"I actually...Just passing by here..."

Faced with the increasingly cold eyes of the two gods, Barry trembled and said these words.

Persephone raised her palm, and an invisible divine power surge came from her palm, and she rushed towards Barry Allen.

But after she launched the attack, she only saw a sudden flash of light in front of her eyes, and the stranger had disappeared amid the lightning.

Persephone quickly looked around and found the boy hiding in the corner of the room, looking frightened.

She was surprised. This speed was too fast. I'm afraid Hermes could only do this.

Well, by the way, Hermes is also one of her lovers....

Barry was still in shock, and Xiao Shen was speechless in his suit:"I'm just passing by here, are you serious?"

Barry said to him in a low voice:"Shut up, we can't beat them at all, they are two gods"

"I think you have great potential, but you underestimate yourself."

Barry was quite happy to hear what Little Flash said, although he still didn't think he could defeat the two gods as it said.

If he wanted to turn a student who had just gained superpowers into a qualified warrior, It will take some time.

Fortunately, there are other people around, and Barry has enough time to grow up.

Persephone was about to do it again, and suddenly four rays of teleportation flashed in her room like before.

It was the four giants of the Justice League rushing to arrive

"Good. Evening, Lady~" Dane smiled and politely said hello to the Queen of Hades.

His handsome appearance and upright posture made Persephone lose her mind for a moment.

But in the moment she lost her mind, Dane moved!

With the divine power of Mercury and Horus, he burst out with astonishing speed and arrived in front of the God of War in the blink of an eye.

He grabbed hold of Ares with his big hand and flew out with him. The speed was so fast that he directly smashed the wall of Pluto's palace.

No one could react and watched him disappear into the sky.

Ares also reacted quickly. He always held his battle ax in his hand. He was caught by Shazam, and he raised his ax to chop.

But this time, Dane directly grabbed his battle ax and started wrestling with him.

The muscles on Dane's arms protruded together with the veins, and the strong force forced Ah Rhys had to push back with greater strength.

Ares's eyes lit up like fire, and his hands also lit up with fire. At the same time, Cortana detected extremely high energy gathering.

In his hands, the battle ax also With the blessing of divine power, it became sharper. Wherever it came into contact with the air, it produced wind blades that were too sharp for even Dane.

What a weapon!

This artifact is destined for me!

Ares is under the influence of divine power. The explosion produced super explosive force, and he used this force to push Dane away and break free from his control.

As soon as he landed, Ares took off instantly. His jump was hundreds of meters high, and he was there in an instant.

He The battle ax in his hand struck Dane with an unparalleled edge.

Dane didn't want to try its power again this time. He tilted his head back to avoid the axe.

Then he took advantage of the God of War's move and punched him with Laoshi. It hit him on the head.

Unexpectedly, Ares did not dodge and directly hit Dane's fist with his horn helmet.

Seeing how fierce he was, Dane immediately activated the power of thunder in his body and smashed this huge force. The power of thunder hit Ares on the head.

In the past, when he hit metal products, he felt that those things were as fragile as paper, but Ares' helmet reminded him of the feel of steel again.

His hand bones smashed There was a huge roar on the helmet forged by the Eighth Metal, and the reaction force separated them. Dane felt pain for the first time in a long time. In the past, even if he hit Clark, he would not feel such pain in his hand. This God of War's armor is really hard. It was astonishing.

But he didn't know that Ares was no less surprised than him. Zeus was the only one who dared to use flesh and blood to deal with him in a fully armed state for so many years.

But Zeus was also in his prime at that time, and He also had the weapon"Thunder" in his hand, which was different from Shazam, who relied on his divine body to be tough.

Ares, who was full of fighting spirit, wanted to charge forward again, but suddenly there was a burst of noise in his brain. The severe pain almost made him unable to stand.

It was the soul's injury that broke out. Dane and others chased him too fast, and he didn't even have time to treat his injuries.

Dane saw something strange about him, and decisively took advantage of it. He rushed forward at top speed.

When Ares saw him coming, he was about to lift his battle axe, but the weapon was kicked away by Dane.

"This is not fair!"

Ares has a splitting headache. Although his power is still rising with the blessing of the power of war, he lacks the spirit to control this power.

The more powerful his divine power is, the more profound the side effects of soul loss will be..

Dane walked up to Ares and pushed him to the ground. His condition was so bad that he couldn't even fight back against such an attack.

Ares tried his best to lift himself up even if he lost the battle. At first, he stared at Dane:

"You can't kill me. When I recover, I will definitely kill you again!"

Dane (aecd) sneered at him:"I'm afraid you no longer have this opportunity."After saying that, he reached out and grabbed a scepter from the void.

Of course Ares recognized this thing, and he suddenly felt panicked.

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

Dane held the scepter upside down and pointed the crystal at Ares. He couldn't resist at all now, so Dane had enough time to slowly take away his divine power.

A beam of light was emitted from the crystal and connected to Ares. With the divine power of Ares, Dane put his other hand into the crystal, connecting himself with the divine power of Ares.

In an instant, a surging energy flowed into Dane's body along the light, That's the power of the god of war


Ares wailed in pain at the plunder of divine power, but he could not stop the loss of his divine power.

Likewise, he can't stop Dane from using the power of Death to invade his soul.

It took about a quarter of an hour before Dane absorbed the huge divine power stored in Ares' body.

But after absorbing Ares's divine power, Dane did not stop. As soon as his identity changed, Shazam's body was removed, and the body of Death returned.

He recited a spell that no one could understand, and an ancient book written on papyrus appeared in his hand.

Ares, who had his power taken away, was still the God of War, and his godhood was not taken away along with his divine power.

The scepter cannot take away a god's divinity, unless it is a half-dead god like Mictrantkutli who is dying and has lost his power of faith.

But Ares is still a little far from this. He is considered a relatively well-known god in the world.

Even if the soul is missing now, it can gradually recover with long-term care.

Therefore, his godhood is relatively strong and difficult to capture.

Moreover, it is useless to have too much of something like Godhead.

A god like the God of War is destined to only increase his strength by causing trouble and provoking wars.

The good thing is that even if you lose your faith, you can still maintain your divine power in this way, and depending on the intensity of the war, there is almost no upper limit to the improvement of your divine power.

Zeus's strength was greatly reduced due to the decline of his faith. In the end, he had to fight an evenly matched battle with the God of War in the human world, and finally"sacrificed".

This is just the intensity of war in the cold weapon era.

If Ares himself provokes a multiverse war, his strength will instantly expand to the multiverse level.

Huh? Saying this made Dane a little excited.

However, he finally gave up this idea, because once the intensity of the war decreased, this temporary increase in strength would quickly shrink.

If it is not one's own, it is not one's own after all, and it is not reliable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But it may be used as a status buff. If you encounter some difficult enemies in the future, you may be able to rely on the characteristics of this godhead to make a comeback.

So after weighing it, Dane decided to use his death power to seal Ares's soul.

In this way, it is equivalent to carrying a God of War with him, and he can use it when needed.

Following the tradition of the wizard Shazam, he fixed the God of War's power in the Power of Shazam. This power was violent and not honest at first.

Fortunately, the equally violent power of Zeus and the power of the Sun God jointly suppressed it, and the wisdom of Solomon and Thoth intervened to mediate. The power of the God of War was finally successfully integrated into the new power of Shazam.

He calls this force the violence of Ares, which represents the explosive power of Ares.

The acquisition of divine power is naturally worthy of joy, but there is another thing that is even more worthy of joy.

Dane raised his right hand and opened it. There was a"whistle" sound in the void, and a double-edged half-human ax flew into his hand.

The Ax of Ares is in hand!.

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