In the solar system, a spacecraft suddenly jumped out of the jump channel

"No way..." Big Barda was very speechless at the moment.

She just randomly picked a sector and a remote galaxy, how could she find the target? It's not like Steppenwolf wandered in the universe for a long time to find one. A living planet?

But it’s not certain that this is the world that Disad wants to find. Therefore, Big Barda plans to quietly go to that planet to investigate.

"Let me there that many language categories on this planet?"

Big Barda has a headache. Which one does she want to learn?

Just when Big Barda was reading the earth's network information through the intelligence of Apokolips technology, Cyborg and Cortana noticed her at the same time.

But Cortana is now He was busy staring at hell and the construction of the lunar base, so Cyborg came over to report this to Dane.

"I discovered that there is a new intelligent program that is invading the earth's network, and it comes from outer space.

Dane immediately said:"Adjust the observation telescope of the observation tower to find this intelligent matrix!""

The data light on Cyborg's forehead lit up, and after a moment, a spacecraft near Pluto came into their sight.

"You try to see if you can hack into the internal systems of that spacecraft."

Cyborg did as he was told, and his eyes were slightly absent-minded for a moment. After his electronic consciousness returned, a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

This aroused Dane's curiosity:"What's wrong? Didn't succeed?"

"On the contrary, it was so successful."Cyborg quickly calmed down his expression, and then continued:"That is a spaceship from Apokolips, and there is a person from there sitting in it."

At the same time, an alarm sounded on the ship of Dabarda

"warn! You have been locked by an unknown program! warn! You have been locked by an unknown program!"

"Shit!"Big Barda had just learned a language on Earth through Apokolips' technology, but she didn't expect to be discovered before she could use it.

She could only say to the system with a bit of unwillingness:"Take me out of this galaxy immediately.!

Although she was confident that her abilities were enough to cope with all difficulties, she was not arrogant enough to think that she could single-handedly challenge a planet capable of killing Steppenwolf. However, the spacecraft system told her a very bad news:"This ship is broken." The jump system has been locked, unable to jump, unable to jump, unable to jump..."

Big Barda punched the console. Thanks to Apokolips' technological creations being relatively strong, they had considered the power of a super warrior like her, otherwise I'm afraid this One punch was about to penetrate the spacecraft.

After swinging the fist to vent her anger, Big Barda quickly recovered and changed the autopilot to manual mode.

She planned to not go through the space wormhole at all and drive directly. The spaceship flew out at sub-light speed.

But as soon as Big Barda turned the spacecraft around, she found a person floating in front of her. That was Dane!

Big Barda immediately grabbed her spear in her hand, followed by her The spacecraft was torn apart by a huge force, and he was directly exposed to space.

Big Barda has the blood of the New God, so he can survive in space with his body and can even fight!

And in order to adapt to space warfare, The armor on Big Barda embodies the top technology of Apokolips. Not only is it invulnerable, but it can also support her in super-speed flight.

So when Dane tore open the Apokolips spacecraft, the Nemesis inside was already heading towards her at supersonic speeds. He flew over and the gun arrived before anyone arrived.

Dane's super reaction allowed him to quickly get out of the way of the stab. He even had time to take a closer look at what kind of metal was used on the gun head.

But his attitude This made Big Barda very dissatisfied, as if she was looking down on her.

So she raised the tip of the gun and swiped it across Dane's face, but every time she missed him by a hair's breadth.

Dane Wanting to test the quality of this female warrior, he raised his fist and punched in a very"slow" movement, allowing Big Barda to have time to react.

She took off the shield behind her and blocked it in front of her , just in time to block the fist.

Dane felt that the power of his fist was being absorbed by the shield. It weakened the kinetic energy of the fist, allowing the subsequent force to be resisted by Big Barda.

"ha! Is that all you have?"

I don't know what kind of technology this is, but even in the space environment, Big Barda's voice can still reach Dane's ears.

You are a bit floating!

Dane thought so, and put a little more force on his fists, Pushing Big Barda out.

Big Barda took advantage of the situation and turned around a few times, relying on inertia to throw the spear out. With the blessing of her super strength, the speed of the spear was incredibly fast.

But this still could not exceed Dane's reaction. He had no strength, so he just stretched out his hand to fish it out and took the spear into his hand.

"Throw away your main battle weapon? Are you serious?"

Dane didn't think Big Barda would be so unwise, so he looked at her and found that she had a short staff in her hand that emitted dazzling white light at the end. At the same time, he also felt a sense of space around him. The power was gathering, and he was familiar with this movement!

The next moment, Big Barda's body disappeared in front of his eyes, but Dane reacted quickly. He held the spear in his left hand and raised his right hand to another empty void.

He closed his palms and grabbed a short staff, and Big Barda happened to appear there!

"How can it be?"

"Why is it impossible?" Dane asked back.

Although he didn't know the specific working principle of the short staff, Dane had done research on the mother box and already had some understanding of the sonic blast channel. The transmission beam that he used to take the new members to the watchtower some time ago was one of them. One of the results of the research.

They no longer need to wear bracelets. They only need to shout where Cortana can hear or Cyborg can hear, and the watchtower can help them complete the teleportation.

In terms of user experience, it is the same as the one next door. The"Rainbow Bridge" is similar, but it does not pollute the environment.

Therefore, based on the generation principle of the sonic tunnel, Dane can clearly detect the movement path of Big Barda's"Apparition", and make the first move on the path it must pass. It was a good ambush.

The technology of the short staff was not higher than that of the Mother Box, so Big Barda fell directly into Dane's palm.

But this female warrior was as fierce as the Amazons. She did not surrender because of this, but launched a more fierce charge. , the whole person grabbed the shield and rushed towards Dane.

Dane's hands were occupied, and the middle door was wide open. There seemed to be nowhere to retreat, unless he wanted to attack Big Barda with a spear.

But that weapon belonged to her, Big Barda knew her weapon very well and was waiting for Dane to use it. It was not as simple as it looked, and it was not a real cold weapon.

However, Dane did not use the enemy's weapon as she expected, but there was a flash in his eyes. There was a dazzling thunder light.

Big Barda sensed the gathering of divine power in it, but she gritted her teeth and continued to charge.

The shield hit Dane's chest with a force that could crash the chariot, and lightning flashed from Dane's chest. It exploded on Big Barda's shield!

This powerful energy shield could not be completely absorbed, so Big Barda was knocked away with her shield, and the short staff in her hand fell into Dane's hands..

Dane put the collected trophies into the collection and handed them over to the witch for management. He chased in the direction where Big Barda flew out.

He activated the power of the God of Speed, and the surrounding starlight was dragged into pieces in his eyes. The light arrived in front of Big Barda in the blink of an eye.

Big Barda thought he was waiting for an opportunity to launch an attack, and blocked his whole body with a shield, almost as if he was shrinking behind the shield.

However, Dane did nothing, and a wave of light came from nowhere. The light that came enveloped them both at the same time, and then teleported them to the earth.

This place was the Amazon's paradise island. Big Barda immediately launched a new attack on Dane as soon as it landed.

Although the gravity here is stronger than Apocalypse Xing is much lighter, but it also makes her body lighter. She runs like a gust of wind.

Dane did not take the initiative to attack or use any weapons. He just used a pair of fleshy palms to block all the attacks of Big Barda.

"Does not having a main battle weapon affect your performance?"

Dane was not only able to do it with ease, he was even able to joke with her. Big Barda became increasingly unhappy.

Around the place where they were fighting, Amazons who heard the noise began to arrive here.

"Look! Someone's fighting Dane!"

"Which sister is so brave?"

The Amazons rushed to tell each other, and soon a group of women watching the theater gathered around the battlefield.

Big Barda stopped and looked around warily. These women looked very much like a group of warriors. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Dane, why don't you return the weapon to this sister? This is not fair at all! Dane looked at the person who spoke, laughed and cursed:"After all, I still have armor. I don’t have anything, and you actually say I’m unfair?

Do you think I'm easy to bully because of my good temper?"

Everyone around them burst into laughter when they heard this. Big Barda's original vigilance was eliminated in these hearty laughter. She had never experienced such a feeling on Apokolips. There, she had to do it every time she trained. Go all out, and hold the belief that she will die to win.

Because once she fails, she will be torn into pieces by the sisters she trained personally, and they will never show any mercy.

After laughing, Dane reached into a certain space and searched for a while.

In the space on the other side of the warehouse, the witch handed him the spear he had just thrown in.

Dane grabbed the spear, threw it out, and inserted it into the room. On the land in front of Grand Barda

"If your short staff is used, it will cause serious consequences here, so use this one.

If you can defeat me, I will be at your disposal. If I defeat you, you can still regain your freedom, but only on this planet."

Big Barda smiled angrily:"You seem to look down on my strength?"

After formulating such conditions that are beneficial to Big Barda, it is obvious that Dane thinks that his strength is far superior to hers and deliberately takes care of her.

This is just like the odds. High odds mean that Big Barda is not optimistic. The greater the reward she could get after winning, the less favored she was.

This made her feel angry. She pulled out the spear on the ground and rushed towards Dane.

But Dane could clearly feel it. , this attack no longer had much killing intent, it was more like a pure discussion and venting of dissatisfaction.

So the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he also rushed towards Big Barda.

The next second, the explosion of battle exploded on Paradise Island The sky towel...

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