"Who are you going to fight for now?"

Wonder Woman pulled Big Barda closer and asked her this question.

As someone who had direct communication with her in the original world, she knew the details of Big Barda very well and knew that she came from Apokolips.

It was just magical The heroine didn't know whether this Big Barda was pursuing freedom like the one in the original world, and whether she wanted to get rid of Apokolips.

Upon hearing this, Big Barda knew that the woman in front of her was asking about her position. There was no time to hesitate on the battlefield, so Big Barda spoke immediately

"I fight for myself!"

"Then do it!"After Diana finished speaking, she and the Super Queen fought against Steppenwolf.

Big Barda felt a little strange. She always felt as if this woman knew herself.


Steppenwolf was shocked when he saw Wonder Woman. What was even more shocking was that he also saw"Lois Lane." He had witnessed Lois' death with his own eyes and knew very well that that woman had died long ago. Now, can a person vaporized by heat vision still survive?

Then he suddenly remembered what happened not long ago

"parallel world?"

Steppenwolf roared, mustering up all his strength to strike with the axe. Diana was not afraid, and faced her head on, using her two-handed sword to hold the axe.

Although Steppenwolf had gained strength because he had returned to Apokolips. Recovery improved, but Diana was no longer what she used to be. She successfully withstood Steppenwolf's full blow. The

Super Queen did not miss this good opportunity. She flew forward and grabbed the horns on Steppenwolf's head with both hands. He used his huge strength to throw Steppenwolf out.

Steppenwolf 30 accidentally flew out involuntarily, and near the landing point, Big Barda had appeared there at some unknown time.

"Try this!"

Her short staff had already accumulated enough power and hit the flying Steppenwolf directly in the face, making him dizzy and feeling his head buzzing.

His huge body slammed into the ground.

"Don't give him any chance!"

After Big Barda yelled, he continued to hammer at Steppenwolf with a short staff.

The Super Queen also followed. She flew high into the air, and then fell heavily. She looked completely smaller in contrast to Steppenwolf. The fist hit him, causing a wave of soil tens of meters high.

Steppenwolf couldn't help but arch his back after receiving this blow.

Wonder Woman held the Vulcan Sword and was about to give him the final blow.

But the sky was full of At this time, the demonoids swooped down again to save their master.

The overwhelming demonoids not only obscured Diana's vision, but also affected her performance, which annoyed her.

She simply launched her ultimate move.

Zeus's thunder erupted from the sea surface and hit the bottom of the sea along the sea path, exploding the demonoids surrounding Diana!

Diana jumped out from the demonoids, her eyes flashing with the power of thunder.

Super Queen Xiao His head shrank, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart:"So this is your real power!"

She could feel that Diana's thunder and Dane's lightning came from the same source, which was the divine power of Zeus.

Well, now she could barely admit Diana's status as a lady.

Diana descended from the sky with the power of thunder, The sword of Vulcan was entwined with lightning and struck at Steppenwolf.

At the critical moment, Steppenwolf recovered in time. He smelled the power of the old god. He was so excited at that time that he quickly raised the battle ax to his chest and reluctantly took it. He withstood Diana's fierce blow.

But he failed to push Diana away, and could only wrestle with Diana with a battle ax.

Diana stepped on Steppenwolf's body with her feet, and held the sword of Vulcan in both hands. On the axe, the tip of the sword was pointed directly at Steppenwolf's heart.

At this time, Big Barda and the Super Queen were not idle either.

Big Barda turned the short spear back into a long spear and stabbed it into Steppenwolf's face. Steppenwolf just turned his head. He dodged, but was blinded by the super queen's heat vision.

This made him involuntarily weaken a bit. Diana did not miss this opportunity. The lightning all over her body was stimulated, and the powerful explosive force pushed the Vulcan sword to stab directly. Entered Steppenwolf's heart.

Steppenwolf couldn't help but burst out with a scream. He was unwilling to give in!

His power has not yet been fully restored at this time. As long as he can return to his complete form, the daughter of the old god will not be him at all. opponent!

"Success!"Big Barda said happily, and at the same time she was a little surprised. Steppenwolf seemed to be not as difficult to deal with as she thought.

But Steppenwolf had not completely died, and he was still recovering. When he heard Big Barda's words, he suddenly became violent, and he died. It's a backstop!

But Diana was already on guard against this move.

She quickly drew out the Vulcan Sword, and blood surged from Steppenwolf's heart. This made his movements slightly froze for a moment.

Then he only had one thought. In the time, Diana swung the sword with her backhand and chopped off Steppenwolf's head.

There was not much blood spurting from Steppenwolf's neck, but his head was thrown high, and after it landed, Only then did the pair of eyes exuding a faint blue light go out.

"Now he is truly dead."

Diana stood up from Steppenwolf's body and stretched out her hand to Big Barda.

Big Barda grabbed her hand and stood up smoothly.

"You seem to know me?"She still couldn't help asking.

Diana nodded:"I come from another world, where...We should be considered friends"

"It seems that I have gained freedom in that world."Big Barda smiled.

"You can do the same now."

Hearing what Diana said, Big Barda just shook his head:"Darkseid will not let me go. Although I don't know his purpose, he needs me to complete a task, so he will definitely find it. I."

At this time, the surrounding seawater began to shake violently, and the entire underwater continent also began to shake. The

Super Queen flew over at this time, with her feet on the ground, and said thoughtfully:"There are people fighting underground!"

"It's those three Kryptonians."Big Barda quickly thought of who was doing this.

"Three?"Diana noticed this. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, three, they almost look exactly the same, but one of them calls himself a Speedmaster!"

Super Queen's expression changed:"Super? Why is he here?"

"how? Do you know him?"

"Carl El. Of course I know this guy."Super Queen said, speaking of it, Super King is still ruthless to her. He hates traitors the most.

Diana frowned slightly, and she turned her attention to the man standing in the field. He did nothing but used his magic power to support everyone in Zhenglian. Dane in this air zone

"I have a hunch that this matter has something to do with Dane again......"

Dane is not fishing, he is adapting to the world and its laws.

It is easy to use magic in this world, because magic and technology essentially make use of the objective laws of the world.

As long as it is a parallel world that allows magic to exist, although the details may be slightly different, most magic can still be performed easily.

But power is different. It is one level higher than magic. If magic is just making use of existing physical laws, then power is a power that can define laws.

This is competing with nature for authority. If people who are not from this universe want to do this, they need to put some effort into doing it.

He also felt the aftermath of the battle between the three Kryptonians, and the ocean floor was completely changed by their battle.

Through clairvoyance and hyperopia, he also saw Speedmaster with a big"U" painted on his chest.

It was only at this time that he realized that Speedmaster had also come to this world.

When he saw Doomsday Superman for the first time, It was just a matter of convenience that he was sent to Speedmaster. His original intention was to make the two of them dog-eat-dog.

He thought about the scene where Superman used the mother box to escape in Doomsday. After all, in an environment like Krypton, Speedmaster occupied With an absolute advantage, it was normal for Superman to be unable to defeat him. But he did not expect that Superman, who had the advantage, could be brought here by Superman.

In this world, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides are reversed, and this place is absolutely perfect for Super In an unfriendly world, he is now afraid that he has become Darkseid's lackey.

Superman has not been able to withstand the brainwashing of the Dark Lord, and Superpower is even more impossible.

On the other side, Dai has killed Steppenwolf. Anna and her group came over with the mother box

"Steppenwolf was killed by you?"

Diana nodded and handed over the mother box.

"I think you need this.

Dane took it easily:"Of course.""

They didn't bring the Mother Box from another world when they came here this time. The consequences of using the Mother Box across the universe are really unpredictable. It's better to just grab the one here.

But I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Steppenwolf is a good comrade!

Dai En couldn't help but sigh. Even if he takes the initiative to kill 413, he can also explode equipment. All villains should learn from this guy.

"when are you readyApokolips?"

"Let’s deal with things on earth first and then talk about it."

While Darkseid hasn't reacted yet, they need to sort out the problems on Earth first.[]

The earth has two major problems that need to be solved urgently at this time.

One is the superhuman regime established by Superman, which monitors and suppresses all rebellious humans.

The second is the plunder of Apokolips. They use Apokolips technology continuously to plunder the core energy of the earth.

If they continue to be mined like this, the earth will become more and more barren, and eventually it will become a wasteland planet with extremely limited natural resources.

Dane held the Mother Box with both hands, and the divine power belonging to the sea god Poseidon began to be linked to the Mother Box. The power of the old god and the new god came from the same source, so the Mother Box could adapt to the power of the old god.

Dane's mind searched across space, and he vaguely sensed a secret place deep under the sea, which was the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

The Geocentric Sea is located in an alien plane in the core of the earth, which is bordered but not bordered by the real world. It is impossible to enter or exit that place unless you use the correct method.

Dane happened to be the one who knew the right way, and he used the Mother Box to mark all the demonoids.

This is also thanks to Apokolips's lazy transformation of the demonoids, which makes the genes of all demonoids consistent, allowing Dane to easily kill all demonoids in one fell swoop.

After marking all the monsters and locating the hidden sea in the center of the earth, Dane directly ordered the Mother Box to open the transmission channel.

The Mother Box tried to resist at first, but Dane immediately threatened with the power of thunder that if the Mother Box disobeyed, he would destroy it.

Although the Mother Box is an artifact, it is not enough for Dane to grasp.

Mother Box immediately obeyed and obeyed Dane's instructions.

The sonic blast channel was opened, and all demons, no matter which sea area they were in, were dragged into the sonic blast channel by an inexplicable suction force.

The densely packed demonoids were pulled by the invisible force field and fell into the blast channel. It lasted for ten minutes before all the demonoids were transported to the hidden sea in the center of the earth..

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