"By the way, I remembered, this heart-shaped skull pattern seems to be the logo of a certain circus member?"

She actually knows!

If Liz was not sure just now, he is now sure that Charlie Morningstar must have seen a circus performance at some time.

This incident surprised Moses and Milly. Liz was also a member of the circus? They~ didn't know it at all!

Charlie still recalled:"I still remember going to the show with my dad. At that time, all the actors were little devils, even The audience on the stage were all little devils, as if all the little devils in hell had gathered in that circus.

But later I heard that there was a fire in that circus, and all the little devils died in the fire, except for Fitzroy. He later went to work in a circus and became the most popular little devil in the whole hell. -ugly."

Speaking of this, Charlie seemed to have remembered something again and said to Dane:"By the way, Fitzroy seems to be working under Mammon, the master of the Greed Ring."

When she said this, Dane became really interested.

He hooked his fingers slightly, and the magic instantly acted on Bilizzi.

Bilizzi suddenly felt that his whole body was out of his control, and he was so scared that his heart was about to jump out.

Then With a hook of Dane's finger, Biliz was suddenly pulled in front of Dane by an invisible force, as if gravity was pulling him from the front.

Dane stared at Biliz and asked:"Do you know Mammon?" The clown under your hand?"

Bilize wanted to deny it, but under the threat of his life, he could only nod and admit:"Yes, I know Fitzroy. Dane

's mind was spinning rapidly. He was wondering if it was possible to make some use of this matter.

He wanted to get the Greed Ring, but he couldn't just rush to the door and kill Mammon, so that even if his men temporarily surrendered, It is inevitable that he will be overt and underhanded in his future work.

What he wants is a complete greed ring, not only the fixed assets above, but also all the talents inside.

At least until he can find a replacement, he needs these Traders.

Therefore, the best way is to use legal means to gain the trust of all traders in the Greed Ring, and then supplement it with life threats. You should be able to conquer the hearts of these demons. A big stick in one hand and red dates in the other. This method is always The only way to control these guys.

But first, he must destroy Mammon's prestige.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that some guys will always want to use his reputation to cause trouble. In the devil's style, they are taking advantage of Mammon's power. When fame causes trouble, it obviously doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive.

To do this, Dane needs to form a force of his own, a force rooted in hell.

Judging from the available intelligence, Greed Huan seems to like the clown's performance very much, and even the whole hell. In hell, Mammon's clown has a very high reputation.

He is a money tree that can continuously produce cash, and he has collected all the fame and fortune.

"Mammon even made his henchman clown into a sex toy, which sold well throughout hell!" Lucifer said.

According to Lucifer, Mammon not only used his confidant as a money-making machine, but may even have poured some feelings into him, similar to the love between father and son?

And using Fitz to make The toy is the result of cooperation with the master of the lust ring.

"Let me tell you a piece of news quietly, the ring master of the lust ring has a secret love affair with that clown!"

Dane can still remember the gossipy expression on Lucifer's face when he talked about this.

At that time, Dane was wondering if it was possible to use this clown named Fitzroy to provoke the lust ring master and the greed ring. The war between the demons.

But when he thought about it, he felt that this idea was not very good. The war between demons...Can you believe that there is such a thing as true love?

So he asked Billizzi:"What is your relationship with Fitzroy?"

"Well...Childhood sweetheart?"

Why is it a question?"

"I need definite answers. Dane narrowed his eyes.

The hairs on Bilizzi's body stood up and he immediately said:"We grew up together, but then something happened at the circus."...Some very bad things happened, so the relationship between us became a little bad. I have no doubt that the first time he saw me now, he was thinking about how to kill me! Dane thought for a while, then suddenly let go of Biliz with a flick of his fingers.

"Little Devil Biliz, you should know what crime you just committed by trying to drive into this hotel."

Bilize looked at Charlie pitifully, which really made her feel a little bit of compassion. She said hesitantly:"Dane, otherwise this matter will be......"

With a stroke of Dane's finger, the magic sealed Charlie's mouth, making it impossible for her to speak.

Charlie was trying to open her mouth.

Vicki hurriedly stepped forward, but she didn't know how to help. She could only circle around Charlie and worry about it.

Dane pointed at Moses and Milly again and caught them both in front of him. He looked at the little devil couple who were hugging each other and shivering.

Then he continued to say to Bilitz:"In view of what you have done before, I will give you two choices.

I will let Camilla kill you and mix your bodies with those guys outside."

Just when Dai When En said this, Biliz and other demons looked out through the floor-to-ceiling windowsill, and happened to see a few demons picking up corpses, enjoying the joy of the harvest.

Bilize and other demons shook their heads crazily. They must not become someone else's food!

Besides, what would Luna do if they died?

She is a loser!

Dane added:"The second option is that I want to entrust your IMP company with a task. If you can do it well, not only can I cancel today's matter, but you can also get a very generous reward."

As for Dane did not say how generous the reward would be, but Bilizzi could figure it out on his own.

Since the other party knows Charlie Chenxing, he must be someone who is not short of money!

So Bilitz immediately put on a flattering smile, rubbed his little hands and came closer:"Of course, you can give me orders if you have anything, sir!"

"I want you to investigate one thing, what is the relationship between Fitzroy and the Lord of the Lust Ring."

Ah, this...

Are all big shots such gossips?

Billizzi's face was full of resistance. Not only did Fitzroy not want to see him, he actually didn't want to see him either.

So Bilitz hesitated for a moment and said,"Can you change the task boss?"...We are a murder company after all, not detectives..."

Dane was also considerate and nodded:"In that case, then you go and kill Fitzroy, and then blame the murder on the Lord of Lust...."

Biliz's eyelids twitched, he would be damned if he did this!

There have long been rumors about the affair between Fitz and the Lord of the Lust Ring, but the authenticity of the news is not yet certain.

Therefore, Biliz has also heard about this. Although he has no longer met Fitz, he still pays attention to the other party's news from time to time.

Even from an emotional point of view, it is impossible for Bizz to kill Fitz, not to mention he is not stupid. Fitz Raleigh is now so well-known in hell. If Blitz dares to kill him, I am afraid there will be no need to wait for greed and lust..The lustful ring master came to the door.

Those rabid fans could tear him to pieces.

So Biliz immediately made a decision:"Boss, don't worry, we will definitely find out the relationship between that Bichi and the lust ring master!"

Isn't he just being a paparazzi? He can do it too!

Seeing that they seemed to be out of danger, Moses and Milly had just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Dane suddenly say something else.

"By the way, there's something I almost forgot."

This made both of them feel a little"thumping" in their hearts."

"Little devil, tell me your real name. Dane said to Biliz.

Biliz felt strange, but he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only test:"Biliz?""

"Real name, little devil, isn’t your real name like this? Dane showed a kind smile.

Biliz had no choice but to tell his real name:"Biliz...Europe."

The little devil was not allowed to have his own surname, so Biliz only had a first name, not a surname.

Suddenly, a magical power began to emerge, and it quickly wrapped around Biliz's body, and then a string of demonic words came from Biliz. Liz flew out of her soul and fell into Dane's hand.

"Bilizio, there is no basis for trust between us, so you shouldn't mind if I use some insurance, right?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bilizzi wondered:"What did you do?"

"Try saying your name, little devil"

"ah? My name is..."Biliz was stuck. He was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly realized that he had forgotten his name, so he became anxious:"My name is..."

But no, every time it comes time to blurt out the word, I can't say it.

But Blitz was also smart. He immediately thought of his teammates and quickly turned to ask Moses and Milly

"What's my name?"

Moses and Milly looked at each other, and then said in unison:"Bilize!"

Biliz immediately recalled it, but when he was about to say the name again, he found that his memory began to blur again, and he quickly closed his mouth.

Then he looked at Dane with horror in his eyes.

Dane seemed to understand when he saw him. After picking up something, he said with a smile:"I believe you must have discovered that I have set a spell on your name. Now you can still remember your name after being reminded by others."

But if you fail to complete my mission, or want to back down for any reason during the mission, I will take your name forever.

As a result, you will become a lonely ghost. Any demon you know or know you will forget you, and you will not exist in the memory of any demon."

This will be the ultimate loneliness!

Even a scum of demons like Biliz is afraid of this."[]

"I believe you can already understand the seriousness of this, so what you should do now is to let go of your unrealistic fantasies and work hard to complete the tasks I have assigned you. Do you hear me clearly? Bilizio?"


Biliz immediately got up from the ground and stood up straight.

Dane waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Only then did Moses and Milly dare to leave the hotel with Biliz.

There was no way, among the three strongest Under the eyes of the sinner lord, it was already a great achievement for them to stand stably.

After walking out of the hotel door, Moses breathed a sigh of relief as if he had escaped death.

"What should we do next?"

"I guess we just have to do what he says. Milly replied.

Bilizzi said with a dark face:"For the sake of my name, you two must work hard!""

"Wait, what do you mean?"Moses looked at him in surprise

"You don't want to take action and let Milly and I do this?"

"What can I do? I have already said that I have a very bad relationship with that ass-selling Bichi. He will shoot me directly when he sees me!"

Billizzi and Fitzroy had a not-so-good past, so he was very reluctant to meet each other.

"That's your name! If you don't care, who else will?

It's just to investigate the relationship. It doesn't necessarily require a meeting. You can completely hide it in secret...haven't you seen what those crazy paparazzi do?"

"Oh...Fuck!"Bilize scratched his head with a pair of hooks, and finally had no choice but to accept the reality.

"OK, I will do this with you, but first we have to go back to the company and let Luna send us to the greed ring"

"Why don't we just take elevator 666?"

"Because we have no fucking money, you little genius!"

The three demons said, and directly commandeered a new car on the roadside, which was snatched by the sinner demon.

But the original owner of the car had become a piece of rotten meat on the ground.

After they got in the car, they drove directly It sped away, and the car hit a piece of flesh while driving and almost skidded.

In the hotel, Dane snapped his fingers and lifted the magic on Charlie, allowing her to speak.

"How can you do this!"

"what you mean? To that little devil, or to you?"

"everything! Dane sighed, and then said:"Charlie, you are a devil. If you want other devils to abide by your rules, you have to do it in a devil's way.""

"Like the ones you just made?"Charlie was not convinced.

However, Dane nodded naturally:"Yes, if you can do it, it will be easier to achieve your goal.

What you are facing are demons. They are inherently rebellious. No demon will care about what you think without using any forceful tactics. Don't you already know this?"

Charlie thought of Angel, the only guest in the hotel now, and her little head drooped.

"But what is the point of such atonement? Besides, will heaven really recognize such atonement?"

Hearing Charlie's words, Dane felt that she was so silly and cute that he laughed out loud.

Seeing that Charlie was so angry that he had a puffy face, he calmed down a little, and then continued:"What are you doing with these demons? Did you get the consent of Heaven when you were doing experiments on your body?

After all, letting the devils atone their sins so that they can ascend to heaven is a huge gamble in itself. Since it is a gamble, why not try it in every way?"

Xia Li calmed down and thought, and felt that it might not be unreasonable.

"so...Is this why you caused so much commotion in Pentagram City?"

"riot? What riot? Do you see any mess? Dane smiled.

Charlie was stunned for a moment, and then looked out the window and found that the rioting sinners and demons had disappeared.

In just a moment, it seemed that the entire city had been emptied.

Instead, was the center of the riot. , there was a huge tower emitting yellow light standing there.

Charlie took a closer look and found that there were countless demons densely packed inside.

At this time, Sinestro turned into a ray of light and flew into the hotel and came to Dai in front of grace

"All the sinners on Planet OA have been captured, and they are in that tower. Dane nodded with satisfaction, and then said:"First use the flame of fear to burn them for three days, and then talk after three days!"".

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