Dane stabilized his body in mid-air, and looked over again to see that Doomsday's injuries had recovered, and he was even a little stronger than before!

"He absorbed your power, and the energy in his body increased by 20% compared to before."Cortana did her analysis faithfully.

Doomsday squeezed his fist, and a red arc flashed on his fist. This was a new ability he evolved from absorbing Dane's energy.

He took a step forward, but at this time Suddenly, his feet were empty, and a deep pit appeared at the bottom of his feet.

What followed was a thick water column that hit Doomsday, pushing him into the sky.

In the underground spring, Arthur's head suddenly appeared. , he carried his trident and rushed up to the sky along with the current.

Then, when Doomsday was unable to move, he stabbed him with a halberd, and magic lightning struck him with a crackling sound.

The Doomsday was electrified and roared. Continuously, but at the same time, his body cells were also rapidly absorbing the power of magic lightning.

Upon seeing this, Martian Manhunter hurried forward to help. He hardened his body with his ability, and punched Doomsday one after another with super power..At the same time, he did not forget to remind Arthur:"Arthur, don't attack him with any energy, he can absorb them!"

Arthur immediately restrained the magic lightning.

And Doomsday quickly adapted to the intensity after enduring a few attacks from Martian Manhunter. The endless power in his body needed to be squandered, so he grabbed Martian Manhunter's hands, and The headbutt made Martian Manhunter dizzy.

Then he threw out another punch. Martian Manhunter suddenly entered the incorporeal mode and escaped from the hands of Doomsday. Seeing that Doomsday could not catch the opponent for the time being, Doomsday immediately He aimed at Arthur behind him.

He pulled out the trident pierced into his body with one hand. To him, this artifact was like a toothpick stuck in his body.

Then he looked back and pulled Arthur out. Caught in front of him, he punched Arthur on the back, instantly knocking him away and temporarily losing his ability to fight.

Martian Manhunter hurriedly exited the incorporeal form and came to support, but little did he know that Doomsday had already targeted him..

When he thought Doomsday's attention was not on him, he had already grabbed his head with one hand and threw it into a building.

By coincidence, there was a gas station there.

So Martian Manhunter was on fire, like Wandering around the gas station like a fool.

Dane glanced at him. Although he did not scream, he could not be said to have any fighting ability.

He waved his hand to control the celestial phenomena, causing heavy rain to fall from the sky, and extinguishing the flames on Martian Manhunter..

Batman did not participate in the battle. He clearly felt that it was impossible to pose any threat to the opponent with his own abilities, so he kept observing.

At this time, he squinted his eyes and held down the earphones.

"Cortana, you said before that this monster came from a Kryptonian spaceship. Do you think it is possible that he is a Kryptonian creature?"

"There is only one humanoid species on Krypton. Batman understood:"

In other words, this monster is probably a Kryptonian monster.""

"Indeed. Batman turned the channel to the Red Hood:"Jason, did you hear that?""

Red Hood replied briefly:"Roger it."

Then the nanoparticles on his body began to combine and turned into a big sniper with a dark green light.

A green kryptonite bullet was pushed into the magazine by him.

He aimed the crosshair at the Doomsday, and the muzzle brake emitted a light There was a soft gunshot, and the kryptonite bullet flew out.

But Doomsday's hearing was extremely keen, and he immediately turned his head to avoid the bullet.

The kryptonite bullet just missed him.

But the bullet with a muzzle velocity of sound could not reach the speed of sound at all. This situation hit Doomsday who was faster.

Like in the movie, Clark was hit because he was too careless, otherwise no one would be able to hit him.

But Dane came to Doomsday immediately, with the Ah in his hand The Ax of Rhys slashed towards his body.

Doomsday, who had already suffered a loss once, did not compete with the battle axe, but nimbly dodged it.

His two big eyes lit up with red light, and his two thick The heat vision flew out.

Dane's eyes also lit up with lightning. The lightning rays flew out and collided with the opponent's heat vision. The two energies collided, the heat escaped, and the air became scorching. The big eyes meant that they occupied a lot of space. Advantage, this output is much stronger than Dane's ray.

So he threw the battle ax, and it circled and flew out, aiming at Doomsday's waist.

Of course Doomsday could only choose to avoid it, but his avoidance , the flaw was exposed in front of Dane.

Dane immediately put away his thunder eyes, unable to provide any absorbable energy to the opponent, so it was best to use pure physical attacks to kill him.

So he flew forward, added speed and power, and smashed hard On Doomsday, he flew high into the sky.

Behind Doomsday, Superman was waiting there for some time.

He could already see that this monster had great physical strength, strength, speed and energy. He is on par with him, but he can't fly!

This is his only advantage now, so he waits here, catches this monster, and then flies straight into the sky

"What does Clark want to do? Cast on earth?"

In the animated movie, he did succeed, but now it's not necessarily the case.

Just now, Dane felt that compared with the one in the movie, this Doomsday seems much harder, and he may not necessarily die.


Has Clark forgotten that this thing is also essentially a Kryptonian and cannot be allowed to see the light of day.

Clark had indeed forgotten, no, it should be said that he had never thought about this.

He was the one who said he judged people by their appearance. When he saw Doomsday looking so strange, he subconsciously did not mistake him for a Kryptonian.

Especially not long after returning from hell to the human world, he still has some sequelae.

However, when he flew out of outer space with Doomsday, the sun's light was still far beyond the arc of the earth, and it had not been exposed to Doomsday yet.

At this time, Clark began to push Doomsday to fly towards the earth, using his own speed to hold Doomsday down and prevent him from escaping.

Even though his back hurt from Doomsday's fists and elbows, he remained silent.

At this time, Dane's voice came from inside his suit.

"Clark, keep him out of the sun, I repeat, keep him out of the sun!"

But in this situation, Clark has no way to speak, but it doesn't matter.

He thought like this, and he was getting closer to the ground. Clark hid himself behind Doomsday's body and took him with him like a meteor. Falling into the earth.

A cloud of mud and stone pillars exploded into the sky in the city center of St. Roch. The huge shock wave blew the surrounding green trees and bent them.

Dane flew in the direction where they fell, and happened to see Clark coming from the Doomsday. stood up on his body.

He looked okay and didn't fake his death and pass out like in the movie.

"Are you okay?"

He flew down and stood next to Clark.

Clark shook his head to indicate that there was no problem.

His exposure to the sun in recent years was not in vain, and his endurance was much stronger than that of the pea-eyed Superman in the movie version.

And after After many battles, his current fighting ability cannot be said to be able to defeat the Doomsday, but it is not a problem to save his life from him.

"dong dong"——!

Dane and Clark stopped talking. They looked at each other, both heard the voice, and then turned their attention to Doomsday on the ground.

"dong dong"——!

There was another heartbeat, and Cortana's voice appeared in their ears at the right time.

"He is still alive!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Dane and Clark jumped back together.

The next second, a shocking roar echoed through the sky.

Doomsday, resurrection!

Dane should have thought that this thing would not be so easy to kill.

Although in the movie, Superman used the gravity of the earth to kill him.

But if he can be killed so easily, there is no reason for those aliens to seal him up in the first place.

As a civilization capable of interstellar navigation, they can directly let him crash somewhere Isn't it all over on the massive celestial body?

Why seal it?

As Lex Luthor said, those aliens sealed him instead of killing him because they had no way to kill him.

Dane could feel that this time Immortality further strengthened Doomsday's physique, making him more difficult to kill. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He decisively took out the Kiss of Death and prepared to give him a kiss.

But Doomsday Ri just yelled at him, then turned around and flew decisively into the sky.

Yes, he has learned to fly now!

This was what Clark taught him.

Dane looked at the direction in which he was flying, and immediately seemed to understand something , greet Clark immediately

"Chase! He is looking for the sun!"

Clark suddenly became agitated. He would be difficult to deal with at this night. If he was allowed to bask in the sun again...

He quickly followed Dane and chased towards the sky.

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