If it is pushed into a hurry, it will take action. Among other things, just a"shaking" skill can cause them a lot of trouble.

Dane himself can also rely on The affinity of the Dream God continues to deepen. Orion himself is a new protoss and a descendant of Darkseid. It can also continue downward. Superman has reached his limit here. Superman stopped obediently. He only stayed here. It didn’t take long before I could already feel the changes in my body.

"You're right, there is some energy here that works for me, I can feel it."

Following his own feeling, he found a place full of energy in this huge underground space, and soaked in it like a hot spring.

Dane continued downward, and he felt as if he had caught a trace of power. , he followed this feeling and kept sneaking downward.

Without Superman by his side, he could use the speed of the Death Walker unscrupulously. In the virtual state, there was no resistance that could hinder his speed.

As for Orion, the stars on his body His strength could no longer support him to resist the temperature of the magma, so the ubiquitous geothermal heat began to attack his body, causing him to suffer great injuries.

When the magma and molten metal began to burn his skin, and made his When the flesh and blood began to fester, Orion began to suspect that Dane was deliberately trying to mess with him. What potential could be inspired here?

However, out of a competitive spirit, he persisted for a long time, and continued to dive deep for a while until he came back. He didn't stop until he could see Dane's shadow.

At this time, his body was severely damaged, and even the recovery power of the New Protoss could not keep up with the burning speed of the magma.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed a wave of New power is sprouting from his body. This power is far more powerful and violent than the power of the stars.

As soon as that power emerged from his body, his injuries were completely restored, but it came at the same time as his ability improved. , there is also a seemingly unquenchable anger and the desire to kill as much as possible, and the idea of ​​​​destroying everything also arises so naturally.

Orion knows rationally that this is wrong, but this is what he is doing at this moment What he wants to do most in his heart is to kill and destroy. He wants to do everything that the New Founding Star's commandments do not allow him to do.

Fortunately, the surrounding area is either magma or mineral deposits. There is really nothing to destroy. There was nowhere to vent the violence in Orion's heart.

Orion suddenly thought that a little above, Superman was absorbing the energy of Apokolips. He thought that Superman should be able to withstand his power, so he began to fly upward.

Superman took a bath in the hot springs. Well, suddenly he felt a hostility coming towards him. He looked in the direction of the induction and found that it was Orion. His eyes were red at this time, and he made an unexplained roar from his mouth, and he moved towards him at an extremely fast speed. Rush towards him

"Wait, I remember this scene, it's exactly like that guy from Kalibak."

Superman was about to yell. Sure enough, the two brothers had the same moral character.

Faced with Orion's provocation, Superman was not afraid and went straight to attack, ready to confront Orion head-on.[]

Dane continued to dive into the magma flow of Apokolips. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the rock formation above. He looked back and saw the two people fighting with his clairvoyance eyes.

"Orion went berserk?"

He ignored him. Don't look at Orion's rage now. Dane could see that he was still no match for Superman.

Without the weakness of Superman's battery life, only Dane and Darkseid on the entire Apokolips could defeat him. defense.

Dane continued to move forward, and soon he reached the core, where a tall figure had been waiting for a long time.

"You are finally here, and you have brought a lot of trouble to my world."

The man raised his head, his eyes burst out with red rays, and attacked Dane. It was Darkseid, the master of Apokolips!.

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