Rose couldn't believe what she heard. This was actually her father's idea!

In order to restrict the Syndicate, he did not hesitate to bet the lives of all mankind in the world. If anything goes wrong, both parties will die together!

She stared directly at Wilson:"You must be crazy!"

The expression on Wilson's face softened, and he guessed that his daughter would have such a reaction.

"I don't expect you to understand me, Ross, but this is the only way we can negotiate terms with the Syndicate."

"No! wrong! We obviously have a better way!

Wilson said expressionlessly:"Then what is it?""

His question made Rose freeze for a moment, and she subconsciously shifted her gaze to the phone Wilson had just used.

Wilson noticed it and couldn't help but laugh.

"Rose, my innocent boy, do you really think those people Amanda Waller talks about are heroes?

There have been heroes in this world, but since the world was divided, the kind of stories that only exist in epics have never happened again."

As mentioned before, when the Magic Box sent the Seven Deadly Sins to another world, it may actually have introduced some beautiful qualities from another world.

Therefore, in this world, although good generally cannot defeat evil, There are still some people with noble qualities trying to change the world.

Just like in Dane's world, there are always some villains trying to plan to make the world more evil and chaotic. Yes, we are talking about people like the Joker who like to see The guy whose world is burning.

Although Westerners don’t talk about the philosophy of yin and yang balance, they obviously understand the importance of polar balance.

If the world is full of absolute evil, then it will be difficult for them to establish even the most basic order. It's better to just change it to Hell.

Even in a desperate world like the Dark Multiverse, even the desperate Batmans like the Dark Knights, they were superheroes at the beginning.

Let's call it"good""、"Evil 31" these two briefly describe the bipolar forces surrounding the DC Universe.

"The power of"goodness" is still very powerful, because no matter how dark life and the world are, there must be someone who desires better things.

Just like the word competition between Sandman Morpheus and the devil in the comics, the devil said the darkest thing in the universe , the most powerful power, this power has the ability to wipe out all life in the universe.

And Morpheus only used one word to crack it, that is"hope", this word is also the highest theme of the DC universe, even if The omniscient and omnipotent God will also die if he violates this theme.

In the golden age, the people of Earth-3 had a chance to transform this place into a world dominated by the power of"good", but they failed..

But"goodness" still survives in some way.

Speedmaster is so heinous that he killed his adoptive parents when he was seven years old. Before that, the Kryptonians went to self-destruction due to selfishness and civil strife.

But Speedmaster's His biological parents still left him the chance of survival. What this selfish couple ultimately embodies is still the power of"goodness."

This is one of the reasons why Dane feels that the world is still worth saving.

Even President Wilson, in the end, At first, he became president with the great ambition to change the country and the world.

It is not extraordinary that a president who is blind in one eye has the highest approval rate.

But after two years in office , Wilson finally understood that there were times when he was powerless, for example, he was absolutely unable to resist the power of the Syndicate.

He had also used countless methods, overtly or covertly, to try to curb the power of the Criminal Syndicate, and Waller was one of his efforts. , but those efforts undoubtedly failed.

Because the bottom line of the criminal syndicate is lower than any lower limit they can imagine, if they can, they will not hesitate to threaten the lives of all people in the entire country.

For example, Night Owl, he not only He is the think tank of the Syndicate and a very clever technological expert. He has the ability to control some of the nuclear bombs in the world and make them explode in any country or region in the world. Another example is Speedmaster, who can use only his body of steel and Super The speed destroys all humans in this world.

Wilson had to succumb in the face of such power, but this surrender also forced him to adopt a more radical method than the Syndicate to fight for the rights that should belong to them. The quantum bomb is his One of the results is that only when Wilson has the ability to truly threaten the lives of everyone in the Syndicate can they be at the same negotiating table.

But this did not convince Rose. After seeing Wilson's crazy plan, she became even more determined. The idea!

Wilson's method is absolutely impossible to achieve the peace he wants, and will only cause the Syndicate to rebound more violently.

Taking a step back, even if it can temporarily suppress the arrogance of the Syndicate and maintain a delicate balance, then wait for Wilson What about after leaving office?

Will the next president have the ability and courage to continue this kind of mutual deterrence with the syndicate?

Wilson's method is full of military style, overly radical and reckless.

The father and daughter were not happy after a big quarrel But before leaving Wilson's office, Ross quietly wrote down the number that Wilson had just spoken to on the phone, and then walked out of the white house.

When she returned home, she carefully checked the house to make sure there were no surveillance or eavesdropping devices before she picked up her mobile phone and dialed the number.

On the other side, Waller's personal cell phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and found it was an unfamiliar number.

She frowned slightly. This number was a special number. She had only been on the phone with the president, so it was logical that no stranger could know this number.

But Waller thought about it and answered it.

The person on the other side got straight to the point:"Is this Amanda Waller? I am Rose Wilson, the president's daughter. I hope to meet the Premier League team you mentioned on behalf of my father..."

What a twist! Waller's eyes lit up, the president's daughter? Waller had long admired her.

As the first daughter of the United States, Rose Wilson was as famous as her military father, and she is best known for her disagreement with her father's policy of appeasement and her efforts to correct the social injustices caused by the syndicate.

This requires great courage, and some even believe that if it were not for Rose being too young, she might even become the first female president since the founding of the United States.

Waller admires the first daughter very much. Although she thinks that the other party is not mature enough, the future is worth looking forward to.

Of course she could hear the perfunctory tone in President Wilson's words just now, and she also understood the president's approach very well.

After all, even she felt that this matter was no less than a big gamble, but Syndicate was such an opponent. If you didn't take a gamble, you would never have the chance to compete with your opponent.

Originally, Wilson's rejection had almost made her give up the plan, but Ross gave her hope again.

Even if Wilson doesn't agree with this plan, the people behind Vixen don't know it!

So as long as the president's daughter endorses it, there is still a possibility that it will be done.

So Waller got excited and immediately said to his cell phone:"Ross, we must meet right away!"


At the same time, in Gotham City, Night Owl has begun to reorganize the city.

Although Dick Claw has disappeared, Night Owl is the real"master" of the Court of Owls. Once he returned, he quickly stabilized the military morale of the owls.

Those capitalists and shameless politicians who took advantage of the situation were also hanged by the Court of Owls because of their vacillating attitudes some time ago.

The flame that Batman created some time ago was instantly extinguished by Night Owl's wings, and everyone in Gotham City began to feel in danger.

As for Ye Xiao, the first thing he did after returning was to start a general cleansing without hesitation.

Because the Court of Owls was defeated by Batman some time ago, its deterrent power in Gotham City is now greatly reduced. If Night Owl wants to restore this situation, he must use some drastic measures.

But his extreme methods were too cruel, so Batman had to lead others to resist his retaliatory purge plan.

Although the Fool is dead, Batman and the Joker Gang once again took up the banner of resistance and began to stand up against the Court of Owls.

This time, things are no longer done quietly. Although it is at night, the confrontation between the Clown Gang and the Court of Owls still enters the open.

Just three days later, the originally deformed Gotham city government plunged directly into an anarchist war.

Every night, the sounds of gunfire and explosives exploding can be heard everywhere, whether in the streets or on city highways.

Gotham has become a battlefield!

Batman's purpose is to lift the mystery of the Court of Owls and let the people of Gotham City see that the Night Owl they fear is actually just a mortal.

Now he actually wants to do the same thing as the villains who fought against him before. He wants to bring down the most mysterious guy in the city - Night Owl!

As for Night Owl, what he wants to do most right now is to catch Batman. He wants to see what kind of person this man who has the same name as his dead brother is.

Because of the all-out war between the Court of Owls and the resistance organization led by the Clown Gang, the order of Gotham City is already on the verge of collapse, not much better than when Scarecrow distributed poison gas notices in Gotham City.

Ordinary people must choose to join one of them if they don't want to die in an unknown situation.

So when Dane turned his attention back to Gotham, he was stunned for a moment.

Within the United States, Gotham is probably the only city in the United States that can turn street fighting into a world war. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In order to end this war as soon as possible, Batman has now completely lifted the ban. Anyone who he discovers has a way to kill will be killed without hesitation..

Facing the war initiated by Night Owl, he had no room to hold back.

The Red Hood became his most loyal assistant. In terms of killing efficiency, all the Joker Gang combined could not match him.

Night Owl lost his claws and Alfred, and he did seem a little confused when facing the fierce attack of Batman and Red Hood.

Just as Batman thinks, Night Owl is only a mortal after all, and he is not omnipotent.

When someone who knows you so well becomes your enemy, it's hard to hide everything about you from him.

Batman knew him before he entered this world, not only Nite Owl, but Thomas Wayne Jr. as well.

And what about Night Owl? He knows next to nothing about Batman or Bruce Wayne.

Moreover, Night Owl's rule over this city was not popular among the people. In the past, he used fear to control people and asked them to obey his laws.

But people fear him, but that doesn't mean they don't hate him. So when someone chooses to resist the Court of Owls, which side will ordinary people who don't want to die worthless choose?

Night Owl has seen the answer

"Is this what you want to show me?"

Although he has experienced many failures here, Ye Xiao can still look at everything in this city with a smile at this time.

"She looks much more energetic than before."

At this moment, the sound of 903 breaking through the air sounded behind Ye Xiao. Although he was immersed in the night scene, Ye Xiao did not ignore the threat. He quickly ducked sideways and avoided a flying knife. The flying knife was in the shape of wings, and Ye Xiao It was very familiar. It was a flying knife with sharp claws. He turned around and looked at it with a smile on his lips.

"Sure enough, it's you, Dick, you're finally back..."

The person who came was none other than Night Owl's best claw, Dick Grayson

"night owlI have something to ask you."Dick's voice sounded cold.

Night Owl seemed to have thought of something, and the smile on his lips disappeared.

"My parents...they were killed by you..." Dick raised his head and stared at Night Owl,"Is this true? Ye

Xiao lowered his eyelids and said to himself:"I see, you already know about this. Did he tell you?""

Dick opened his fingers slightly, and the alloy claws popped out from his fingertips, assuming an offensive posture.

"You killed my parents and you must avenge them!"

Night Owl nodded:"It should be so, but I am also your adoptive father, Dick, how should you repay this kindness?"

"You have no right to say that!"

Dick roared and rushed towards the night owl, but he stepped on the night owl's trap just after running a few steps. A powerful electric current spread through his body along the soles of his feet, instantly paralyzing his motor system.

Even if Even a long-trained warrior like Dick fell to the ground in an instant, only twitching.

After a while, the power of the electric current dissipated, and Night Owl came over, squatted down beside him, and turned his face over.

Night Owl took action Unhooking his mask, the moment his face was revealed, Dick opened his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke. The Nite Owl's mask immediately lowered the transparent shield to cover his mouth and nose.

"I knew you were prepared, but I taught you your skills, Dick, and I hope you haven't forgotten that."

He stretched out his hand to grab Dick, who was unable to move.

But suddenly, a gunshot rang out, Night Owl's arm tilted to the side, and a bullet hit his hand.

But fortunately, his power armor was also thick. It was not penetrated, but Night Owl noticed that the warhead had penetrated the arm armor and was embedded in the metal layer.

Only one person in this city was using this kind of armor-piercing projectile.

It was the Red Hood!

He realized that the Red Hood was nearby Sniping from a high place, Night Owl quickly rolled over and looked for cover.

But the moment he moved, a black shadow fell from the sky. He had a pair of pointed and long black ears.


Night Owl immediately launched an attack, but Batman did not Without taking the move, he jumped back and jumped down from the floor.

Night Owl looked down, and at some point, a grappling hook had grabbed his ankle.

As Batman fell, the grappling hook also grabbed Night Owl fell down the building together.

Night Owl set a trap to catch Dick, and Dick, wasn't it a trap set by the bat?.

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