Just when Apokolips was experiencing violent earthquakes due to core expansion, Darkseid was operating the Mother Box in his hand.

Although the two mother boxes are not as powerful as the unified field of the Trinity, it is not a problem to heal the core of Apokolips that has not become worse.

Coupled with the help of the Omega Effect, the earth's core, which had destroyed the equilibrium state of its own nuclear reaction, was re-stabilized, but during this period, Darkseid also discovered Kalibak who died deep in the earth's core.

Darkseid activated the Mother Box to reconstruct Kalibak's body, and his Omega Effect summoned Kalibak's soul back and stuffed it into the new body.

After a few seconds, Kalibak opened his eyes suddenly and he came to life again.

"Father!"As soon as Kalibak opened his eyes and saw Darkseid, he was overjoyed.

"Don't call me father!"After Darkseid said that, his eyes fired Omega rays again, killing Kalibak again in just an instant.

A few minutes later, he used the same operation to resurrect Kalibak.

On ApokolipsThere is a God of Death, so the souls of the new gods after death are basically still in Apokolips, and it is very easy to summon them.

It would be easier to summon souls with the help of the Omega Effect, and those souls are controlled by Darkseid to some extent.

Not to mention that Darkseid is not only the main god of Apokolips, he is also the father of Kalibak. It is very simple to summon Kalibak.

This time Kalibak finally had a memory. After he was resurrected again, he knelt on one knee and said angrily to Darkseid:"Master!"

Darkseid put his hands behind his back:"Who were you fighting just now?"

"A Kryptonian, my master."

Darkseid frowned slightly. He was a little unsure as to which world the other person was the Superman of.

But then, Darkseid stared at Kalibak coldly:"You lost. Kalibak was very unwilling, but he could only lower his head:"Yes, Master, I lost.""

"Without my order, you wouldn't have been able to get out of prison. Was it Jeska who released you? This is not my order. Go back and kill him now! Kalibak agreed without hesitation, but before leaving, Kalibak still mentioned:"I hope to conquer the world by your side, my master.""

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"Darkseid's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He did not allow anyone to disobey him, not even his son!

Kalibak lowered his head again, but did not refute.

He admired Darkseid and was absolutely loyal to him, but it did not represent him. He has no ambitions of his own.

Kalibak hopes that Darkseid will be alone with him. He believes that he is the best son of the other party.

This strong feeling prompts Kalibak to always defy Darkseid from time to time. Order, but to a certain extent, it is also a different kind of innocent heart.

This is also the reason why Darkseid has been killing Kalibak, but always resurrecting him.

Darkseid pinched his fingers There was a rare headache between his brows.

He originally thought that keeping Kalibak in prison would allow him to reflect, but now it seems that it is of no use at all.

It's a pity, if Kalibak wasn't so fanatically chasing Darkseid Shadow, he is the most qualified person to inherit the position of Lord God.

The master of Apokolips cannot worship anyone, even if that person is Darkseid. He should always be loyal to his own desires and always stare at the conqueror. The goal.

But Kalibak is a very useful chess piece after all. Darkseid doesn't like him, but it doesn't stop him from using him.

So he changed his mind and said:"There was a riot in a world I once conquered. If you can bring that world back under the rule of Apokolips, I will consider your request.

Kalibak suddenly became excited and said quickly:"Which world?""


Darkseid said with deep meaning. Although he successfully controlled Batman's mind, Batman is only an ordinary person after all, and his wisdom has its limits. He needs a powerful helper.

"Now, you should complete the task I assigned you!"

Kalibak nodded and immediately flew in the direction he came from. He was going to kill the person who released him now.

Except for Darkseid's order, Kalibak didn't care about anyone else's life, even if The same goes for people who are kind to him!

When Apokolips once again erupted with a strong earthquake, Dane and Big Barda, who were flying in the air, also discovered this phenomenon. The original Apokolips itself was emitting endless energy. Geothermal energy, like the wandering earth, is full of"God's blowtorches", and a lot of this energy is plundered from other worlds.

Because of these"blowtorches", Apokolips causes an extremely hot climate, and is even called a"living hell." But in contrast, the energy here is endless. People living on this planet, even slaves, do not need to spend a penny for energy.

But because of this, Apokolips itself has actually accumulated a very huge amount of energy. , its interior itself is in a relatively stable state after complex physical and chemical reactions.

Once this steady state is broken by external forces, it may cause a global disaster due to balance problems.

Daba Da frowned slightly:"When you said you were coming here, I thought you were only targeting Darkseid."

Although she helps the Justice League, she does not want them to destroy her home planet. Even if it is a living hell, it is also the living hell where Big Barda was raised.

Dane withdrew his sight from the depths of the earth's core. Then he explained to Big Barda:"Believe me, Superman has no choice."

In order to resist the impact from the earth's core, Superman's body of steel has been overloaded, and he no longer has the strength to crawl out from the depths of the earth. From this point of view, although Superman is very strong, he wants to destroy Apokolips. A planet, I'm afraid it's still a little short.

Dane took out the mother box and located Superman's position. The mother box trembled slightly and pulled Superman out from the depths of the earth.

Even after returning to the ground, Superman still looked like he was out of strength. state

"Who did he fight with, and how could he be so exhausted?"Big Barda was very curious.

"There are not many people on Apokolips who can do this."Dane was thoughtful, but unfortunately he was not familiar with the New Gods and didn't know much about the strength of these people.

But in Dane's impression, the characters in the New Gods who could be as strong as Superman should be Orion and Dark. The son of Said, a weird new god who rides an interstellar electric car.

But if I remember correctly, this guy should be on the side of the new founding star. He can't go to Apokolips to seek justice, right? Let's talk about it. Darkseid's education was a bit of a failure. He was also a proton. The new founding star successfully trained Orion into a hero and a qualified prince. Please give me flowers. 0

But what about Darkseid? The Mr. Miracle he trained always failed. It's against him. After so many years, I haven't been able to turn this guy into a member of my lineup.

"what should we do?"

Big Barda slapped Superman on the face twice, trying to wake him up. Her strength was so great that both slaps made a sonic boom sound.

Dane felt that these two slaps had some personal grudges.

But Superman still didn't wake up after enduring two blows. He was quite exhausted.

"Let me do it."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For creatures like Kryptonians, you have to treat them like plants. Give them some sunlight and they will recover.

The divine power is running on Dane, and the power of the sun god is in it. It appeared on his body, and the lightning symbol on his chest changed to form a sun. A faint light began to emit from under his skin, and the light shone on Big Barda, making her feel very warm.

This was the brilliance of the sun.

Big Barda She was a little surprised. This was the first time she saw Dane using the power of the old gods, and it was also the first time she saw this kind of power.

The light on Dane became brighter and brighter, and in the end, he seemed to have become The sun was so bright that Big Barda couldn't help but cover his eyes, not daring to look directly at the light. The eyelids of the unconscious Superman on the ground moved slightly, and the cells in his body were absorbing it crazily. The sun's rays emanating from Dane's body had been filled up in a short time due to the previous battle.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and their eyes even glowed red because of the full energy. He faced the sun In the direction, I saw the shadow in the center of the light

"God......"Superman murmured to himself, thinking he saw God.

Actually it’s not wrong.

When Dane saw that Superman had recovered, he suppressed the light on his body and returned to his ordinary appearance.

Superman was stunned for a moment and blurted out:"Dane?"

Unlike Superman from the Justice League, he didn't know that Dane was like this.ability.

Doesn't this mean that as long as he stays with Dane Davis, he can walk sideways even on Apokolips? []

No wonder the Justice League in another world is so strong. As long as Superman and Dane partner up, these two people can take down any boss. This combination is simply invincible, okay?

"Who did you fight with?"

Dane was a little curious. Who else on Apokolips could fight to this extent with Superman?

Superman was also puzzled:"I don't know, but that person must be Darkseid's subordinate. He seems to be very dissatisfied with me. , launched an attack on me without even saying his name.

But that attack just now should be able to completely eliminate him."

Superman felt that in that case, the other party might not even be able to survive, let alone survive.

Dane thought, this is not necessarily true. The earthquake just now could have continued to develop even bigger. , but someone obviously suppressed it. The only person on Apokolips who can do this is Darkseid.

Since Darkseid can do this, it basically proves that he is okay.

As long as he doesn't die, any of the new gods on Apokolips will theoretically not die. As long as Darkseid is willing, he can resurrect all four of them at any time.

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