Just after Dane and Diana sorted out the Amazon thing, Arthur's progress in Atlantis was also very gratifying.

Because he had the experience of fighting against the demons of hell last time, he did not encounter any big obstacles this time.

Even the king of the Trench tribe, who has always been invisible, agreed to make an agreement with Arthur. He will lead the people of the Trench tribe to fight against the space invaders.

Although the Trench Clan are a group of irrational monsters, they are still very useful as cannon fodder for the demon-like army. When comparing the number of people, Arthur really doesn't know who is stronger, the demon-like or the Trench Clan.

As for the possible losses, the king of the Haigou tribe did not care. Even to him, the citizens of the Haigou tribe could only be regarded as a kind of consumables.

It was difficult for him to have any feelings for this group of guys who were completely irrational and even capable of cannibalism.

In the royal palace of the Royal City of Atlanta, Arthur was lying on his throne without any image.

During this time, following Atlanna throughout the seven seas, he was so tired that he almost collapsed.

"As a king, how befitting is such a gesture!"

When Arthur heard this voice, he immediately got excited and regained his composure. Atlanna swam in from outside the door. It has been several years since she returned to Atlantis, and now she has completely restored the demeanor that a queen should have.

Want to It’s not that the stain of having an affair with someone on the surface is still there, she is even more qualified to be the king of Atlantis than Arthur, but those are all in the past tense now. Now

Atlantis passes through the country of Khandak, Have begun to establish communication with the outside world.

Although they are still mysterious, to ordinary people, they are no longer a mythical legend.

713"Our army is already on standby. As long as an order is given, it can be immediately launched at any time." Set off. As the King of Atlantis and the Lord of the Seven Seas, why are you still so out of tune today? Arthur said solemnly:"Because this is who I am. I won't stop myself just because I became a king or anything else. The king you expected was not me from the beginning!""

This is not the first time they have discussed this kind of topic, but every time they break up on bad terms.

Compared to Orm, Arthur is indeed not like a king. He has been a hero in the human world longer than he has been in Asia. Atlantis spent a lot of time as king.

And most things here are managed by Atlanna and Vico, and the noble council has actually been dissatisfied for a long time.

If it weren't for the close relationship between Arthur and Shazam , I wonder if they will think of any other way to mess with him.

In the Western feudal system, the political game between the king and the nobles is also a feature that must be tasted.

But fortunately, Arthur's own strength and foreign aid are strong enough. Always suppressing the noble council and not daring to act rashly.

Atlanna has no doubt that if the noble council dares to delay at the critical moment and miss Shazam's important affairs, he can directly wash the blood of all the noble council members and then support them again. Be obedient.

You see, Zebel is almost Shazam’s yes man now. Especially after the relationship between Mera, the daughter of Nereus, and Shazam got closer, the kingdom of Zebel responded to his requests.

This time, too. No exception. When they said that this alliance was initiated by Shazam, the old guy Nereus agreed without much thought.

This made Atlanna very confused. In her impression, Nereus should ( caab) should be a guy with a lot of backbone!

After all, he was a man who was exiled when he was young, and then brought people back to Zebel to inherit the throne. He should not be like this now.

In fact, this is because of Atlanna and Nerou There is an information gap between them.

Atlanna thought that Shazam was still the Lord of Kandak and the leader of the Justice League.

But Nereus already knew from his daughter that Dane was still the Lord of Hell and the King of the Underworld. There is more than what he shows now.

To put it bluntly, he is now a real god. Facing a god, he, a mortal king, cannot be too humble.

Besides, he I believe that based on the relationship between Dane and Mera, he will never be able to sit back and watch the Kingdom of Zebel suffer heavy losses.

Supporting the formation of the Earth Alliance is also to prepare for the future. The Sea Tribe will definitely deepen cooperation with the people on the surface in the future. , this has become the general trend.

Active and proactive participation will help Zebel gain a first-mover advantage in the future.

If one day in the future the entire earth civilization has the opportunity to form a huge community, then Zebel’s little bit of first-mover advantage today The advantage will bring huge benefits in the future.


In his eyes, she is just a woman with long hair and short knowledge. She relies on a holy heart to hope that the two worlds can understand each other?

How can there be any real interests tied up in this relationship ? Reliable.

Atlantis and Zebel are the two strongest countries in the Ocean Kingdom, so they agreed, and the Fisherman Kingdom would not object.

It’s just that the people in this kingdom cannot live without water, and their nature is not She likes to fight, and it will be a drag on the battlefield. I'm afraid I will only be able to do logistics and other work.

However, the resources of the Fisherman Kingdom are very rich, and Atlanna originally hoped that Arthur could have sex with the princess of the Fisherman Kingdom. Let's get married or something.

But when Arthur heard this, his face turned green, and he yelled at Atlanna for the first time:


Fortunately, these words did not spread. Otherwise, no matter how gentle the king of the Fisherman Kingdom is, he would probably bring an army to fight Arthur to the death.

But there is one thing to say, the people of the Fisherman Kingdom are really good-looking....The purity is a bit too high, and it's normal that Arthur can't stand it.

It’s not like he really likes messing around with fish as the rumors say....

As for the salty water country with higher purity, this country, which was originally the most difficult and stubborn country in the movie"Aquaman", was the easiest to deal with.

Arthur just showed them the golden trident. Under the appeal of this king's weapon, the king of Saltwater Kingdom quickly agreed to join the Alliance Army.

In this way, basically all the underwater kingdoms have joined the Earth Alliance.

Except for a few unknown lost kingdoms, Arthur had no friendship with them for the time being, and because of Atlanna's warning, he didn't go.

Now only the human world is left.

It is obviously impossible to expect all countries to participate, but it is not impossible to involve the countries with the strongest military power.

Even under the curtain of the Mother Box, Cortana can still do many things. She is not a pure electronic consciousness now, and there are places that the Mother Box cannot reach.

The dream world is a place that the"hands" of the Mother Box cannot reach.

In this world, Cortana brought in Lex Luthor and Victor Stone and unlocked their ability to recognize"dreams."

Anyone who has ever dreamed knows that no matter how absurd and weird the dream world is, it is difficult for people in the dream to detect it, and people's cognition in the dream will be distorted by the dream itself.

Therefore, in the past, Luther was not aware of the anomalies here at all in his dreams, and worked very hard for his own inspiration.

But what if these people who are addicted to dreams wake up?

If they are made to understand that they are dreaming, even those with the most profound intentions will break their defenses.

Lex Luthor's face looked extremely ugly at this time. He stared at Dane next to Cortana:

"So, my thoughts have been noticed by you all this time? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane comforted:"That's absolutely not the case. In fact, you only come here when you are inspired."

For example, the project called Apple Core that you proposed last time has a very good prospect. It was also through this that I learned that you were responsible for the project in Canada."

Luthor didn't feel comfort at all. On the contrary, he felt ashamed!

It turned out that all his plans had been seen by Shazam. He was the only one who was still complacent. He was just a fucking Monkey!

He made up his mind at this time to solve this problem, otherwise he would have no secrets in front of Shazam in the future.

But what Luther didn't know was that his memory was only continuous at this time. When he After leaving the dream world, everything in the dream will be forgotten. Isn't that what dreams are like?

So his idea is completely meaningless. From the moment he entered this dream world, he has been unable to help himself.

Standing on the other side On one side, Victor Stone stood quietly and said nothing. He was looking in the mirror.

This is the world of dreams, so here, he can realize his wishes, for example, become a normal person.

But this is just a dream. That's it, when he wakes up from the dream, he will still turn back into the cyborg wrapped in the machine.

But just a moment is enough for him to recall the feeling of being a human being, this breathing, this temperature , this living feeling.

But Dane had to interrupt him:"Victor, you should know why I brought you here."

His words interrupted Victor's fantasy, and he quickly changed and turned back into the mechanical cyborg.

Victor turned his head, as if this form also brought back cold sanity to him.

"Yes, I think I know."

Dane turned his head and introduced him and Luthor:"This is Lex Luthor."

"I know that he, the head of the Lex Group, is also indirectly responsible for the Saint Roch incident."

After the Doomsday incident, out of curiosity, Victor also investigated the cause on the Internet.

The firewall of the Lex Group obviously could not prevent the dimensionality reduction attack of electronic biochemicals like him, and was directly he found the truth

"I didn't expect it, I thought I handled it fairly cleanly."

Although Luther was smiling on his face, he felt as sick as eating shit in his heart.

He was filled with a strong will: he must find a way to restrain these damn freaks!.

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