Hades didn't hear clearly what Dane was reciting. He only saw his lips move, and then his eyes were flashed by a violent blue light, causing him to subconsciously raise his arms to resist.

The blue light only flashed for a millisecond. Within this millisecond, all sounds disappeared and everyone became still...

No, there was someone whose mind was not bound by time who saw it.

It was Barry Allen. He saw the light in the Speed ​​Force, and he also saw Dane. This was of course because he ran towards him just to save Dane.

But what about Dane? As a mortal, after losing the power of Shazam, Dane actually turned his head and saw Barry in a millisecond.

His mouth moved, but there was no sound, but Barry could clearly see the meaning of the lip language.

This sentence made Barry stunned for a moment, and then he broke away from the siege of the Speed ​​Force, and a millisecond passed in a blink of an eye.

What followed was a loud crash of landslides and ground cracks!


The loud noise instantly penetrated the eardrums of all living creatures, rumbling like two planets colliding.

The hearing of Kryptonians is so sensitive. Just under this loud noise, one after another Kryptonian soldiers were shattered by the sound wave, and fell down neatly like cut wheat, and died on the spot!

The demon army was even worse. No matter dead or alive, they all lost the ability to move and became a group of wastes lying on corpses.

Even lords of Aini and Belial's level were stunned by the sound, making them feel confused.

Barry Allen was hit by a strong airflow and flew backwards.

In the center of the blue light explosion just now, in the sky filled with smoke and dust generated by the explosion, a huge figure stood there.

He is like a giant pillar reaching the sky, or like the towering World Tree. His head stretches into the clouds, making it impossible for people to distinguish his true appearance.

The small flash in Barry's eyepiece quickly started taking measurements.

"Incredibly, his length has reached three kilometers!"

Barry tried his best to look up. The huge figure was all white. The lower body was wearing trousers of unknown material, and the upper body was completely naked. The angular muscles were neatly arranged on it.

He had three pairs of arms, each of which They are all like Optimus Prime, intimidating.

And above the clouds, one of the giant's palms slowly opened, and the half-broken Hades was in his palm.

Hades looked at it in shock. Looking at the looming face above the clouds, it is both familiar and strange.

It is the face of Dane Davis.

He has become younger, and his facial features feel softer.

However, his ears are like an elf Pointing upward, his long black hair was gathered behind his head by a golden ring.

The giant's eyelids trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

Just this movement caused drastic changes in the surrounding clouds, as if the entire hell was falling. It was cheering for its owner!

Hades looked ugly. He felt that he had been fooled. Dane had anticipated this scene and deliberately used his hand to complete this amazing transformation.

But he Still don't understand, what exactly did the other party do?

The giant opened his eyes, the black sclera and pupils were as deep as the night, and the outer edges of the horns were golden.

Those eyes were like two moon rings in the dark night that had reached the eclipse period, and they had a magical effect that made people feel Indescribable beauty.

And the two moon rings moved down, staring at Hades, making the hairs on his body break out.

He had already turned himself into a giant at this time, but even so, he was in Dane's form. It was still a small thing that could be held in the palm of his hand.

Hades felt strong uneasiness in his heart, and a fatal sense of crisis surged into his heart. He could not see any human emotion in his moon-ring-like eyes.

"Wait, Dane..~`."

Hades opened his mouth to speak, but before he could finish speaking, the giant's palms closed instantly.

Just like popping a water balloon, Hades' divine blood covered every inch of the giant's palm, and then quickly penetrated into the palm, making it white again.

Hades's divine power and soul were absorbed by the giant just like his divine body.

The giant's eyes moved again, staring at the sun not far away, Atum.

Atum seemed to be aware of the giant's hostility and flew towards the gate of the realm of the afterlife at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But His body was just halfway in when a giant hand grabbed the stone door that reached the sky.

The huge force of Qingtian was activated, and the door to the past life was slowly opened. The giant's other hand pinched the sun incarnated by Atum, just like pinching a basketball.

He grabbed the ball in front of him, opened his mouth wide, exposed his sharp canine teeth, and bit the sun in one bite.

And it directly bit out a huge gap in the sun

"Holy. Shit!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hal covered his head in mid-air and shouted, that face was all too familiar to him, that was Dane!

How did he become like this?


Diana stood on the ground and called to him, but the giant did not respond. He was still concentrating on eating the sun in his hand.

It seems that there is no high temperature on it, as if it is really just a kind of fruit, but Atum's stirring divine power reminds everyone that it is a god!

The supreme god of a pantheon!

But in the hands of the giant, he was just a fruit, like a dessert, swallowed by the giant bite by bite.

Enlil, Marduk, Thor, Ahriman, Set, and some other gods who were watching the battle in secret turned around and ran away without saying a word. They wanted to leave here!

From the moment the giant appeared, easily crushed Hades to death, and then easily played Atum in the palm of his hand, they knew that this hell already had a master, and it had determined its own king!

However, the giant did not intend to let go of these gods. He raised the soles of his feet and stirred up thousands of feet of sand, sweeping across the land like a strong wind, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Then the shadow covering the sky fell and stepped on several of the fleeing gods.

Seth was directly crushed under this foot, and the divine body that was once as strong as steel was crushed into a pulp. The flesh, blood, soul and divine power on the divine body were absorbed by the sole of the foot and turned into a part of the giant.

"He is devouring our power!"

Under the foot that was as tall as a mountain, a god was roaring, but then he stepped into Seth's footsteps and became a part of that foot.

Some gods were not willing to just run for their lives, or maybe they understood If they just ran away, it would be impossible to escape Dane's attack range.

So they turned back and killed towards Dane's head.

However, what they didn't expect was that the giant's speed was not only not slow, but as fast as lightning.

Thor As soon as he entered Dane's arm span, he was slapped by a giant hand and his body exploded. All the accumulation belonged to Dane.

Enlil and Marduk soon followed suit and were beaten by other palms of the giant. He was reduced to pieces and then eaten completely.

At this time, this giant was simply a demon among demons. No god was his enemy, and the more gods he ate, the stronger he became. He continued to open his abyss-like mouth and swallowed Atum whole. The divine power was quickly digested in his body and became part of his magic power. The magic power in his body surged and spread around through his pores, and the red sky instantly Covered by the deep dark night.

The dark age has arrived!

Even the demons who are not on the battlefield, every one of them, regardless of their level, strength, or race, can't help but pay tribute in the direction of Dane.

As long as there are demons in hell Everyone who is breathing must offer their loyalty to the new Lord of Hell.

A moon ring hangs in the sky of Hell, which symbolizes the eye of the devil, monitoring everything in Hell.

Dane After doing what Lucifer had always been able to do but had not done, he became the god of the demons in hell, a demon god who rules over the demons.

The demons worshiped the golden moon ring and offered their faith in order to obtain the demon god. The blessing.

At the same time, a new godhead was born in Dane's body of the demon god.

The god of disaster, responsible for darkness and destruction, is the god who brings destruction and disaster to all living beings!

He is also a test of life, After passing the disaster, the soul can be sublimated, and even demons can be qualified to ascend to heaven. If they cannot survive the disaster, the soul, memory and even everything in the past will become the food of the God of Disaster.

The demons no longer just endure endlessly Hell has tortured them, and they have a chance to accept the test.

For some demons who still yearn for heaven in their hearts, this is a good thing.

But for those scum who just want to dominate in hell, Dane will Become their god of death!

His stomach is the final"hell" of these scum."

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