Vauxhall Opera Chamber Music Centre.

The Penguin is sitting in the viewing seat, enjoying a classic play——《The Count of Monte Cristo".

He was intoxicated with the plot and immersed himself in it.

Although he is bloated, he is dressed very decently, like a gentleman. Even though this gentleman is a little fat, you can't deny this.

When the words"If you desire something, you have to set it free, if it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't come back, you never had it", Penguin Shout out!

When the words appeared on the stage:"All human wisdom is contained in these four words: wait and hope." The Penguin couldn't help but be happy.

He was so absorbed in the stage that he had no idea that two black figures had appeared behind him.

The Penguin didn't see the unique appearance of the Bat Family, but the people on the stage were shocked.

The actor who played the protagonist Edmond Dantès even screamed in fright, which instantly broke the mood of the entire play and awakened the Penguin from his addiction.

He immediately realized that someone had invaded here, but before he could get his umbrella, a pair of big hands grabbed the Penguin's neck.

The Penguin immediately grabbed Red Hood's arms with his hands and tried to pry them open.

But unfortunately, what he is fighting against is not manpower, but technology, or nanotechnology.

Red Hood came from behind and strangled the Penguin naked.

"I'm surprised you didn't have more people here to protect you?"

Penguin's neck is thick, which is still very inconvenient for naked hanging, so he still has time to breathe heavily and speak.

"That don't need it at all!"

Claw Dick immediately realized something was wrong and immediately said:"Kill him now!"

However, as soon as he shouted these words, he felt a little dizzy and his body became heavy.

Isn't it? Here we go again!

Dick thought helplessly, why is he always the one who gets hit?

His claw uniform It is not a particularly high-tech creation, so it cannot protect against poisonous gases that are everywhere around it. But the Red Hood is different. His nano-suit is fully enclosed. It can fight for a short period of time even in space environments, let alone toxic environments. , let alone just poisonous gas?

"Do you think this can save your life?"

The Red Hood tightened his arms, and the Penguin's face turned red. This time he couldn't even speak 530.

But before the Red Hood could strangle the Penguin, a voice sounded in the theater, with echoes, very clear.

"Stop it, unless you don't want your companion's life!"

Red Hood's movements stopped. He threw the Penguin away with a"thump".

The Penguin fell to the ground and coughed violently a few times before slowly standing up.

"It seems you know what the poisonous gas around you is."

Yes, the moment Dick fell, the Red Hood used the suit's analyzer to figure out what the poison gas was.

This is a special kind of sleep gas, colorless and odorless, but flammable and explosive.

Only It only takes a small spark, and the entire theater will fly into the sky.

He doesn't know if the Red Hood can survive, but he knows that Dick will definitely not.

Since Cortana is not in this world, the intelligence of the suit is not high. , didn't inform Red Hood about this before they came in.

"It seems you are well prepared."Red Hood stared at the Penguin's face through the mask.

The other person was not stunned by the gas. He obviously either took the antidote early or had other ways to resist the drug.

Is this the work of the Scarecrow?

Penguin's fat face The elegance and gentleman he wears is so crazy. Red Hood thought to himself.

In Jason's world, Penguin has never been seen setting up a trap with his own life. This is usually something that only clowns do.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not crazy."Penguin said with a smile.

"Do you mind if I take my umbrella? To be honest, facing you with nothing makes me feel a little insecure."

Red Hood did not speak, but this was equivalent to acquiescence.

He knew that Penguin's umbrella contained some"small toys", but those things could not harm Red Hood's suit.

Penguin placed the black umbrella next to his seat Holding it in his hand, the dented chair rebounded instantly, showing that the umbrella was quite heavy.

He then put the top hat placed on another chair on his head, looking like a gentleman from Britain. , a big belly suits the taste.

And a cigar can make him look like Churchill instead of a gang leader.

"You're coming faster than I thought, Red Hood."The Penguin smiled as always, and seemed to want to come up and pat the Red Hood, but was stopped by the other party's death gaze.

"Don't be so serious, I just want to talk to you, nothing else"(acee)

"What is there to talk about between us?"Red Hood has never had a good impression of the Penguin, no matter which world he is in.

The Penguin is a little regretful. It would be great if he had a cigar on hand at this time, but it is a pity that the thing will explode here.

He cheered up and enthusiastically Treating Red Hood:"There are many things we can talk about, such as this claw, such as you, such as Batman...

Red Hood, if I guess correctly, you and Batman are not from this world, right?""

This kind of speculation was made by Penguin when Batman confessed that he was Bruce Wayne. Their clown gang had dug into his family's private tomb in order to mentally attack Night Owl.

So it is very certain that the Waynes and Bruce Wayne were both in the tomb.

The nanoparticles on the Red Hood's wrist instantly formed a wrist sword. He raised his hand and swung it, cutting off the Penguin's top hat vertically.

"Be careful what you say Oswald."Red Hood's expression was hidden under the blood-red mask, making it difficult to see clearly,"Although I can't shoot, I can still kill you easily."

Red Hood's wrist sword lightly scratched Penguin's face, but it did not hurt him at all, showing excellent control.

It also shows that he is still calm.

Penguin understood his warning, and there are some things that can I know, but I can't say it out loud.

Penguin raised his hands in a gesture of surrender knowingly:"Relax, buddy, we have worked together before, you should at least give me a chance to defend myself, right? The court also gives criminals the right to defend themselves!"

Hearing this, the Red Hood approached the Penguin's big head, his voice as cold as the Siberian frozen soil.

"how? Do you think I'm a follower of the rules?"

The Penguin shut up and just shrugged at him.

Red Hood retracted the stabbing sword on his wrist:"Tell me what you have to say."

It seems that there is no way to kill him today, and he feels very unhappy.

Penguin put his hands down, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the cold sweat on his face.

Oh, people love to sweat when they are fat.

Wipe it clean. Finally, Penguin regained his composure.

He said to Red Hood:"In view of our previous cooperation, I hope to cooperate with you again...strictly speaking, I am working with you, Batman is not included in this."

Huh? Exclude Batman?

Red Hood's heart moved. If you say that, I won't feel sleepy anymore!

He motioned to Penguin to continue.

Seeing this, Penguin became convinced and continued:"I hope we can cooperate once and destroy The Cobot family!"

Speaking of"Cobot", the Penguin showed a ferocious expression on his face, and every muscle he exerted seemed to represent a deep hatred.

Red Hood had seen such an expression before, and he had also seen it on his own face. Having seen such an expression, his hatred for Gotham was as deep as that of the Penguin.

He did not ask the Penguin for the purpose of doing this. As long as he could be sure that this thing was true, even if it was used as a gun, the Red Hood would He was willing to do it.

So he agreed:"Okay!"

It was so straightforward that even the Penguin almost didn't react, but then he became ecstatic, and he continued:"It's so refreshing! The Cobot family will prepare a party in three days, which will also be a banquet to celebrate me becoming the head of this generation of family.

At that time, not only everyone in the Cobot family, but also important members of other large and small families will also be present. If you are willing, I can help you sneak into this banquet..."

Red Hood swept the ground with his peripheral vision. Dick glanced at him and thought, isn't it a coincidence? Isn't the contemporary heir of the Wayne family lying on the ground?

So he rejected the Penguin's proposal:"No need, I will be there when the time comes. Remember your promise, Oswal De, I'm watching you."

After the Red Hood finished speaking, he picked up the unconscious Dick with one hand. After a few jumps, he disappeared into the theater like a flash. After he left, the expression on the Penguin's face instantly calmed down, and he was expressionless. He turned his head and looked at the trembling actors on the stage, especially the actor who played Edmond Dantès.

"come here."Penguin said calmly.

The actor walked up to him tremblingly.

Penguin suddenly stood up and pinched his neck with both hands. The actor's eyes almost bulged out.

"How could Edmond Dantès scream like a woman! You cowardly piece of trash! waste!"

At this time, the Penguin's bloated body suddenly bulged out with sharp muscle texture, especially the biceps on both arms, and the expensive suit was torn apart with a"crack".

The actor didn't last long before his body went limp. Fallen, lifeless.

The other actors on the stage huddled in fear. The Penguin looked over with cold eyes, and no one dared to look at him.

He sneered, threw the body in his hand aside, and put the black umbrella Taking it in his hand again, Shi Shiran walked out of the theater.

Outside the theater, his other accomplices were waiting for him.

When the Scarecrow saw him coming out, he immediately asked:"How did you discuss it?" Penguin beamed with joy:"It was very successful, unexpectedly successful. He is willing to cooperate with us. It's a pity that he is unwilling to accept our arrangement.""

"This is normal."Two-Face said from the side,"Both he and Batman are very cautious people. I guess he will have a way to enter the scene."

Penguin and others do share the left opinion with Bane, but unlike Red Hood and others, they have no intention of relying on the power of other families to control Gotham.

Their idea is even bolder!

They want to kill everyone Develop your family and take charge of this city yourself!

Bane's anarchy will only turn this place into a new hell on earth. It is not helping Gotham at all, but destroying Gotham.

And only they, the Penguin Gang, can save it. This city!

The Penguin was convinced of this.

Before the Penguin Gang left, the Penguin paused for a moment. He raised his umbrella and pointed the tip of it at the Opera House.

"With a bang, the umbrella fired bullets.

The bullets shot into the theater, and exploded with a bang. The raging fire exploded the entire opera house, and the fire snake rose into the sky with its teeth and claws, as if it was roaring.

"I thought you liked the theater."The Riddler adjusted the glasses on his face, the firelight was a bit dazzling.

Penguin kept his gentleman's fake smile and took a deep look at the opera house. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I used to be."

The people inside have heard the conversation between him and the Red Hood. To prevent the secret from being leaked, no one can be left alive!"


At the old Wayne Tower, Red Hood throws Dick to the ground.

He came outside the tower and looked at the location of the Opera House, where a fire was burning.

"Penguin, I told you, I'm looking at you."

Jason murmured to himself, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Those behind-the-scenes families should be killed, but these lawless bastards should also be killed!

He made up his mind that in three days, Penguin will go to hell with those families!

As for what he wants to do How to get in? Red Hood glanced at Dick, who was sleeping soundly on the ground.

"thomas wayne jr."Brought him in.

Meanwhile, Batman is staying with Thomas Wayne Jr. and they are playing chess.

The fighting on the chessboard was extremely fierce. Every move Ye Xiao made was as if he was committing suicide, but he often found unexpected opportunities for survival every time. It seemed like he was struggling to survive.

Batman, on the other hand, walks very calmly, and every step he takes is correct, but murderous intentions are always hidden in the dark. It seems that there is a way to survive at every step, but in fact there are traps everywhere.

One is crazy, the other is cautious, but the careful thinking of both sides makes the direction of the battle difficult to see.

The chess game reached a deadlock again. Bruce suddenly heard the sound of the communicator and stood up.

"That’s it for today."

The moment he turned around, Thomas Jr.'s voice came:"Why are you doing this? blues."

Bruce's footsteps stopped and he turned his head.

Little Thomas lay leisurely on the backrest. Since he stopped being a night owl, his life was much more relaxed than before, although he could not leave this small house and could not touch it. network

"You should know that this is not your Gotham City, why are you so concerned about it?"

"I have my reasons."Bruce didn't explain anything.

"let me guess."Little Thomas pretended to think for a moment and said,"You want to try to transform this city? Give a sample of your city?"

Bruce didn't say anything, just looked at him

"Just quit doing that, it doesn't make any sense."

Wasting time on a city that cannot be cleansed from the"setting", it is better to just rebuild it.

Thomas still has not given up his plan. He knows that Batman and the others must have obtained the quantum book. Although he has no source of information at all,

Batman actually has the leisure to play chess with him. The reason why he is so leisurely is because the biggest problem has been solved.

Night Owl himself has been closely guarded and cannot leave this building at all. The manor cannot implement the plan with his own hands.

But if... if Bruce can join his camp, then it is still possible for his plan to be implemented.

And what he needs to do is to subtly change Bruce's mind, because the two of them really It may not be difficult for people who are both staring into the abyss to be very similar.

But his intention was seen through by Bruce at a glance, and he said bluntly:"Give up your idea, maybe we are indeed very similar, but we are also different.

You and I both come from the abyss, but when salvation comes…"

"you blinked"

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