Outside the battlefield where the Suicide Squad fights alien aliens, a pair of huge eyes is watching them in the void.

Those were Dane's eyes.

In the dream, he has almost god-like authority.

He looked at these"little people" who were fighting, stretched his hand into the battlefield, twisted his index finger and thumb, and clamped the head of the"peace messenger".

On the underwater battlefield, the Frost Witch and Katana were nervously leaning together.

Because of the puff of ink sprayed by the"Peace Messenger", they could not see anything now, and the visibility was still very low even with the bright light on.

So they could only try their best to be back to back to guard against the sudden attack of the"Peace Messenger" and the monster.

But they couldn't see that the Peace Messenger was grabbed by a big hand into another space immediately after spraying a mouthful of ink.

""Peace Messenger" was frightened, and the tentacles on his face retracted from his face and reorganized into Smith's face.

He looked up and could only see a pair of huge eyes looking at him with a faint blue light..

He was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but found that the touch of the"ground" was a bit strange. He raised his head and looked around, only to find that he was between a huge palm.

"The"Peacemaker" brain is overloaded. Are the memories in the Peacemaker's brain real? Has he really been inspired by"God"?

The""parasite"" hidden in the Peacemaker's body trembles.


The owner of the eyes let out a sigh. The sound seemed to come from the sky and was as deafening as thunder.

Dane stretched out his hand and grabbed two souls from the body of the"Peacemaker". One was the original owner of this body. The real peacemaker.

The other is an alien"parasite" with no fixed shape, like a ball of liquid.

His eyes can see through the peacemaker's body and see the inside of his cells.

With just a brief glance, he It is calculated that the true body of the"parasite" only weighs less than ten grams.

However, its utilization rate of this body is very high. It can be said that just by virtue of its ultra-high utilization rate of parasitizing the target body, they can easily reach Captain America's level. Combat strength level.

If the parasite is replaced by an animal, perhaps the killing ability will be stronger.

However, most"parasites" will only choose to parasitize intelligent creatures.

The reason is that the"parasite" can only use the host's brain to think. , they themselves do not have the ability to think complexly for a long time.

Therefore, once they possess ordinary animals for too long, their thinking patterns will gradually approach those of lower animals, and finally degenerate into real wild animals.

In most cases ,"parasites" will choose to maintain the body shape and appearance of higher intelligent life, because this is the most stable intelligent life form existing in nature and does not require them to change too much.

Like the great white shark in the water and the transformed killer whale , they had to fight quickly to ensure that they would not be assimilated into real sea animals.

So they actually couldn't afford it.

And while Dane was grabbing the soul of the"parasite" to study, its companions , a"parasite" that transformed into a sea beast suddenly found that it had lost its sense of its compatriots.

It possessed a killer whale and could locate its location by emitting ultrasonic waves.

Therefore, the black ink previously sprayed by the"Peace Messenger" was It has no impact at all.

But now, it can no longer find the location of another compatriot.

Could it be that those two humans did something?

This"parasite" wants to give up, and its time is coming. , if it doesn't find a new body, it feels that its intelligence will begin to degrade.

So it hesitated for three seconds, decided to make a strategic retreat, and waited until it reunited with other compatriots to deal with these two humans.

Anyway, they ran away without transportation. Not far away.

Having made the decision, it immediately turned around and retreated.

But before it could swim far, an invisible hand picked it up, and another"parasite" disappeared in this sea area.

Frost Witch I waited back to back with Katana for a long time, but no one came to attack me. I was very puzzled.

The Frost Witch has a brave personality. When she saw that the enemy didn't come for a long time, she took the initiative to attack.

"Since they don't come, let's get out!"

This is exactly what the katana meant. The way of the sword is to forge ahead with determination!

So they rushed out of the turbid water area with a fearless attitude and came outside, only to find that there was nothing outside, except for the ubiquitous marine life.

"What the hell?"

I can understand flying pigeons on a date, but you can also fly pigeons in a life-and-death fight?

But the submersible used by the"Peace Messenger" is still there!

"What do you think this is going on?"

Killer Frost is a little confused, and the same goes for Katana.

"Anyway, let’s get back to the submarine first!"

Killer Frost made a quick decision.

Katana asked:"What if the people in the submarine are with them?"

"Then kill them all!"Killer Frost said murderously.

The katana clenched the"Soul Reaper" and nodded heavily.

The two of them boarded the submersible previously used by the Peacemaker and returned along the original route. Fortunately, the submarine was in There.

This made them relieved. Today's mission was so weird that it made them very nervous. They were afraid that even the submarine would run away.

However, the submarine was still there, which meant that there was a certain possibility that the enemies before were here. on a submarine.

So Killer Frost and Katana discussed it and decided that it would be better to sneak in quietly.

They drove the submersible close to the submarine, and Killer Frost used his freezing ray to freeze a columnar icicle between the two boats. , connecting the two.

Katana used his indestructible"Soul Reaper" to dig a channel in the icicle.

At extremely low temperatures, steel is fragile, and the"Soul Reaper" easily dug out a tunnel that can be A small hole for two people to pass through.

They sneaked into the submarine quietly through this passage. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as they landed inside the submarine, the two felt that something was not right. It was too It was quiet, as quiet as if there was no one.

And they soon discovered that this was not an illusion, there was indeed no one in the submarine.

Just like they had just imagined, there was no one!

A deep fear gripped them tightly The hearts of the two of them were overwhelmed. In the confined space of the deep sea, what could make the entire submarine disappear without a trace?

They already knew before setting off that except for their X contingent, this submarine had no other purpose. People prepare any spare submersibles.

Killer Frost braced himself:"Let's go to the control room to see if we can launch this submarine and leave here."

Their submersible can be used, but the power is not enough to leave this sea.

I originally thought about using the people on the submarine to leave this ghost place, but I didn't expect that there was no ghost on it.

Just the two of them could Start this submarine? The two of them were thinking.

They quickly found the control room, opened the door, and saw a completely incomprehensible console.

Killer Frost and Katana stared at each other with big eyes.

Samurai. Dao couldn't help but ask:"Can you drive a submarine?"

Killer Frost didn't speak, just rolled his eyes at her.

Before she became Killer Frost, she was just a researcher and not a navy. How could she drive a submarine.

Now the two of them were paralyzed, and the opportunity to escape was right in front of them, but they People don't know how to use it at all.

Killer Frost hesitated and thought of another way

"How about we fully charge the submarine, return to the sea, and then use this water suit to swim back..."

Katana didn't say anything, and Killer Frost also knew that this method was unreliable.

They are now in Bermuda, and the biggest trouble is It was difficult to identify the exact location.

Food and rest were easy to solve. They ate sashimi and slept on the airboat.

But the only problem they couldn't solve was not being able to get out.

They were helpless. At that moment, Katana suddenly felt an undetectable change in the air around her.

She silently drew out the"Soul Reaver" and signaled to Killer Frost with her eyes. The other party quickly reacted and followed her footsteps.

When they When they reached the end of the control room, in the captain's position, they saw a back, an extremely tall back. They had never seen this back before. Killer Frost and Katana approached more carefully, and they were ready to take down each other..

When the katana was about to put the knife on the man's neck, when Killer Frost was about to launch the freezing ray, he suddenly found that the back figure had disappeared. It was like the real world was suddenly framed, and the man had no trace of anything. Disappeared without warning

"Are you looking for me?"

The voice came from behind the two of them. They turned around at the same time, the katana brandished the sword, and Killer Frost fired the freezing ray.

But after a while, they returned to the position where they first entered the door.

Killer Frost glanced at the HUD display. Timestamp, and Katana looked at each other in shock.

Time went back three times!.

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