After Dane returned to Earth after completing his circle, Night Owl finally returned to Gotham.

He was so familiar with the city that he didn't need to contact anyone to see that she was different from before.

"Someone moved my city!"Ye Xiao said in a deep voice.

At this time, he was almost certain that outsiders had brought people from another world here.

He quickly analyzed that if everyone in the parallel world has their own corresponding peer, then there are still people left here today. In Gotham, the people who make changes here should undoubtedly be members of the Wayne family.

Judging from the intelligence results sent by outsiders before, there is a man named Bruce Wayne in another world, a member of the Wayne Group The heir of

Bruce Wayne?

Night Owl fell into a brief memory. He had not heard this name for a long time. When he thought about it again, he was not as angry as he imagined, but rather felt a little nostalgic. He wanted to see this Human.

This brother of his in another world

"Let me see how far you can go, my brother..."

The moment Nite Owl's fighter plane entered Gotham, Batman had already received the news.

His intelligent program has taken over the city's network, and now he has the root servers here under his control.

And not only that, he also has some authority over the commercial satellites owned by Wayne Group.

This is because these key devices are now unguarded. The person who originally helped Night Owl manage these things was Claw Dick, but now he is missing, and even Batman can't find him.

Just like he also couldn't find the Red Hood, the Bat Family always had a knack for hiding.

As for The Night Owl? He made no pretense, he was the master of this city, and he came in openly.

Batman's current location is in the sewers of Gotham, where the Joker Gang is based.

Because Gotham is close to the sea, in order to cope with severe weather such as tsunamis and typhoons that may occur at any time, her underground drainage system is made extremely wide, almost like another world.

A few years ago, under the leadership of the anarchist hero"Rigoletto", the Clown Gang occupied Gotham's underground network and further expanded and transformed it. Now it has become an underground maze.

Even the power of the Court of Owls would have difficulty penetrating here.

Night Owl once investigated this place, but he found that if he wanted to explore this place clearly, he might have to pay a very high price.

The Clown Gang can rely on their familiarity with 327 here to set traps everywhere, but Night Owl has to spend one precious claw after another to help him carry the thunder, which is not cost-effective at all.

If Dane saw it, he would exclaim, isn't this the legendary tunnel battle? It is a good tactic to use against enemies whose equipment is much stronger than your own.

If he wants to completely eliminate these"pests", Night Owl can't blow up the entire city with one bomb, leaving behind a ruin is completely meaningless to him.

Therefore, he thought of a way to lure the"Fool" out.

After the two parties entangled each other for a long time, Ye Xiao falsely claimed that he could sign a treaty with the"Rigoletto" to agree on each other's territory, rights and responsibilities.

Although Gotham City was not liberated, this was already a milestone victory for Rigoletto and the others. Everything is always difficult at the beginning.

Although they knew there were risks, for the sake of the possible peace, Jester agreed to Ye Xiao's request after much thought and came to the ground to sign a contract with Ye Xiao.

But they didn't expect...Or maybe what I thought about but couldn't believe was that the Night Owl killed the Fool the moment he came out of the underground maze, directly breaking their previous agreement.

The death of the leader of the organization made many senior members of the Clown Gang furious. They lost their minds and just wanted to fight to the death with Night Owl, but they were surrounded and killed by Night Owl and his claws, who were well prepared.

It was also at that time that the Court of Owls established its majesty.

After losing the leader Rigoletto, the Clown Gang lost more middle- and high-level forces in this battle, and Night Owl also achieved his goal.

He can't wipe out the Clown Gang, but he can destroy their faith and turn them from so-called rebels into gutter rats.

He stigmatized these former heroes and turned the Joker Gang into another gang organization in the eyes of the public. This made it extremely difficult for them to recruit new members in the future, leaving only the last group of elders hiding in the sewers. Li is lingering on his last breath.

Ever since"Jester" was tricked out of the underground maze by Night Owl and killed, the clown gang's power has been shrinking here for a long time until Batman's arrival.

Batman is a very patient man, and following his usual style, he entered the underground labyrinth alone.

This maze has countless entrances. Basically, all sewers in Gotham City can be entered directly, but there are not many exits.

Even Night Owl and his claws, who had surrounded and killed the Clown Gang, did not find out how many exits there were in the maze. They could not find even one.

This is also the reason why the Clown Gang can survive to this day.

Even so, it does not mean that there is no one guarding the depths of the maze.

In fact, in order to prevent anyone from accidentally entering the base, there are always patrols in the maze.

If it is an ordinary citizen who accidentally enters here, they will first conduct publicity to see if it is possible to develop that person into one of them.

If not, they will send the innocent citizen out, and if they can, they will proceed to the second step of verifying the person's identity.

If there is no problem with the identity, then the Clown Gang will have a new member who finally appeared.

But if this person is found to be a spy, he will be executed on the spot, and his body will be burned and poured into the sewers, and finally into the sea.

Batman's trip is actually a bit risky, because his identity cannot withstand investigation at all, but it is obvious that he does not care about such dangers.

With the help of technology and intelligence, Batman went deep into the maze and was getting closer to the exit.

And as expected, he met a person patrolling here. You name it, it was a coincidence, but he was still an acquaintance.

"Who are you?"Bane was wearing a mask and his voice was a little buzzing.

In this world, many original villains were actually decent people, and Bane was one of them.

After the death of the Fool, he and some of his remaining companions defended the With this precarious resistance organization now

"I want to see your leader."Batman did not answer Bane's question, but made a request.

This made Bane very unhappy, and he said:"I am the leader here. Batman stared at him for a while, then shook his head and said,"No, you're not.""

Although Bain in the original world was big, he was a wise guy, but this one... was just big.

Bain felt a little angry when he heard his tone, but he didn't take the lead because he knew that his companion had already Arriving.

Next to Batman, the concrete wall suddenly exploded, and a huge crocodile rushed towards him, instantly hugging Batman with his arms.

It was the Crocodile Man!

Bain sneered:"Wait a minute Tell me carefully, what exactly are you?..."

But before he finished speaking, Batman had already begun to fight back!

He heeled back and kicked Crocodile Man in the balls, causing him excruciating pain, and then Batman pried the other man's arm out of his control.

Bane was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to help, but Batman suddenly grabbed one of Crocodile Man's hands and threw him out, hitting Bane and the two rolled into a ball.

"I have no intention of fighting you, so, can we stop?"Batman stood there and put his hands into his cloak.

Both Bane and Crocodile Man were very angry. You beat us both and are you just giving up now?

You're so damn good!

It's Batman's fault too. Himself, he was used to getting along with them like this in another world. He didn't react for a while. It was completely a conditioned reflex.

"Wait, I'm not looking for trouble..."

"You fucking do!"

Bane moved the crocodile man's body and rushed directly towards Batman.

In this world, he is also a very good warrior, so every move is extremely ruthless, and he is just like Bane in the other world. Enhanced by Venom, he has superhuman strength.

But unfortunately (cgeb), he encountered an enhanced version of Batman. The suit he wore could even be touched by a Kryptonian in a short time, let alone just What about Bane, an enhanced human?

So Bane quickly fell into a disadvantage. This was because Batman didn't want to hurt him too seriously and was merciful, otherwise Bane would never be able to resist for that long.

On the other side, the confused Crocodile Man recovered After coming over, he hurriedly ran over to help, but Batman took out a batarang from somewhere and threw it, inserting it into the front of people.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sound wave sounded throughout the sewer, and the crocodile man fell to the ground instantly with pain on his face.

Bane was also stunned by the sound wave, but Batman found an opportunity to subdue him with a blow. He put Bane aside, then picked up the dart stuck on the ground and integrated it back into the suit.

But at this moment, a pistol was pressed against the back of Batman's head. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't move, raise your hands, and stand up slowly!"

This is a woman's voice, Batman thought.

Although he is not afraid of bullets, he is not here to cause trouble, so he raised his hands as the person behind him asked and stood up slowly.

"I said, I'm not here to cause trouble, I just want to see your leader here"

"We don't have a leader here, the Fool has been killed by the Night Owl."

Batman wanted to turn around, but the person behind him stopped him:"Don't move!"

"Maybe we can talk in person. The person behind him seemed to smile, and then a voice came again:"If you are willing to take off your mask, then I can face you face to face.""

Batman thought for a moment, and suddenly nanoparticles flowed down his helmet, revealing his true face.

This is not his Gotham, so hiding his identity is not a necessary option. If this can win the trust of this organization, this money The deal can be made.

The person behind him seemed a little surprised. After a moment, Batman felt the gun behind his head leave the back of his head.

"You can turn around now."

Batman turned around after hearing this, and was stunned when he saw the other person for the first time.


The woman in front of her is Catwoman Selena, but she is no longer wearing her cat suit, but a leather uniform, and it has been stained with countless dust.

Even so, it still does not damage her appearance.Catwoman frowned when she heard this, and raised her pistol again and pointed it at his forehead.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?"

She was very sure that she had never seen the man in front of her, nor this face.

Batman introduced himself:"I am Batman."

Bat? Okay.

" Catwoman then said:"Your real name, be honest, don't lie!""

Batman was silent for a while, and finally said:"Bruce Wayne"


A bullet passed by Bruce's ear and grazed his face.

Catwoman said expressionlessly:"Sorry, my hand slipped."

Then more members of the Clown Gang came out of the depths of the maze, and Bruce saw some familiar people inside.

The Riddler, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Penguin...these are people without superpowers who survived the Night Owl's purge

"Question 1, assuming you are not lying, why does the dead Bruce Wayne appear here?"

"Question 2. If question 1 is true, are you and Ye Xiao a team?"The Riddler stared at Bruce and looked him up and down.

The Clown Gang and Night Owl have been fighting for so long, and their true identity has long been figured out by them, but even so, they can't do anything to each other.

There is one more Xiao Thomas Wayne's identity only makes him more troublesome.

Because they will find that the other party has no flaws, and all his family members are dead, so there will be no threat.

But the man in front of him calls himself Bruce Wayne. Is it possible? Say, he is not actually dead?

So what can he bring to the Clown Gang?

Bruce raised his mask again, and then answered everyone:"My true identity has been told to you, and now I want to hear your thoughts, How do you plan to deal with Night Owl?"

"Do you think we would tell you such a thing? The Wayne family are trash!"

The Bronze Tiger in the crowd roared and rushed forward, as if he had a deep hatred for Batman.

"etc!"Catwoman suddenly stopped him at this time, causing Bronze Tiger's attack to get stuck in the middle of the road. If it weren't for his good skills, he would have been turned into a dog and eaten shit.

"Catwoman, what are you doing? Catwoman looked at Batman for a while before saying,"What you just said, can I understand that you are standing with us?"

Batman nodded:"You can think so.""

Everyone looked at each other, and Scarecrow asked the most important question:"How can we believe that you are not a spy sent by Night Owl?"

"Because I sent a gift."Batman's voice did not rise and fall.

Everyone could feel the same temperament as Night Owl from him.

The Wayne family are all freaks! Many people cursed secretly in their hearts, and at the same time felt an inexplicable fear. Catwoman didn't feel that way. Perhaps she caught the flash of surprise in Batman's eyes when he first called her name.

She always felt that the man opposite knew her, not just an ordinary acquaintance. They Possibility of more in-depth communication...It's strange that this prevents Catwoman from being hostile to him

"You said you had a gift, where is the gift?"

As soon as Catwoman finished speaking, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded from behind everyone. Everyone looked back and saw that a man had appeared on the ground at some point. His whole body was tied up and he was motionless. The Penguin took a small step.

Walk up with short legs and turn the man's face to the light side

"It's Alfred! Night Owl's lackey!"

From the shadows, the Red Hood came out, and he has been following Batman.

"Penguin is actually a good person, this world is so magical"

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