"very good!"Dane is very satisfied with their understanding of current affairs.

But there is no basis for words. Dane has always maintained a good business style and must sign a contract when negotiating terms.

Unless it is with his girlfriends, which can be agreed verbally, otherwise others All contracts must be signed.

It is definitely not possible to use parchment with these old fritters. They have enough ways to circumvent the rules, so you have to learn their style. The most stable way is to find a token to cast contract magic. As for the choice of tokens?……

"Come on, swear on this thing."

Dane put the Hell Key on his fingertips. He first activated the contract magic, and the Hell Key lit up with magical light.

""Shazam" itself is the product of contract magic, so Dane has always paid great attention to studying this magic.

This"contract" must be abided by as long as you swear an oath. This is a magic that can ignore the gap between the two parties and force the creation of equal conditions.

Dane believes that it There is still a lot of potential that can be tapped.

Belial and Ani had no other choice but to hold their noses and swear on the key to hell.

Dane always felt that the scene in front of him had a strange sense of immediacy, like a medieval knight facing the king. It's like taking an oath of allegiance to the royal family, but it makes this oath mandatory.

Does this imply some Western obsession?

After the two demons swore the oath according to Dane's requirements, two souls were separated in their bodies. Lines, these lines cannot be seen by ordinary people, even themselves. But in the eyes of Dane, who has the eyes of death, those two lines are as conspicuous as glowing LED lights.

They are twisted together and become A"thread" was connected to the Hell Key.

At the same time, a red 463"thread" appeared on the Hell Key, and one end was connected to Dane. He suddenly felt that there was something more in his soul.

After a moment, The two lines gradually disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Dane knew that the contract had been completed.

"From now on, the two of you can enjoy partial access to hell. As long as you need it, you can use this magic to open the door to any part of hell."

Dane said, pricking two of the Hell Keys on his fingers, mixed with two drops of blood and dotted them on the foreheads of the two demons, turning into two ankhs.

This indicated that this authority was shared by him. Two demons, they only have the right to use it, not the ownership.

Then Dane threw the key into his warehouse. His warehouse is now kept by the witch, and she has now completely become Dane's in the Rock of Eternity. Big housekeeper.

After signing the contract, Dane wanted them to get out, but he suddenly remembered something, so he ordered again:

"By the way, if someone from the divine realm comes to visit in hell, whether it is an angel or a god from other pantheons, they must inform me first."

Aini and Belial didn't know what he wanted to do, but what they wanted to do most now was to leave this man first and then find a place to heal.

So no matter what Dane said, they nodded in agreement. It was to survive, and there was no shame in it.

Dane nodded with satisfaction. In this way, he had two little brothers in hell. Although they were not very obedient for the time being, Dane believed that they would eventually. He exercised his authority and sent the two demons directly to other places. The hell where Xibu is is gone. As a colleague of (cech) Rock of the End, why don't you express your gratitude for its death?

That place happens to be one of the places where all the demon lords fight the most fiercely. I believe that the two of them will soon be there. developed there……


Real world, Los Angeles.

The departure of the three demon lords has greatly reduced the pressure on the superheroes. They finally have time to join forces to deal with the parasitic demons.

However, at this time, the parasitic demon has absorbed enough energy and superpowers to survive the siege of a group of heroes.

Superman saw this and had to join the fight, but the situation became even worse because of his joining!

Every time Superman smashes the Parasite Demon away, he contributes strength to it. After a few times, the Parasite Demon's power has surpassed him.

The parasite grabbed Clark with one hand and used him as an indestructible weapon to attack the heroes who rushed forward.

Clark used his freezing breath to freeze one of the parasitic demon's legs, and Hal used a chain saw to cut off the entire leg.

But the parasitic demon also breathed out at Hal, like an ice storm, freezing Hal and the block behind him.

It also learned the freezing breath. Clark used both hands to forcefully open the parasite demon's big hand, but it smashed it to the ground and stepped on it hard.

With this kick, even the foundation of the city collapsed.

Countless sea people and demons were killed by the aftermath of this kick. The king of the Fisherman Kingdom was the most unlucky. He was the first king to be killed by the aftermath.

"ha! Slugs are garbage!"

The king of the Saltwater Kingdom stood on the body of the Fisher King and taunted him. His carapace was damaged everywhere, but his fighting spirit was still strong!

At this time, Los Angeles seemed like a post-apocalyptic ruins, and the spirit of Los Angeles could only hide in the void. Crying in the world, but not knowing what she can do.

Wonder Woman ran, and the sword of Vulcan fiercely cut into the crotch of the parasitic demon.

However, the parasitic demon did not have that thing at all, and it avoided the sword edge with nimbly steps. Kicked her out from the side like a football.

Judging from her size alone, Diana was at a disadvantage. She couldn't remember how many times she had been knocked away.

But she didn't give up. The moment she flew out, she She threw out her mantra rope, wrapped it around the parasitic demon's wrist, and pulled herself back to the battlefield.

She took off her starlight crown and threw it out. The starlight crown pierced into the parasitic demon's eyeball like a boomerang, causing it to Roaring in pain.

Martian Manhunter took this opportunity to blind his other eye with his laser eye. Together, they successfully disabled the Parasite Demon's vision.

"Constantine!"Batman yelled.

Constantine quickly opened the sleeves on his arms, revealing the wounds carved by knives on both arms. It was a magic symbol, the symbol of the devil.

He folded his arms and chanted black magic at the same time. The spell tried to open a one-way hell passage and throw the parasitic demon into it.

But the parasitic demon quickly reacted. It absorbed Martian Manhunter's self-healing ability, and its eyes quickly returned to normal.

Two red lines of fire came from its eyes. It shot out and hit Constantine. This was an attack that could kill instantly!

"John——!"Batman couldn't help shouting.

Everyone thought Constantine was cold, but after a moment, he stood up from the ruins naked.

His clothes had been completely burned, but he was completely fine.

He raised his middle finger towards the parasitic demon with both hands:"I am immortal on the land of America! You Son. Of. Bitch."

But he shouted in his heart that he was lucky. Fortunately, the boss did not lie to him. He really cannot be killed by black magic.!

The heroes breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and then quickly looked away. It was so annoying! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It failed to kill Constantine, but the parasitic demon was not angry either. It stood in the crowd and laughed wildly.

"You can't kill me! You can't banish me, but I become stronger than you every time in the battle!"

Dr. Destiny stood among the crowd and said:"It's right, it has been absorbing our abilities, physical strength and even experience, and it is becoming more powerful than before every moment!"

"You don’t need to stress about this!"Arthur was dissatisfied.

Aren't you trying to give your opponent more prestige?

Batman also frowned and said,"The effect of Eternal Metal on it is getting weaker and weaker. I just tried it again and it couldn't be opened. Its defense..."

He turned to look at Clark:"How do you feel? Clark shook his head:"It takes a lot of physical strength, and the sun has set now.""

This war has been fought from noon to now, and it has already passed into the evening. In half an hour, the afterglow of the sun will completely disappear. By then, Clark's endurance will be greatly affected. He may have to go into the universe from time to time. Charging.

Batman looked at Martian Manhunter again, and he shook his head.

Ron was afraid of fire, but every attack of the Parasite was accompanied by the fire of hell, so he was the person with the most abilities absorbed by the Parasite, and now he has lost a lot of power.

"I can fight it all day long!"Diana was unconvinced.

But Batman knew very well that her physical strength was also consumed a lot. If she fought for a day, she would be exhausted.

As for Hal, he was still trying to break the ice.……

"Where is your boss at this time?"

Others from Bloodsport and Suicide Squad couldn't help but come over. Since they had just fought side by side, Zheng Lian didn't reject them very much.

"How do you think those demon lords returned to hell?"Gabriel sneered.

Seeing that they were helpless, the parasitic demon laughed even more wildly.

It decided that it would suck all these heroes dry!

But at this time, a thunder flashed in the sky, and the same divine power made Arthur and Diana sensed something first and looked up at the sky.

A figure bathed in thunder light loomed in the clouds. He flew and swooped down and hit the parasitic demon. The parasitic demon was caught off guard and fell to the ground, and a huge shock wave destroyed the earth. The land is shaking.

The feeling is most obvious in Los Angeles. The city is tilting towards the ocean!.

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