According to Batman, as the leader of the Justice League, Dane must not be stained in the slightest.

Therefore, no one can leave this matter to him.

But Dane scoffed. In the main world, Superman, as the spiritual leader of the Justice League, is not perfect.

He is often controlled by villains and does terrible things, but every time he escapes from the enemy's control, he continues to be Superman as if nothing happened.

What's wrong? He can do it, but I can’t?

But Batman persisted, and even Plastic Man, an obscure guy, vaguely reminded him that he should think twice about this matter.

Even this funny character said this, Dane is not willing to have his own way, and Batman has not thought of a better candidate for the time being....

No, it's not that he didn't think about it, but he didn't say it out loud.

Dane guessed that he must have thought about asking Super Queen or Sinestro to do this.

Indeed, as he thought, Batman once envisioned letting the Super Queen perform this task.

The Super Queen seems to obey Dane's words, and Batman believes that if Dane just says it, no, doesn't even need to say it, just hints, the Super Queen will be willing to do it.

Anyway, this woman is used to killing, and she was once a member of a criminal syndicate, so she can be used as trash.

But Dane disagrees. He knows the Super Queen better than Batman. Although her hands are full of blood, this woman is an Amazon and prefers fist-to-flesh fighting rather than massacre. There is a difference.

If it were a face-to-face battle with OA's Ringmaster, there would be no problem in asking her to help, but doing this kind of thing might not be in line with her original intention.

Dane has always believed that unless they are enemies, it is best not to force your own people to do things they don't want to do.

And from Dane's own true intention, he also"Zero One Three" does not want to use such small means to induce the Super Queen to do things, which will make him feel despicable.

Batman saw that Dane seemed a little disgusted, so he changed another candidate. In fact, he felt that there were many people to choose from.

He believed that as long as this matter was revealed to Waller, the woman would definitely try her best to get some of the super criminals in the syndicate to make some contributions.

For example, Death Storm or Martians, they all have the ability to sneak into OA and install super bombs on the planet.

Sinestro was once on Batman's list, but he was not a super criminal and seemed to be a pacifist, so in Batman's mind, letting him do this was not a high priority.

Even Dane thought that Sinestro would not be willing to do such a thing. After all, this is an act of extermination and is definitely not what a hero should do.

"Why?"Dane is really curious. Is there any deep hatred between Sinestro and OA?

In order to gain Shazam's support, Sinestro can only dig out the memories buried deep in his heart and expose them to the sun.

He will The OA and the Legion of Rings told him everything they had done to his home planet and his civilization.

Dane was silent for a long time after listening to it. He understood this feeling.

Not to mention that Sinestro's civilization had been wiped out. As Dane, if he were in Japan now, he would probably be tempted to destroy this country.

But Dane still asked one more question:"Are there any innocent civilians on that planet?"

Sinestro thought of those poor slaves on OA, his eyes were firm, and his will was unwavering and he said:"No!"

Dane nodded, very good, he is lying!

It seems that the other party's hatred for OA is true, and he would rather sacrifice innocent lives to destroy the OA planet. As long as he has this consciousness, he will definitely be able to get his wish.

Dane thought After thinking about it, I asked him if he had any specific plans.

"If I can get the Supreme Power Ring, I can attract all the power rings to Star OA, and they will go crazy fighting for this ring!

At that time, I can take the opportunity to install the bomb in the central energy battery room. The energy of the bomb and the lamp furnace will blow the entire planet into nothingness!"

Dane listened carefully to Sinestro's plan and asked some questions from time to time. Sinestro had already prepared his answers and answered them one by one.

After listening to this, Dane believed that the feasibility of this plan was extremely high. The only problem with this plan was What's missing is the Supreme Power Ring and the Quantum True Bomb.

But Sinestro was a little worried:"I don't know how to explain this to Hal. I'm afraid he will never agree to what I do."

Although the time they got together was short, Sinestro knew Hal Jordan very well. This earthling's heart of justice was the strongest and most determined he had ever seen.

He was worried that once he told the truth, Hal would not only Stop him, and even find ways to control him.

Dane knows that his worries are not unfounded, Hal can really do such a thing

"Don't worry, this matter is actually easy to solve."

But for Dane, isn't it just to fool Hal? He does it often!

So he called Hal in front of Sinestro

"What's up? I'm a little busy right now..."

From the microphone, Dane heard explosions and screams from over there. Hal seemed to be fighting someone. How strange, he wasn't in Beach City?

Dane, the criminal there, remembers that he has been eliminated.

But Dane didn't think about it carefully. He said:"I heard that you got the power ring of the divine power ring. I need it for research."

Sinestro was surprised. Is it so direct?

What he didn't know was that Dane did this all the time.

In the original world, Zheng Lian's trophies were often used by him for experiments, and everyone in Zheng Lian was used to it.

Hal complained:"You should choose a suitable time to talk about this and wait for me to send it to you when I have time?"

"No. Dane said. He glanced at Sinestro and continued:"I'll let Sinestro go. You just give it to him and let him bring it over.""

"knew!"After Hal finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry. The matter was settled so easily.

It was so smooth that Sinestro was in a daze.

"He didn't even ask what would you do with the ring?"He said in surprise.

Dane wrote lightly:"Because those are not important...."

"As for the quantum bomb, I will let Death Storm unlock it before handing it over to you. You can go find Hal now!"

After Sinestro flew away in excitement, Zatanna came back with Circe

"what happened?"

The two of them didn't hear what happened.

"We need to speed up our progress! Dane said,"I have a feeling we'll need to use Hell soon.""

While Sinestro was busy looking for Green Lantern, a group of super villains also secretly gathered together.

"How's the plan going?"Red Arrow asked a little tiredly. He is not a super human. He has worked hard to attract the attention of the Justice League during this period.

Canary replied:"Halo has attracted the attention of Green Lantern. Now that The prison is guarded only by federal government personnel."

Federal government? Red Arrow dismissed it.

Their combat effectiveness is not even as good as FedEx!"

"While Halo and Green Lantern are busy, we quickly rescue Speedmaster!"

After this group of"remnants" decided on the rescue plan, the first problem they had to face was the support among Zhenglian members.

No matter how bad the federal government is, it can still resist these"remnants" for a few minutes and seek help from Zhenglian.

Therefore, in order to hold back the heroes who might come to the rescue, they arranged an opponent for every hero not far from the super prison here.

They gave the fastest Flash the Observer, who could control her opponents through words.

As a speedster, The Flash doesn't like quick battles, but he is a hero who likes to talk and persuade opponents to surrender. The"remnants" believe that as long as the observer is given time, she can even make The Flash dance"Swan Lake" on the spot.

And the opponent they arranged for Green Lantern was Halo.

Halo has the same ability to control light as Dr. Light Kimiyo, but the difference is that Halo's power does not come from Vega, but from an ancient energy body that resides in her body.

And her ability has its own characteristics, each light color represents a different ability.

The white halo allows her to fly, and the red halo creates a destructive beam of heat that melts or burns enemies. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The orange halo can produce a powerful shock wave beam to repel enemies.

The yellow halo can produce a dazzling flash of light, causing enemies to be stunned or blinded.

The blue halo can produce distorted holographic images to confuse or disturb enemies.

The green halo creates a stasis beam to stop or control enemies, and can be used to pass through walls.

The indigo halo can produce a tractor beam, and the purple halo can produce powerful psychic effects.

The above abilities were all observed by Green Lantern from fighting with each other.

He felt a little strange. This woman's abilities seemed to be very impressive and very versatile, but why didn't she appear among the giants?

Hal knew that status within the Syndicate was determined by strength, so with Halo's ability, she was fully qualified to get a seat as a giant.

She can at least be stronger than Sea Overlord, right?

But she is not one of the giants. Hal analyzed that either Sea Overlord has some awesome skills that he has not yet displayed, or Halo's own abilities have huge shortcomings.

He prefers the latter.

Hal raised his hand to reveal a shield, blocking the molten beam of red halo, and then flew to avoid the shock wave generated by the orange halo. The explosion sounded behind him.

He watched the beam of light reflecting back and forth between the floor-to-ceiling windows of the tall building, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind, this is it!

The halo ability has very strong light properties, so it can be reflected by mirrors!

Hal feinted in the air, and Halo was immediately fooled, firing a red halo at him. This is the most powerful of all the light-colored energies she possesses. 0...

She really enjoys using this.

But when she fired the red light, she saw Green Lantern suddenly turn his head and tear open the giant billboard sticker behind him, and Halo's entire body was clearly illuminated on the smooth metal panel.

The red beam bounced out instantly under the reflection of the mirror and directly hit the halo. She tasted the power of the beam created by herself!

It's very strange. Her abilities include offense and control, but there is no halo purely for self-defense, so she was directly knocked away by her own abilities.

Hal guessed correctly, this is her Achilles' heel!

No wonder, as long as this weakness is taken advantage of, even the Sea Overlord can easily defeat her.

Halo stood up with a bit of dizziness, and couldn't help but said to the other cooperators through the communicator:"He has discovered my weakness, are you still okay?"

"Shit! How did you get exposed so quickly?"

The Syndicates all knew about Halo's weakness, but they thought she could last longer.

But how long has it been?

"If you think you can, then do it yourself!"Halo is not used to these people at all. If no one supports her, she will run away now.

So someone in the channel had to say:"Wait a minute, Canary has already rushed over. Count the time, it should be there soon! Hal had just approached the halo, preparing to capture her, when suddenly a huge scream came from beside him, and the sound wave blew him away like a substantial shock wave.

"Black Canary?"

Because they were so similar, Green Lantern almost admitted his mistake, but he quickly realized that the Birds of Prey were not in this world at all.

"It's the same person."

After reacting, Green Lantern immediately started to fight back, and the muzzle made of green light was directly stuck on the opponent's face.

This person's shortcomings are even more obvious. Apart from her voice, she has no other abilities.

But she is not onlyPersonally, when Halo saw someone coming to cooperate with her, she immediately cheered up and continued to fight with Green Lantern.

They don't have to aim at defeating Green Lantern, since Green Lantern doesn't kill anyone.

They just need to hold him back, and these superheroes have another weakness. They care more about the lives of innocent citizens than themselves.

Innocent citizens? It’s everywhere here!

On the other side, other"remnants" have broken into the super prison.

The guards immediately took a defensive formation, and some returned directly to the prison and pressed the emergency signal transmitter.

But the Green Lantern and Flash who are closest to here are very busy, and they can't get there in at least ten minutes. ten minutes? That's enough for the"remnants".

Breakdancing with handsome dance steps, he fired shock waves from his hands, shattering the guns of all the guards in front.

"Make love, not war Babe!"Break dancing on the corpse of the guard, speaking this classic line, there is a black flavor.

Red Arrow bowed and nocked an arrow 3.1, aiming at one of the operation rooms, the arrow fell out of his hand, and directly nailed the person who was transmitting the signal. personnel

"Now, here we have the final say!"The violent wolf roared and waved his fists, shaking the ground of the super prison.

Several floors below, there was a huge metal prison.

The telescopic man stretched his body and looked around the prison, but found nothing. A gap that can be invaded.

The violent wolf pounded on the metal door. Unfortunately, his strength was still a little weak, and the metal door was only slightly dented inward.

"Gypsy, over to you!"

The gypsy may be the counterpart of Mrs. Xanadu. She is proficient in some black magic.

She nodded, put her palm against the metal door, then put her hand into the door, and finally her whole body blended in.

At the edge of the door On the other side, Gypsy saw the emaciated Speedmaster, huddled up in a ball.

Speedmaster opened his eyes instantly, and his ferocious beast-like eyes instantly grabbed Gypsy's heart, making her feel frightened.


Speedmaster closed his eyes, his nose twitched, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"You have kryptonite on you!"

The Gypsy opened her palm, and several kryptonites were on her palm.

Speedmaster moved very quickly. He swooped over and snatched the kryptonite from the Gypsy's hand.

"Ah~This is how it feels~"

Goosebumps spread all over the Gypsy's body

""Crack", Speedmaster crushed the kryptonite, inhaled the powder deeply into his nasal cavity, and the power quickly returned to him.

He opened his eyes, and his heat vision immediately destroyed the sun lamps around the prison, turning the prison into a Got dark

"Yes, I like that."

In the darkness, Speedmaster's red eyes turned around, and his ferocious expression loomed in the red light. The gypsy seemed to have seen a demon from hell.

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