Orm looked at Atlanna in front of him, then at the aggressive Dane behind him, and suddenly smiled.

"Mother, is this what you want to see? Let the king of Atlan kneel in front of the enemy's city and repent in public?"

Atlanna trembled and said nothing.

Orm stood up slowly and turned around to face Dane.

"If you think that you can make me or Atlantis surrender by using force, you are wrong, because we will never surrender!"

Dane couldn't help but laugh when he saw a trace of determination on Orm's face.

As the first person to start a war, you really dare to say such things, making it seem like we are villains.

But you Having said that, we can’t turn a blind eye as we should cooperate with your performance, so Dane used the ability he just obtained.


A violent earthquake suddenly occurred on the ground where everyone was standing. Clark’s expression was tense. He felt that this was not like An ordinary earthquake.

So he used X-rays to look below the ground and found a huge thing hidden under the ground, which shocked him!

Dane reminded him in time:"Don't be nervous, it's from our side.""

Clark immediately relaxed.

The next moment, the entire battlefield shook!

A hill suddenly arched out of the flat ground. It grew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it turned from a small hill into a large mountain!

Then the mountain exploded! A huge and ferocious head protruded from the mountain, opened its bloody mouth and roared to the sky.

The huge sound wave seemed to be a weapon, shaking everyone present so hard that their eardrums were about to burst!

Karason appeared!

It appeared from the ground and will His two huge claws were pulled out from the ground, and they pressed on the two Sea Tribe flagships, one on the left and the other on the right, crushing them instantly! The

Atlanteans tried to fight back, and they used the ion weapons in their hands to attack Karason , but the energy emitted by these small toothpicks hit Karasen's thick carapace without leaving even a trace.

Om, he looked at all this blankly, and his originally straight spine bent down again without knowing when. , until he sat on the ground again.

He raised his head, and Dane's face came into view. Although there was a smile on that face, Orm could clearly see the indifference and ruthlessness behind the smile.

Behind his backlight , is the scene of Karason wantonly destroying the Atlantis army.

This scene seems to be torturing his heart: Do you want all your troops to die here, or do you want to surrender obediently?

Superman seems a little intolerable, but he doesn't know what to do What is the reason to stop him?

Atlanna and Vico are more sensible. They know that Dane wants to establish their power and warn them that if they do something wrong, they will pay the price.

Since they dare to take the lead in starting a war, You must dare to bear the consequences!

Especially since the initiator of this matter is Orm. If he refuses to bow his head, Dane can completely regard the war as not over yet.

Since it is not over, then his purpose is to annihilate the enemy. Reasonable behavior.

Arthur is in a dilemma. He does not sympathize with the soldiers, because as soldiers, it is their fate to die on the battlefield, and he himself does not have that sense of belonging to Atlantis now.

The movie" At the end of"Aquaman", when he appeared with Karason, he also went on a killing spree against the Atlantean coalition without any mercy.

But this did not affect his becoming the king of Atlantis.

Arthur just He didn't want his mother to be sad, nor did he want his teacher Vico to turn against Dane.

The most important thing was that he had promised that he would support Dane's decision.

It was Atlan who was obviously wrong in this matter. Tis, what Dane did was reasonable in his opinion, but his methods were a bit cruel.

But a leader cannot live without a cold heart. He still saw this very clearly, Arthur's Kindness does not overflow.

In the submarine, he did not choose to save Black Manta's father when he was about to die, because he knew that those pirates deserved their death.

Orm listened to the screams and finally lowered his head silently:

"Please stop, I am willing to...surrender and accept any punishment."

Dane nodded and sent out invisible waves. Karason behind him seemed to have received the signal and stopped his movements.

"Orm, you must come back with us and accept the imprisonment of the Justice League"

"Arthur, you and Queen Atlanna go and restrain the rest of the army. I don’t want a second Orm to appear and do something like today. Dane finally looked at Mera, as if he didn't know what to say to her.

Mera whispered:"I will go back and tell my father what happened today, and he will not cause you any trouble.""

Dane seemed a little afraid when she heard her speak. It seemed that his indifferent behavior just now had indeed left a deep impression on her.

So he could only nod, which was regarded as acknowledging her decision. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mera breathed a sigh of relief. She was indeed frightened by Dane's cold look just now.

It was just like the wrath of the gods in the mythical stories she had heard.

The Gods of Olympus , like other pantheons, once launched a great flood to cleanse the world.

At that time, the Atlantis Empire was still on land, and they recorded this wrath of the gods.

Therefore, it is different from the general optimism of the Greek people now. Similarly, the descendants of Atlantis not only have"respect" for the gods, but also have"fear".

Orm was taken away by Dane. He teleported Orm back to the Tower of Justice and used the dream to The power of the stone temporarily trapped him in a dream.

And he asked Cortana to start building a water prison. Orm is a prince after all, and built him a larger cell, a VIP supreme prince box.

He was going to The cell was built in Khandak, and Umbrella's people over there were already starting to build a new Justice Building base.

In Metropolis, Atlanna and others began to gather the remaining soldiers.

There was talk, and Superman took action. He was quite measured. Many people were injured in his hands, but very few actually died because of him.

On the contrary, Karason, who was recruited from behind by Dane, went down with a big claw, and a battleship was crushed, killing and wounding. It's often even more tragic.

Arthur can communicate with Karason, and since he can already use the trident freely, Karason is willing to sell him some face.

So at his request, Karason moved his huge body, Returning to the sea.

When Karason left, Atlantis on the shore finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then fell into confusion.

Their king had been taken away, and now the only person who can lead them is Former Queen Atlanna and Half-Blood Prince Arthur Curry

"Atlantis! Today's war is completely unnecessary! You may think you are taking revenge, but I have to say, you are wrong!

There was never any revenge, this war was a well-planned conspiracy! I will explain this matter clearly to you, but first, you must reorganize your army and retreat in an orderly manner!"

The soldiers of the Atlantis army looked at each other, and in the end they could only follow the Queen's orders.

When they saw that Vico was also following the Queen's orders, they naturally could only follow blindly.

After listening to Atlanna's words , they can't tell the truth from the false now, and they don't want to fight.

They don't want to face Superman, or Dane, or Karason again. This attack on the surface world can be said to be a complete failure!

It's just that Because a few people are enough to defeat the Atlantis army. As long as those two people are there, Atlantis will never dare to think about attacking the surface world again.

It seems that Atlanna has achieved it. Her own purpose, but she was not happy at all. Today's battle... No, this can't even be said to be a war. It's just two"gods" crushing a mortal army with their own power.

Atlan The pride and backbone of the people of Thys were severely hit in this battle, and Atlanna was only worried. Vico had roughly the same idea.

Arthur didn't think too much, as long as the war did not happen, he He won't care about those things.

Now (Qian Zhao), all he can think about is how to get rid of the burden of"king".

He doesn't want to be the king of Goba at all, he just wants to swim freely in the sea, He can continue to be his own Aquaman, he can drink whenever he wants, and he can fight whoever he wants.

He often hangs out in remote fishing ports in the Nordic area. The Nordic girls there, tsk tsk~

And after becoming the king, how can he go to the Justice League? Huh? Don’t you have to be bored to death with official duties every day?

Atlanna and Vico haven’t realized that the king they intended has not yet taken office, and they are thinking about how to run away!

As for Clark, he has already settled the matter. Immediately afterwards, he returned to the restaurant where he had a date with Louise, only to find that no one was there.

He was very regretful, and Louise probably thought he had let her go.

But soon his cell phone rang, and he picked it up and called Look, it was Louise. He hurriedly answered the call.

"Is it Clark?"

Clark was about to apologize, but he didn't expect that the other side had already started to apologize first.

"Sorry Clark, I'm afraid today's appointment will be cancelled. I heard that an army from the sea has invaded the beach. I have to go and have a look!"

There was irrepressible excitement in Louise's voice.

Clark was dumbfounded.

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