Gotham, Poison Ivy and Harley's cabin.

Harley leaned her entire upper body on the table, arching her body

"So, nothing to talk about."

Poison Ivy walked out of the bathroom, naked.

She saw Harley pretending to be a caterpillar, with her hands on her hips.

"What are you crazy about?"


Harley hugged her and rubbed her little head back and forth in her arms.

"Dane hasn't been here recently, so he must be at that little bitch's place in Wonder Woman again!"

Poison Ivy slapped her hard on the forehead, pushed her away, and then sat elegantly on the sofa.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Harley hurriedly followed over and put her head on Poison Ivy's shoulder.

"Gotham has become so boring lately, let’s go to Metropolis and see it! I heard there was a war there~!"

Poison Ivy was speechless by her. This little crazy guy is really worried that the world will not be in chaos!

After the"Destiny Incident" was solved, the evil forces in Gotham have gone through another round of shuffling.

Especially the Penguin and Two-Face The arrests of people like Black Mask and others have greatly improved the order of Gotham.

Recently, Batman feels much lighter. He no longer has to stay up late every day on duty and fly around the city.

But the crime rate in Gotham has dropped, and Birds of Prey Not long after the team was established, it faced an"unemployment" crisis.

Of course, Gotham's gangs will never disappear, but the number of major cases is indeed much smaller than before.

Because of their outstanding performance in the"Destiny Incident", It also introduced the local gangs in Gotham to such a new superhero organization.

Even though it is all women, there are several ruthless characters.

Bat 557 Girl's reappearance after many years was very successful. When she successfully turned the criminal After the boss Penguin went to bed, he instantly became one of the characters that the gang leaders should not mess with.

But what these gang organizations are most afraid of are Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy in Birds of Prey.

The former is extremely vicious. Heavy, especially the standard weapon alloy sledgehammer, the lightest target will be a third-level disability when hit with the hammer.

Under Bat Girl's advice, Harley did not harm people's lives, but the only thing she can guarantee is not harming lives. , the second half of their lives is basically over.

This is even more uncomfortable than letting them die!

And the latter, Poison Ivy, has become more and more skillful in controlling hormones recently, and almost no man can resist her charm.

She waved her hand and She can make countless men turn against her, and a blowing kiss can make a man die for her.

That involuntary feeling makes gangsters who go into prison tremble with fear every time they mention it.

But they are very Surely, next time they meet Poison Ivy again, they will be as willing to sacrifice their lives for her as this time...

As for the Huntress, her abilities are quite average, but her attacks are also extremely severe, and she almost seriously injured people to death several times.

Bats The girl had quarreled with her many times because of this incident.

Black Canary has very special abilities, but she is the one that the gangsters feel is best to deal with.

Apart from her superpowers, Black Canary is actually very ordinary. She Her fighting ability is not as good as that of Huntress, and her reconnaissance and technical abilities are not as good as that of Batgirl. She is not as crazy as Harley Quinn, and not as charming as Poison Ivy. Black Canary feels that her position is a bit vague, so she has been a little confused recently.

But if she can listen If you look into the thoughts of gangsters and villains, you will definitely hear the words"fishnets and socks YYDS"...

Poison Ivy tapped Harley's little head with her finger:"You, what are you thinking about in your head every day? Isn't it a good thing that Gotham is in good order?"

"This shows that our efforts are effective!"

"But there is no one to play with me! Harley pouted and said dissatisfiedly:"Dane is a bad guy!" He keeps coming to me, so I'll squeeze him dry next time! Poison

Ivy sneered:"Excuse me, when was the first time you didn't beg for mercy loudly?" Harley was even more dissatisfied:"

That's not because you don't help me!" Well, Ivy, you said you were your best friend, but you never helped me when the critical moment came, and you just helped that bastard bully me!"

Poison Ivy couldn't stand her increasingly explicit words, so she quickly stopped the topic.

"stop! Let’s not talk about this anymore. What on earth do you want to do?"

Harry rolled his eyes and his tone became flattering again.

"Dear Ivy, why don’t we, Birds of Prey, go to Metropolis to see it! I have a hunch that something big is going to happen over there this time!"

Poison Ivy is a bit embarrassed. It would be fine if just the two of them go, but if they want to take the Birds of Prey with them, they have to find a reason to convince Bat Girl first.

I don't know if there is any buff bonus from the Bat Family. , Batgirl plays the role of leader most of the time in the Birds of Prey team, but Huntress often seems unconvinced... The ringtone rang, Poison Ivy picked up the phone, and there was Black Canary's avatar on it.

"Dinah?"Poison Ivy said in surprise and answered the phone.

"This is Poison Ivy, Dinah, what's going on?"

Black Canary's helpless voice came from the other end of the phone:"It's Helena and Barbara. They are quarreling again.…"

"Come again? Poison Ivy wondered:"What's the reason this time?""

"Do you still remember that doomsday (bhbc) evil teaching? We found out that they still had some fish that slipped through the net. Harley heard something and rushed over, lying in Poison Ivy's ear and loudly said:"You didn't call me for such a fun thing?" You are all little bitches!"

Poison Ivy was so noisy that her ears hurt. She grabbed her phone with one hand and Harley's face with the other, pushing her away.

"That voice just now was... Harley?"

Black Canary's voice sounded a little surprised. Although we are in the same team, we don't usually have personal contact with each other except for knowing each other's real names.

So Black Canary doesn't know that Poison Ivy and Harley live together.

Poison Fujime glanced at Harley, who was still trying to sneak in. She sighed and said into the phone:"Yes."

No wonder they have the best relationship in the team. Black Canary is not without envy. She also wants a close best friend!

Unfortunately, Huntress and Batgirl are too serious. She feels that they are both The type of strong woman whose career is as big as the sky. An ordinary girl like her can only tremble when she is sandwiched between the two of them.

"In short, when she found those believers, Huntress tracked them into a dilapidated apartment, and then, she found the women inside..."

Black Canary did not continue, but Poison Ivy was able to understand what she meant.

Being Do you still need to guess what will happen to the woman captured by the evil elements?

Huntress has a strong temper, so she became furious when she saw this situation.

Originally, she was very heavy-handed, although her ability value is not as high as Harry's , but often dealt high damage to criminals that Harley rarely dealt.

This time, she was determined to kill her, so she struck straight at the opponent's vital points with all her moves.

The crossbow arrow in her hand even shot directly through the eyeball of a cultist. , reaching directly to the brain stem.

By the time Barbara and Black Canary arrived, Huntress had killed all the men in the apartment on her own.

Of course, it was not all frontal attacks. Huntress also learned to absorb some of the Bat-family’s With experience, they carried forward the Assassin's League's assassination techniques that they had abandoned.

So one can imagine Barbara's mood when she saw the dead bodies on the ground. The Assassin's League skills she taught Helena were not meant for her to use for slaughter. Therefore

, when she found the Huntress, she quarreled with her on the spot, accusing her of using force to commit murder.

Helena also became angry. She accused Batgirl of always asking for tolerance but never truly punishing evil.

As for many evil villains, they always come back

"As long as we kill them, won't there be nothing else to do next?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Her words reminded Barbara of the scene that happened in Wayne Manor.

In order to protect Nightwing and her, Bruce gave up his principles and dyed his hands Blood, when she thought about it, her heart was filled with blood.

It was easy to break the killing habit, but she was afraid of slipping into the abyss.

So she chose to take over Batman's will and continue the"no killing" principle.

But it was limited to"no killing". Most of the time, she turned a blind eye to things like maiming and maiming.

But the huntress felt that she was not quick to do things. Either she didn't do it or she had to do it.

You are treated as a masked vigilante. He even stated the rule of"no killing". Who is this for?

When Harley heard this, she loudly said:"I think that little bitch is right!"

"you shut up! Poison Ivy scolded.

Then she turned to Black Canary and asked,"Tell me the address first, and we'll go there right away!"".

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