As soon as the barrier was broken, everyone in the Justice League received very bad news.

Mao Xiong's Pacific Fleet has already exchanged fire with some of the navy stationed at Pearl Harbor, and the war has begun.

This war happened so suddenly that everyone felt something was wrong.

War is an extension of politics, but Mao Xiong did not see any political demands before the war, which made everyone feel a little baffled.

"We should stop this war!"

Hal made this suggestion without hesitation. The Green Lantern Corps has long been experienced in dealing with this kind of thing.

"Prevent? How to stop it?"Constantine glanced at him

"Are you going to help the United States army attack Mao Xiong's fleet, or are you going to wipe out both gangs?

You don’t think you can stop them from fighting without any damage, do you?"

The reputation of the Green Lantern Corps is not good on Earth.

But Hal retorted:"We can expand the scope of dreams a little, so that we don't have to worry too much about doing things, and it won't cause too much damage.

Wasn't this method verified in Atlantis? We can reproduce it again."

The idea is good, but things are not that simple.

Batman shook his head and objected:"What we can do is to stop this war, but it cannot change the tense situation between countries."

"Moreover, it is dangerous to do so. The Justice League has always given people the impression of being global. It should not and will not become a unique organization of the United States. This will change the purity of the League."

Batman and Dane have the same idea about the positioning of the Justice League, and he wants it to be completely independent.

Although the Justice League always acts collectively in the 487 United States, that's because most disasters always happen more often in the United States. This land may have really bad feng shui.

But once the JLA intervenes in this war, even if it thinks it has done justice, it will be interpreted by other countries as siding with the United States.

This is not good for the reputation of the JLA. It will be a huge blow, and their justice will be questioned.

And Batman is right to worry. Even if they can stop this war, what about the next one?

Once the furry bear or other countries jointly regard the JLA as the United States' If some people regard it as a threat, the war will happen again.

And the next time it will definitely spread to a wider area, and it may become a world war, a world war involving all humans and superhumans.

This kind of consequences is exactly what can be done Should you take it?

To be honest, it’s not that you can’t take it. At worst, it could become an unjust alliance, but Dane doesn’t want to care about such nonsense.

They are fighting life and death between countries, and as long as they don’t use nuclear bombs to destroy the world, everything will be easy.

To be honest with him I don’t quite understand why Dr. Manhattan can’t prevent mankind from self-destruction.

Wouldn’t it be enough to keep them in captivity?

In fact, as long as the use of all nuclear bombs is banned and their ability to die together is cut off from the source, these countries will naturally find ways to find peace on their own..A moderate war might allow them to reflect on the hard-won peace.

"Dane, what do you think?"

Dane came back to his senses and saw all the members looking at him.

"We, the Justice League, cannot directly participate in war matters."

Dane first set the tone. The United States must not be allowed to think that the JLA is their thugs.

"However, we cannot allow the scale of the war to expand and evolve into a full-scale war."

If it evolves into a full-scale war mode, Ares' power will expand to an extremely exaggerated level.

In ancient times, when the whole world united to fight against Darkseid, Ares' power could even directly seriously injure him. Leading to the collapse of Apokolips.

Just when Dane was thinking about how to deal with this matter, the message Cortana sent him made him smile.

"It seems that we no longer need to think about this problem, someone has already solved it for us."

It turns out that the new communication network of the Lex Group has been officially launched in the military military command system.

As soon as this system went online, it ordered the United States Pacific Fleet to rush to intercept the Mao Xiong warship.

And not only that, in After this command system was officially put into operation, Washington also contacted the NATO military command post.

After some exchanges of interests, they successfully mobilized troops on the border of Mao Xiong, who seemed to be interested in a big fight.

Mao Xiong this After all, Bian is no longer what he used to be. After calming down, he began to weigh the pros and cons, and he was not as brave and fearless as he was at the beginning. In the final analysis, it is difficult to start a modern war based on impulse. There are many things that need to be considered.

Ares He has been separated from human society for too long and lacks the necessary understanding of today's international situation. This is no longer the period of World War I where he could wantonly provoke war.

Alexander Luther himself may not realize that he is completely unaware of the Under the circumstances, Ares was defeated and his conspiracy to provoke a world war was shattered.

Then let them do the next thing.

"We no longer need to worry about war. As long as both sides remain calm, this dispute will develop into a low-intensity war at most."

As long as there is no imbalance in power, everyone can always exercise restraint.

"Compared with war, another battlefield is what we should pay attention to"


"I have definite (adfa) information. Behind this war is the handiwork of Ares. He was the one who provoked the bear and blamed it on the United States."

"Ares! Diana reacted very loudly,"This is impossible. Isn't he already dead?""And she killed it with her own hands.

Dane told her:"Gods are difficult to kill. As long as there is the concept of war in this world, Ares can be reborn again.

You should know that after Ares died, a huge war broke out in the human world."

This war was even larger than the First World War caused by Ares. It was the Second World War known as the"Meat Grinder of Life."

It was this war that gave Ares a new life and even gained more power than during World War I. Powerful strength.

This time his plan did not succeed, and he should not be able to draw much power. It is a good time to kill him.

Although God cannot die, it is good to let him calm down for a while.

And Dane was there a long time ago He couldn't even remember how long he had been waiting for these gods to appear. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So he immediately used the tracking spell to find the person, but the magic failed. He is not surprised. He is a god after all, so he still has some means.

Even if he doesn't, Hades will help him.

"Cortana, use satellites to analyze whether there are abnormal energy sources near the Pacific Ocean."

He believes that Ares must be secretly near the battlefield. He likes to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield up close.

"Found it, the target is indeed near the Pacific Ocean, and Arthur Curry is also there."

As Arthur still had work to do as king, Dane did not let him participate in this operation, and did not even tell him about it.

But he is worthy of being a member of the Zhenglian, and he will not miss it no matter what, right? ?

"One more thing, Dane and Hespera appeared in Central City with another team of new Kryptonians, where a new superhuman had recently appeared."

Central City?

Is Hespera going for Barry Allen?

It's not impossible. She may not know what the"Speed ​​Force" means, but Hades doesn't necessarily know that.

Even if Hades is right He doesn't know much about the Speed ​​Force, but he must know its potential

"Clark, is it okay for you to take them to the Pacific battlefield?"

"how about you?"Clark couldn't help but ask

"I'm going to catch that woman."After that, Dane flew upwards and turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

Batman turned his head and looked at Clark:"Without further ado, let's go quickly now!"

He also received news from Cortana that Arthur was in the Pacific battlefield, and was a little worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it alone.


And why is Arthur there?

In fact, he came out secretly to catch fish. Originally, he wanted to go to Northern Europe to see the furry girls there....

Who knew that before Mao Mei saw it, she saw a group of fur bears and the fur bears’ warship

"What the hell is this?"

As soon as Arthur emerged from the sea, he saw Mao Xiong's warship firing at the warship on the other side.

He could understand some Russian, so he could tell that it was the Russian navy that fired the gun, and the navy that was attacked was the navy of the United States.

This caused Arthur's brain to panic. What's going on? Is there a world war?

But he didn't think too much and hurried over to rescue the soldiers who fell into the water.

He had no political stance, so he chose to save both sides.

But before he could do anything, How long did it take for someone to come and disturb him?

"You have the blood of Poseidon in you."

Arthur heard the sound and looked up. It was a strong man wearing ancient armor and a horn helmet floating in the sky.

"who are you?"

The man laughed when he heard his question, and the huge sound waves made Arthur's ears hurt.

"I'm Ares!".

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