Moving the time forward slightly, when Speedmaster's attention was occupied by the Arctic base, other members of the Zhenglian also began to attack the Martians.

The Martian's station is Middleton. He and the Martian Manhunter have somewhat similar origins. They are both the last remnants of Mars.

But unlike Martian Manhunter, who is immersed in the pain of the past and spends the rest of his life trying to heal this pain, Martian Manhunter is very satisfied with the status quo.

He was perfectly content with the fact that he was the only Martian left in the entire universe.

Not all Martians are warriors. Like Earthlings, there are superpowers and ordinary people.

Superhumans are divided into natural mutants and acquired mutants.

The genetic technology of Martians is very advanced. As long as they pay a certain price, it is possible for any Martian to become a superman like Speedmaster through genetic engineering, even if they were ordinary before and could no longer be ordinary.

Martian was originally such an ordinary Martian civilian. He was just a very ordinary"mortal" on Mars at first. He was not a born mutant Martian.

On Mars, there are deep conflicts between superpowers and ordinary people.

Superpowers believe that the spread of superpowers among ordinary civilians should be restricted to prevent them from being used by criminals and causing harm to social and public safety.

But ordinary Martians believe that the super-powered people just want to monopolize super powers and make something that everyone has the opportunity to obtain become their privilege.

Martian is not a historian, let alone a sociologist. He was just following the general public's policy of resisting super-human beings.

Then the war broke out.

A protracted super war broke out between superpowers and ordinary people.

At that time, the super technology on Mars not only included biochemical technology, but also extremely advanced mechanical technology. The Martians were a warlike nation (limited edition in this universe).

Therefore, ordinary Martians can still fight back and forth with Martians with superpowers by using these super technologies.

During this period, Mars' technology was developing at its most rapid pace. Superhumans who were good at biochemical technology, and ordinary people who were good at mechanical technology, both developed technological power far beyond their previous capabilities during the war.

Therefore, the war gradually escalated with the improvement of technology, and Mars could no longer accommodate the tit-for-tat Martians.

In just a few years, Mars, which was originally full of technology, was burned into a red wasteland by war.

But the two warring parties also learned from each other in the war. Gradually, the super 183 people had some mechanical technologies that they had never used before, and the ordinary people also had some newly trained super people.

The Martians were the Martians who were selected during this special period and conducted genetic technology experiments.

Although he is not a born mutant Martian, his genes are very editable. To put it simply, his body is very suitable for super transformation.

Therefore, in order to verify some new technologies, Mars scientists added a lot of messy superpowers to him.

He can almost be regarded as the person with the most superpowers on Mars, and logically speaking, he should also be the person with the strongest abilities among the Martians. He should be like a superpower and become the most powerful weapon for ordinary Martians.

But the Martians disappointed them.

As the highest technological crystallization on Mars, Martian is very capable, but as a warrior, his combat qualities are very poor.

He failed to lead his camp to victory. Instead, he caused huge losses to his camp under the enemy's design.

The martians who suffered losses finally discovered that the Martian was a scammer and gave him up.

However, what I didn't expect was that after being abandoned, Martian turned around and betrayed his original camp and joined the enemy camp. As a super-human being, he was naturally close to that camp.

On the other side, Martian suddenly became brave. He assisted his new teammates and drove out his old team.

But the Martian didn't know that the scientists who had done genetic experiments on him also set up a backdoor in him.

When Martian and his new teammates were celebrating their hard-fought victory, Martian's abilities suddenly went out of control, killing all the super-human executives in just an instant.

Moreover, the Martians uncontrollably released a kind of psychotropic"poison" that spread in the atmosphere of Mars and infected the entire planet in less than three days.

This was also the culprit that led to the eventual extinction of the Martians.

What happened next was almost the same as the experience of Martian Manhunter. A scientist on Earth invented a time-travel instrument in an attempt to establish contact with extraterrestrial life.

He first chose Mars, and ended up pulling over the Martians who were centuries ago.

The Martian was so ecstatic to find himself in a new world that he killed the scientist and assumed his identity and lived on Earth for a while.

After roughly understanding the situation on this planet (dbfb), the Martian began his conquest.

Originally, he planned to completely conquer the world with his superpowers, because he found that although there were many humans, there were very few superhumans, and they did not have the kind of technology that could enable ordinary people to obtain superpowers.

Just when Martian's conquest was in full swing, the appearance of Speedmaster gave him a head-on blow.

Speedmaster does not have as many superpowers as Martian, but the limit of each superpower is higher than his strength.

And in terms of quality as a warrior, Speedmaster is obviously stronger than Martian, so Martian has to succumb to him.

"The only person I fear is the Speedmaster."The Martian looked at the group of uninvited guests in front of him, with a mocking smile on his green face,"The rest of them are just chickens and dogs!"

His map cannon opened very wide, and Diana's face almost instantly dropped.

The strong low pressure almost made people around her afraid to get close.

"I feel like my eldest sister is very angry right now."The Plastic Man whispered to Barry.

Barry nodded subconsciously.

"Don't do anything yet, leave it to me!"Diana ordered the other members and rushed directly to the Martian.

When the Martian saw Wonder Woman flying, his eyes quickly lit up red, and two laser-like rays flew out and hit Diana's frame. on the buckler.

Diana kept her forward posture, pulled out the Vulcan sword from behind with her other hand, and struck the Martian in the face.

But the Martian used his super power to blur, causing Dai to Anna passed directly through his body

"You can't kill me at all!"Martian laughed wildly.

Martian didn't have Martian Manhunter's fire phobia, so he can be called a Martian Manhunter without any weaknesses.

Speedmaster was able to convince him at that time, more because Martian only had a slight understanding of Speedmaster. He knew the details, but was overawed by his powerful momentum.

The Martians knew about the Kryptonian race. As a similarly warlike nation, the Martians were even beaten up by the Kryptonians. Therefore, the Martians faced Superpower When he was in the virtual state, he was psychologically weak.

His virtual ability is really a very buggy super power. As long as he enters the virtual state, no attack can harm him.

But similarly, the Martian can't do anything like this. state to harm anyone.

Therefore, after he avoided Wonder Woman's attack, he immediately exited the virtual state and attacked Wonder Woman.

His hand turned into a sickle, and he slashed with a speed It was so fast that it hit Wonder Woman like a whip.

However, Diana reacted equally quickly. She quickly blocked it with her shield and withstood the blow, but as a result, her body fell directly into the depths of the ground.

"I said, guys, do we really have to do nothing?"Barry said hesitantly.

"I advise you not to do it. Wonder Woman is very scary when she is angry. Hal shook his head and said.

Not long after, Wonder Woman flew up from the pit and stood on the ground again.

"You remind me of a super queen."The Martian said.

They are both warlike and tenacious.

Well, let's step on the mine again. Zatanna secretly complained.

Sure enough, Diana's face darkened and she whispered:"You will find that I Stronger than you think!"

After that, Diana took off directly. Before Martian was about to enter the virtual state, she knocked her hands together, triggering a huge impact of divine power.

This directly interrupted Martian's movements, and the shock wave knocked him away far away. Get out.

Diana has competed with Martian Manhunter a lot in Justice League, so she knows very well his state before entering the Hollow. The

Martian guest is his peer, and is highly consistent with him in this regard. They both have the same activation Prepare in advance.

Diana seized this opportunity to interrupt his"casting" first. Otherwise, this ability would be too disgusting. Unless it was an artifact that specifically limited this ability, the weapons on her body would not be able to hit her at all. Hitting the opponent.

Diana chased the Martian in the direction of the Martian, intending to pursue the victory.

But the Martian was a thief. He had already strengthened the hardness of his body before encountering the divine impact, so although his body followed the inertia and combed the earth, He got a mid-point, but nothing happened to him.

But he felt that there was a huge gap between his combat experience and the opponent's, and hand-to-hand combat was not good for him.

Although Martian has super strength that is almost similar to that of Speedmaster, as well as Super speed, but he has never been able to fully utilize this power.

Although he was born as a militant Martian, he was actually a useless person.

But despite this, he also had a unique skill, which he relied on back then. This unique skill was so brave when he dealt with his old boss.

This unique skill is an ability that almost everyone on Mars has - telepathy.

After undergoing genetic technology transformation, his unique skill His identity became more powerful and weird, even enough to cause mental mutations on Martians.

It was based on his mental characteristics that Martian scientists created a new type of spiritual virus in his body, destroying all Martians. After knowing about his abnormal mental power, Martian has been concentrating on studying his own psychic power, trying to develop a method of using his ability so that it can also work on Kryptonians like Speedmaster. Speedmaster is different from Superman. , not only has high magic resistance, but also strong mental resistance. Martian once tried to invade his mind, but was almost strangled to death by the furious Speedmaster. After that, Martian secretly decided that he must Developing psychic abilities that can also work against Kryptonians, he believes that only psychic powers may be a blind spot in Supermaster's defense.

And he also has some results that can be used on this group of people.

When Wonder Woman is about to approach , the Martian directly activated his psychic ability, and the powerful mental power turned into an expanding psychic noise, which exploded in Diana's mind, causing her to fall to the ground instantly.

But fortunately, the Starlight Crown has the ability to resist psychic It weakens the power of Martian's move.

But in this case, it is obviously difficult for Wonder Woman to launch an active attack on Martian.

"This is a new move I recently developed, what do you think? Martian Guest was quite satisfied,"I think even a superpower would have difficulty resisting this kind of attack from the soul.""

Having said that, Martian was still a little surprised in his heart, because he thought that this move could directly make the opponent lose his fighting power, but he didn't expect that Wonder Woman could still grit her teeth and persist.

But that's it, Martian's ability cannot It lasted too long, and he had to deal with his opponent as soon as possible. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So the red beam lit up again in his eyes, and he wanted to kill Wonder Woman with Cyclops.

But at this time, a A green meteorite fell from the sky and hit the Martian directly.

A red and yellow lightning flashed around Wonder Woman, sending Diana back to the rear area.

"I am fine! We can continue to fight!"Diana said dissatisfied.

This put Barry in a dilemma.

But Zatanna rolled her eyes and complained unceremoniously:"Come on, if it weren't for us, you would be in big trouble now!"

Then she looked over solemnly and found that Hal's expression also changed. He seemed to be in pain.

"What is that ability?"

"An attack force targeting the soul. I guess there is a special force field surrounding him. That kind of field can directly affect people's spirits."

Batman observed for a few minutes and came to this conclusion

"So how did Hal manage to remain unaffected?"Barry was a little curious.

"He is not unaffected, but he is relying on his own willpower against the Martian's psychic powers."Dr. Hikari Kimiyo admires Hal very much.

"What to do?"The vixen felt at a loss as to what to do. She didn't know any animal that could protect against psychic powers. Was Martian Manhunter such a tricky character? But he usually seemed so good!

"We can't just stay here and do nothing, right?"

Batman thought for a while and suddenly remembered something.

When he was recruiting new members of Zhenglian, there was one candidate who he was opposed to at first because he felt that person was a bit out of place.

That person was Plastic Man.

And as a Control freak, although Zheng Lian does not advocate back-policing members, Batman still did it quietly, so he knew that Plastic Man had a criminal record and that he was a thief.

Although the crime was not serious, it was still a stain, so Batman was quite dissatisfied with this.

But Dane smiled and told him at the time:"You don't have to doubt Plastic Man's justice. Although he has a criminal record, he has already changed his ways.

Besides, his ability is also what we need. You should face this fact."

"ability? You mean the ability to transform at will?"Batman frowned. This ability is indeed very versatile, but it is not particularly good for combat.

They also had some other lists on hand at the time, such as Firestorm, and his ability was obviously strong. to Plastic Man, but Dane still chose the latter.

"Plastic Man also has a very important ability, which is inconspicuous but very important."

"What is it?"

"His spirit is very tough and is almost unaffected by any psychic power. Even Ron's telepathy has no effect on him at all."

After the memory ended, Batman immediately turned to Zatanna and said:"Teleport O'Brien here, we need him!"

Zatanna did as she was told and used the magic box to move the plastic man from the Arctic base to the battlefield.


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