Superman returns to the Watchtower with Constantine

"Okay, guys, I know you can't live without me. Is there any trouble you need me to solve? Just say it, I.Got.It!"

"Has he always been this arrogant?"The Flash in the doomsday world asked Barry.

The Justice League here did not accept a tainted magician like Constantine, so the Doomsday Flash was not familiar with Constantine's personality.

Barry's eyes were empty:"Yes, that's what he is"

"John, this is no time for nonsense, we need you to find someone who can hide from Superman's sight.

Constantine said thoughtfully:"You want me to use divination magic to help you find someone?" who?"

"I. Batman said:"To be precise, it's another me.""

Constantine was a little surprised, but he agreed directly without asking why.

"Give me a piece of your hair."

Fortunately, Batman is wearing a nano-suit, otherwise he would have to take off his hood to remove his hair. In that case, Batman's character would be gone.

After taking the hair, Constantine cast a spell on it for a few seconds. After that, he opened his eyes

"I found him!"

"You must stop him immediately."

Everyone looked back and found that it was Cyborg who was speaking.

"you're awake?"Doomsday Flash hurriedly came forward,"Is there something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine."Cyborg's voice has a very obvious mechanical style, like an artificial intelligence

"grid."Batman called.

The grid returned to the central computer:"I'm here, sir."

"how is he?"

"Electronic consciousness and I have chosen a new way to coexist."Cyborg himself explained.

Grid added:"As he said, he integrated his 280 personality and electronic consciousness into one and no longer forced them to be separated."

This is something that even the Cyborgs in the original world have not been able to do. After losing his heart, Victor no longer insists on the purity of his human identity and chooses to accept electronic consciousness. This makes him more rational, but at the same time it also will make him more indifferent

"What do you mean by what you just said? Did you find anything?"Batman is very concerned about what Cyborg just said.

"If you find that his behavior is suddenly very different from usual behavior, you should first suspect the possibility that he is controlled by the Anti-Life Equation"

"You mean, he was always under Darkseid's control? Cyborg nodded:"We know too little about the Anti-Life Equation, but Superman's abnormal condition back then was very similar to what Batman is doing today."

Also, my alarm system responded to Batman at the time, I just ignored it at the time."

Because his human sensibility made him subconsciously not want to doubt Batman, but he didn't say this.

"First of all, Darkseid didn't come to our world, did he?"

Superman heard this question and nodded seriously:"I found no trace of him on the earth.

Cyborg also said:"I didn't sense the Mother Box either, so he shouldn't be here.""

"But he can control Batman remotely......"Batman said to himself,"The Anti-Life Equation is too dangerous."

The idea of ​​blowing up Apokolips became stronger and stronger in his mind, and the quantum bomb he had on hand was almost completed.

"Let’s capture the person first and try to see if we can make him return to normal."

After everyone finished discussing, a beam of teleportation channels teleported them all to the destination.

They were surprised to find that this was a deserted cemetery, and Batman even recognized that this was the back hill of Old Gotham, where people were originally buried. The place where the Waynes lived.

He immediately asked Cyborg:"What did he do here?"

Cyborg answers all questions:"When the Justice League was destroyed one by one by Apokolips and the controlled Superman, Batman transformed the hill behind his manor into a larger cemetery to house those who unfortunately died. Hero's remains"

"You mean, the superheroes who died in the war are buried here?"Green Lantern felt cold all over his body.

Constantine felt the same as him. He always had a very uncomfortable feeling when he thought about his peers being buried here.

Especially during the time he spent in New London. Do you always encounter one or two seducers who come up without any explanation and want to take away his soul, and say that he is already dead?

Fortunately, Dane's death blessing is very powerful, making his soul as solid as a rock. , otherwise he would have run away long ago.

After listening to Cyborg's story, Batman immediately said"Oops" and hurriedly ran towards the cemetery.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone quickly followed

"Do you remember the events of Steppenwolf?"

"Of course I remember, those Doomsdays were a big problem back then.......Wait, you don't want to say...You also know how to clone technology, right?"Green Lantern suddenly remembered this incident and felt that something was wrong.

"That's not hard, Hal, now everyone listen, if the remains of all the superheroes are collected here, then once Batman gets their DNA..."

"He will create an army of Justice League! We must stop him!"

The two Flashes realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately dispersed, running around the cemetery to investigate.

But soon, a yellow figure ran out of the cemetery at the same time and passed between the two Flashes.

"Barry!" yelled the Doomsday Flash

"I see!"Barry responded and chased after the yellow figure.

The Doomsday Flash was afraid that he would make a mistake, so he quickly chased after him.

"They are indeed here, all of them, find the other me and kill him if necessary!"After Batman finished speaking, he flew towards the cemetery.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc. flew into the cemetery at the same time.

Constantine stood still and took out a cigarette leisurely to smoke. He saw Cyborg looking at He asked strangely:"What? Do you want a mage to go head-to-head with a bibi master?"

Cyborg didn't say anything, and he sprayed flames from his body, pushing his mechanical body to fly towards the cemetery.

"Bruce!"Superman seemed to have discovered something unusual.

Batman rushed there immediately. In front of Superman, there was a grave that had been dug. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He swept away the soil on the tombstone and found It has the name"Firestorm" written on it.

"Firestorm? A superhuman with the same abilities as Deathstorm? Trouble."

Batman immediately said to Superman:"Clark, can you see where Batman is now? Superman glanced around and frowned:"I can't see clearly here at all." Batman thought:"That's because he used a lot of lead to block your vision. It doesn't matter. Just look at where you can't see clearly and tell me the location.""

"How should I put it, the area is very large, I can't see through the entire mountain here. Upon hearing this, Batman immediately called Green Lantern:"Hal, I want you to penetrate this mountain and see what's inside!""

"good!"Green Lantern replied.

Then his green lantern energy turned into a huge drill and drilled directly into the earth. In a short time, it penetrated deep into the bottom. It didn't take long before he drilled into a layer of metal material.

"lead? Bruce, there's an entire steel wall wrapped in lead!"

"Dig it up!"

Green Lantern continued downward, and other members also came to help. It didn't take long for the metal layer to be dug out. There was a huge space underneath, and there were various scientific research tools and experimental equipment inside. But look Looks like it hasn't been used for a long time

"There must still be time, these things cannot be started without a certain amount of time."

Green Lantern made sense, but Batman was still a little uneasy, so he immediately asked Clark to continue searching.

"I found him!"[]

Everyone followed Superman forward until he tore open an alloy door more than 30 centimeters thick with his bare hands. Only then did everyone see Batman behind the door and Firestorm's body lying on the test bench.

"You are here late."Doomsday Batman turned his head, his eyes suddenly glowing with fire,"I didn't like this at first, but you gave me no choice."

Then Doomsday Batman's head also caught fire like his eyes, burning his hood to reveal Bruce Wayne's face.

"You have taken the power of Firestorm!"Batman said in a deep voice.

"Seize? No, Firestorm is dead, I'm just taking something that has no owner."

It only took a moment for Batman to adapt to the full power in his body.

"We must stop him. With the power of Firestorm, he can reorganize any inanimate matter!"

After Cyborg finished speaking, he took the lead in attacking Doomsday Batman. The white noise cannon was fired at the target, projecting lethal energy.

But Doomsday Batman just opened his palm and sucked the white noise cannon into his palm, and another Send back all the energy emitted by Cyborg with one hand and push it out


Superman heard the words and immediately flew forward, grabbed Doomsday Batman with the flames above his head with both hands, and knocked him into the rock.

But the light on Doomsday Batman flashed, and his whole body began to emit green light, and he transformed himself The uniform on his body turned them into kryptonite.

Superman instantly weakened and fell directly to the ground. Doomsday Batman beat him to the point of vomiting blood with a set of combos.

At this time, Wonder Woman struck with both hands, and a bunch of thick The lightning struck Doomsday Batman directly, knocking him back.

Green Lantern followed closely and transformed a restrainer to trap Doomsday Batman.

"Don't let him escape! Diana, Hal, your abilities restrain him and suppress him!"

Diana used divine power, and Hal used the power of color and light, both of which are powers that Firestorm's ability cannot absorb.

"True, but, how do you deal with another guy?"

Doomsday Batman's voice fell, lightning suddenly flashed around him, and a yellow figure ran around quickly, knocking Green Lantern and Wonder Woman away.

Doomsday Batman was also freed from his imprisonment, and he became more accustomed to his own power.

"It's my turn."

After he said that, he spread the power of the storm matrix, which seemed to be changing something.

The whole cemetery seemed to come alive, and the buried superheroes seemed to have been summoned, and they were waking up!.

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