Clark and Barry didn't stay there long before they noticed that the sky had changed, as if a black curtain had been lifted away, revealing the original sky.

Although the original sky of hell doesn’t look very good either.

But this phenomenon at least shows that things may take a turn for the better, but Barry looked up at the red sky and found that the celestial body that looked like a golden moon ring was still hanging in the sky, as if to indicate that things were not that simple.

"Xiao Shen, what do you think is going on?"

Barry was so bored that he was chatting with the artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, Flash was pretending to be dead in the suit and didn't talk to him at all.

Clark's long-range vision came into play. He saw Dane, Diana and the Kryptonian female warrior who had returned to normal. They flew back together.

They landed at the location of Clark and others.

As soon as Dane landed, he was caught by Clark who couldn't wait:"What happened just now? How do you...How do you..."

Dane then remembered that Clark and Hal didn't know that they had taken over the affairs of Hell.

He held Clark down and said,"I will explain this to you when Hal wakes up."

After that, a light ring appeared in Dane's hand.

After fighting so many high-intensity battles in hell, Hal's green lantern ring was already running low on energy. He could still rely on his own will to recharge the lantern ring when he was still awake. 06 But now that he has fainted, he must use external energy to recharge the light ring.

Fortunately, although Oa is far away, Dane is very close, and his light ring contains the green light energy he urgently needs.

Dane's light ring emits pure green light. His colored light energy can be a two-color composite light, and can naturally be used separately.

It just so happened that there was no shortage of green light in the lamp furnace in the ring world, so Hal's ring was filled with energy in an instant.

With sufficient energy supply, the efficiency of Green Lantern Ring's treatment greatly increased. After a few seconds, Hal opened his eyes like a fish that woke up and breathed in the hot air of hell.

This breath of hot air prevented him from taking his breath away again. He coughed a few times, then raised his head and looked around.


Hal was as fast as a gust of wind, so that Barry, an orthodox speedster, almost didn't react.

Then he saw Green Lantern dragging Dane and flying out, setting off a gust of wind around him.

He was very worried, he couldn't have seen it. A civil war in Zhenglian, right?

But he looked up at Superman and Wonder Woman and found that the two bosses were sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. They didn't look worried at all, and they were a little confused.

What? Zhenglian often had civil wars?

He put this Will you be silenced if you start shaking?

I heard that Batman can kill people!

Several people present did not notice Barry's random thoughts. Fiora said strangely:"There is no murderous intention in that Green Lantern Corps."

Fiora knows about the Green Lantern Corps. Although Krypton prohibits Kryptonians from colonizing the universe, these soldiers are not restricted to activities within the galaxy. Otherwise, where would Superman's spaceship come from?

So they occasionally encounter some Green Lanterns. Legion.

Their strength is not bad, of course this is when they put on the ring.

Fiora once saw a Lantern who lost his Lantern Ring. He was so weak that it was unbelievable.

Fiora did not have super powers at that time. Aura can easily kill him by cooperating with her armor.

As for this now, Fiora knows that even if Dane gives him both hands and feet, he can't lose.

Diana just smiled when she heard her question:" Hal was injured by him just now, so he had to let him out."

However, Hal could not say this.

Although Dane did not fight back throughout the whole process, Hal felt as if his fist was hitting steel.

Moreover, it was impossible for him to really use the energy of green light to attack Dane, so he hit After a few punches, he felt nothing except that his hand hurt so much that he wanted to break it. Good guy, this is just not giving him a chance to use the topic.

That would be damn boring, so Hal felt depressed. He stopped moving.

But Dane just smiled and said:"Are you feeling happy?"

"without! Hal's face turned a little dark.

Dane said amusedly:"How about I let you punch a few more times?""

Hal turned around and left. Dane shook his head and flew to follow.

When they returned to the group of people again, this matter was over.

"I believe you and Clark have doubts. I will tell you the whole story now...."

He repeated what he had said to Batman and others, and as expected, he received several shocked expressions.

Hal scratched his head and said hesitantly:"In other words, hell is under your jurisdiction now?"

Dane nodded.

Barry said in a daze:"If Constantine knew about this, he would die of joy...."

He often follows the members of the Justice League, so he has some understanding of alternative superheroes like Constantine who often quarrel with netizens.

If it was Constantine who knew that hell had become Shazam's back garden, how happy would he be?

He could imagine what kind of tricks this black magician would do.

If he uses black magic again in the future, he will probably be able to do whatever he wants....

It has to be said that he has indeed grasped the philosophy of life of Constantine, a bitch, and it seems that he will become a very friendly friend with him in the future.

Dane thought to himself.

He gave everyone reassurance:"Don't worry, the form just now can only be used in hell. This is my agreement with heaven.

And most of the time, I still live in the real world, so what looks like something Things have changed, but in fact everything is still the same."

Of course Clark and Hal knew that things were not as simple as Dane said, but because of their consistent trust, they still believed Dane's guarantee.

Moreover, hell is governed by their own people, which might be a good thing.

At least those heinous criminals finally have a good way to send them to hell without killing them.

Being able to get them to the point in one step without killing anyone is definitely a good thing for the Justice League! (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s not like they didn’t know how dangerous those vicious super criminals were, but they were restrained by their inner self-code of not wanting to kill.

This world is not a dark multiverse, so most heroes still have a bright heart, and they can never do things like staining their hands with blood.

When arresting some criminals, they may not have the thought that"such guys should go to hell."

Now, they don't have to worry about this problem anymore. They have one-stop service from the world to hell, and they don't have to endure the inner torture.

As long as you think about it from this perspective, Dane's acceptance of Hell can be regarded as a good thing!

Dane seemed to know what they were thinking, and then said:"I am going to build a prison in hell, specifically to detain those enemies who are extremely capable and the government cannot deal with them."

"I agree!"Hal agreed with this suggestion 100%.

Clark also agreed with this suggestion in his heart, but he thought about it and said:

"I think this matter can be discussed at the meeting. The most important question now is, has Hades' matter been resolved?"

Although they saw that the demon god transformed by Dane destroyed those gods, they were not sure whether they were really dead.

After all, even Ares, who was killed by Diana alone, could be resurrected and come to find him. No one knows whether Hades can be responsible for their troubles.

After all, he is the god of the underworld, and it feels like corpse fraud is a routine operation for him.

"He is no longer a problem." Dane stopped after saying this.

The other teammates heard the words and stopped asking any more questions, while Barry's head was buzzing and he felt that there was a lot of information in it, so he had to take his time to read it.

So, How many gods has he killed?

"What about things here?"

"It's okay, just don't worry about it...Didn’t I recruit two demons? For the time being, I'll let them help me handle things here."

"As for us, we should go home now."

Dane could feel that Aini and Belial, the two stubborn demons, were not dead yet. That was just right. Let's continue to create residual value for him!

After Dane left with the members of the Zhenglian and Fiora, Aini Ni and Belial sensed that his aura had disappeared, and then they dared to come out of hiding.

"This fucking sucks!"

Belial's face is not ordinary ugly. Of course they, the old demons, have clearly felt the changes in hell. It has officially recognized the new master.

What nonsense"Satan"? What kind of Trinity? None of them exist!

Belial and the Aini can't figure it out, even in this era, how can a new god be born, or be born from a place like hell.

Demons, do you have such a thing as fucking faith?.

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