On Apokolips, after a long journey, Dane and his team finally arrived at Darkseid's palace.

This is where Darkseid rests on weekdays. The architecture here is very interesting. It has a kind of"Blade Runner" art style. It is more like an industrial cluster than a palace. Above those buildings, people are constantly looking towards The sky releases water vapor.

The temperature here is the highest that Dane and others have ever encountered, so almost no grass grows.

Among the dense buildings, you can still see some cracks in the ground from time to time. These cracks are as huge as canyons. The magma flowing in them is the culprit of the heat here. It is a palace complex.

The underground magma illuminates the entire sky red, making it a living hell. The atmosphere is so perfect.

"This is......"Orion was very young when he was exchanged to the new founding planet, and his memory of Apokolips was already very vague, let alone Darkseid's palace.

"It seems that this is Darkseid's palace. Superman, can you see where Darkseid is?"

Superman looked with his clairvoyance eyes and found no trace of Darkseid.

Dane was also observing. He saw Grandma Kindness and the few surviving Furies. In addition to the initial ones, Grandma Kindness had obviously also cultivated A group of reserves who can replace them

"This place is not chaotic in time and space like other places, but remains stable. On this planet, except for my power of dreams, there is only one person who can do this."


"Yes, Darkseid, but I'm not sure he's figured it out yet"

"What would happen if he found out?"Superman asked, and Orion pricked up his ears. This is what he wanted to know.

On the way here, Dane had roughly explained to him that everything that happened on the 20-day Star came from a dream. Although the planet dreams This incident was a bit unbelievable, but Orion quickly accepted it all

"Based on Darkseid's connection with Apokolips, if he knew the key, it would not be difficult to awaken Apokolips."

"Once that happens, Darkseid will return to his original strength, and our purpose of coming here will have failed."

"So we should take this opportunity to kill him quickly, right?"

"Wait, your purpose is to kill Darkseid?"Only then did Orian know the true purpose of Dane and Superman.

"That's right. Dane continued:"Darkseid is a born conqueror and destroyer. If we want to ensure that our world is not violated, we must kill him!""

"But God is immortal!"Orian was a little anxious.

Although he had heard many stories about Darkseid and decided to stand against him, he never thought about killing Darkseid. After all, he was his father.

"I already have a solution for this."

The nanosuit on Dane began to manifest a dimensional communication device, which needs to be used in conjunction with the magic circle.

Apokolips in the original dream state was unable to transmit information to the outside world, and the chaos in space caused Apokolips to be in the fourth dimension. There are also relative changes happening all the time.

But since it can maintain a steady state here, it means that the space here is relatively stable. Dane thinks that his message is likely to be sent out.

After a few minutes, he finally connected to the lookout tower signal

"Hello, Mr. Davis"

"grid? Did they bring you here? Dane was a little surprised.

"Who else is on the watchtower?"

"And Deathstorm, sir, he's busy building a quantum bomb and is in the final stages of it."

The time is just right.

Dane thought to himself.

Yes, he did know that Batman was secretly making a quantum bomb.

This is not surprising. As the most current-minded person in the Crime Syndicate, Deathstorm only He will recognize the strongest person as his boss, and that person is Dane Davis.

So although Batman is his financial backer, Dane is his real boss. As early as Batman discussed with him to create a quantum computer, When he was trying to create a state bomb, he secretly told Dane the news.

If it weren't for Dane's acquiescence, Deathstorm would not dare to do what Batman asked.

After all, his identity is still a bit sensitive, so he would not do such a thing. It is easy for people to think that he has evil intentions

"You let Deathstorm talk to me personally"

"Please wait, sir."

A few seconds later, the voice of Death Storm finally came from the other side of the communicator.

"Are you looking for me, Boss?"

"Is the bomb finished?"

"It's basically completed. You know my capabilities. The only problem is the core quantum technology. The other parts are just a matter of fingers."

"Great, you should debug it to the point where it can be used as soon as possible. I will use it soon."

"Follow your will, Boss..." After the communication was completed, Dane cut off the signal.

The paragraph just now was so much like a villain's conspiracy that the black-robed Superman couldn't help but said:"You are really from the Justice League, right? ? Or a leader?"

"Of course it is"

"I feel like you're Bruce and I combined. God, if only Batman had powers like mine......."

"Then you have to pray that he doesn't lose control like you, otherwise the earth will be in trouble"

"Mr. Deathstorm, it seems you didn't tell Mr. Davis about the Justice League and Batman?"

"Okay, artificial intelligence, you have to know that the ones who went to capture Batman are all the Justice League, and your Batman is also there. I can't think of any problems with such a lineup. After all, they even defeated the Syndicate."

"The most important issue now is the bomb. I still have some calculations to finish. If you are free, come over and help me. You should be able to finish it in a few seconds."

"But I still have to monitor the whole world......"

"In this earth where the population has been reduced to ten? You should know that there are not that many artificial satellites to provide you with accurate data, right?"

Grid's electronic face changed on the screen, and then he replied:"Maybe you are right, I should do something within my ability...."

It was convinced by Deathstorm to join him in the final test of the quantum bomb.

Meanwhile, on Apokolips.

Greer also arrived outside Darkseid's palace complex in his own way. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It is getting closer and closer, I can feel it, but this is too strange. I heard that it should be in the antimatter universe. Who brought it to Apokolips?"Greier was thinking about this question. She didn't know why, but a hint of gloom arose in her heart.

"you...What exactly do you want to do to this world? Also, who are you?"

Since finding this place required Greer to be very focused in order to get rid of the influence of time and space chaos, she could only relax her mental control on Big Barda, which finally allowed Big Barda's will to regain freedom.

But even if her The mind is free, but Big Barda's body is still under Greer's control. Big Barda doesn't know how the other party did it.

"This is magic, my dear, the magic of the old gods"

"So you are an old god? Or after the old gods?"

Big Barda wanted to get more information, but Greer didn't care about the leakage of information at all. She was very confident that she could completely control Big Barda, so she also answered Big Barda's questions.

"You guessed wrong, dear Big Barda, or you guessed not entirely right. I think you new gods on Apokolips must not know that Darkseid also has a daughter, right?"

"What? This is absolutely impossible!"

Big Barda is very sure that Darkseid only has two sons, the eldest son Kalibak who is often imprisoned by him, and the proton Orion who was sent to the New Founder a long time ago. In addition, she Never heard of Darkseid having any other children.

"Just because I haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean I don’t have it. In fact, I am the bloodline left over from Darkseid’s last invasion of the earth...."

Last time?

Big Bada's heart moved, and she thought of a possibility

"You thought about it, didn't you?"Greier circled around Big Barda and gently lifted Big Barda's chin with her fingers.

"Thousands of years ago, the newly born 357 Darkseid invaded the earth for the first time and encountered resistance from humans around the world and the Alliance of Old Gods.

He lost, but before he lost the war, there was an Amazon who investigated him as a spy.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Amazon that the Alliance forces were able to find Darkseid's weaknesses in time and defeat him. otherwise...How could a group of mortals and the old gods whose power was fading defeat the new gods who were at the height of their power? Even though this new god was born not long ago, his power is still terrifying."

This is a historical detail that Big Barda doesn't know. The woman in front of her is telling the truth.

"Of course what I said is true. Greer said with a smile.

"OK, Stop!"Big Barda said with a dark face,"Can you stop reading my thoughts?"

"Oh, dear Big Barda, you are so understanding. I really can’t do what you want." Greer teased Big Barda with great interest.

"Going back to the topic just now, as for why I am sure that what I said is true, it is because I am the evidence."

Big Barda was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes widened as if she suddenly understood.

Greer said with a smile:"Yes, you guessed it right. The Amazon who was the spy was actually captured by Darkseid. But he didn't kill the woman"

"At that time, Darkseid was just a new god who had just been born. He was not only a god, but also a man, so the Amazon seduced him and they combined."

Having said this, Greer's gray face darkened, and there was no longer any smile.

"The woman was pregnant. She was pregnant with the child of the Dark Lord. She gave birth to the child, taught her language, taught her how to fight, taught her how to kill, and raised her up...."

"That child is me! Greer

's face became completely ferocious:"And the purpose of all this is because the Amazon believes that Darkseid cannot be killed by mortals or old gods, so she wants to give birth to Darkseid's child so that he can The child killed him with his own hands"[]

"I am the one who is about to end Darkseid's life. Only I can kill Darkseid!".

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